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<dkaratza[m]> since we have hpx/latch.hpp why do we use hpx/local/latch.hpp in this example?
<hkaiser> dkaratza[m]: good question
<hkaiser> should be hpx/latch.hpp indeed
<hkaiser> in the past we made an effort in separating the local and remote parts of HPX
<hkaiser> many tests and examples related to the core modules (everyting in libs/core/*) rely only on hpx/local/* headers, mostly to avoid circular dependencies between modules
<dkaratza[m]> okay, but I am not sure I understand why we have different header files in which we just include other header files, instead of just having 1 header file. Is it just a leftover or is there a reason behind that?
<hkaiser> dkaratza[m]: for now, I think we should leave that example unchanged
<dkaratza[m]> hkaiser: ok
<satacker[m]> <satacker[m]> "A heads up-have missed something..." <- Figured it out
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