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What is the proper way to initialize the HPX run-time from an app that mostly is unaware of HPX?
Is it mandatory to have an `hpx_main` function if I call `hpx::init` ?
`hpx::start` I meant
As I understand it, hpx_main is a bit of a convenience thing that's run when you convert a regular (main) thread into a HPX thread, to make it easy to transition into being a HPX task.
Some of the matrix of startup functions lets you keep the current thread how it is and instead spin up others, but I don't remember how to do that or actually feed them work.
I'm trying now to look at the example init_globally
And I am even more confused. It does not have any call to hpx::init and there's a comment saying:
// The main thread was automatically registered with the HPX runtime,
// no explicit registration for this thread is necessary.
It's even more confusing because this example is supposed to illustrate what to do if HPX is used in a dynamically loaded library. Yet there is a main and the above two lines of comment.
I guess that's done by the global 'init' variable.
HPX also has a static library that can be linked into your application which hooks into your process to initialize HPX early and turn your actual main transparently into a hpx_main). Some of the CMake machinery can do this for you.
Been a while since I dug in this, you may get more current and accurate responses later on.
I've noticed that when I do a linking from CMake, a hpx initialize_main is what calls my main....
But I can see having a use for initializing HPX from a dynamically loaded library.
In a dynamic library, it may be using global ctors/dtors at a linker level, if memory serves me right.
Similar to a regular global, but with more predictable init order.
Looking at the code from the init_globally example, I am a bit puzzled by the use of thread_local static variable, though for the actual code as it, I understand it, but for a use where one thread might want to call hpx functions and then another one might as well, if the first one dies, it seems the hpx runtime will die.
For the exact demo, that's actually something the demo wants to demonstrate.
I think that for dynamic library, global variable are initialized at load time and destroyed either at the end of the execution or when the library is unloaded.
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I got my code working with some of the tools from init_globally. My main remains unaware of HPX. No call from initialize_main.