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Thank you! Btw I've rebased the PRs
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ms: Hey, I just downloaded the docker image and installed hpx. So, since I am new to docker, I was wondering how I can use my editor to view a code file inside the docker image.
While building hpx, I came up with a few ideas (in quick start guide) and I would like to try them in order to see how they render
dkaratza: you can, kind of
I recommend you use the `-v` option to docker run
with that you can say e.g. `-v=$PWD:/hpx` and $PWD or whatever you choose will be mounted at /hpx inside the container
then you can edit files normally outside the container and the changes will be visible inside the container as well
one thing to note is that if you put your build directory inside that mounted directory they'll be owned by root also outside the container
alright, since I built hpx inside the docker image, shouldn't I save this image first so that I don't lose my changes?
also, this option -v=$PWD:/hpx won't work for me, since I built hpx inside the docker image, right?
I'd recommend starting over with a new build directory (e.g. build under the source directory)
then the state of the build will be saved even if you shut down the container
if you're going to be making frequent changes to the actual packages inside the image it's better to create a new image, but I'd imagine you won't need that too much right now
the -v won't help after the fact (as far as I know, there might be some docker trickery that lets you do that, but nothing I know of)
I cloned the hpx inside the docker image
why creating the build directory under the hpx source would preserve the changes?
dkaratza: I think he meant with -v flag
Ah, indeed, what gnikunj said
It's easier if you also clone hpx on the host system and then mount that inside the container