hkaiser changed the topic of #ste||ar to: STE||AR: Systems Technology, Emergent Parallelism, and Algorithm Research | | HPX: A cure for performance impaired parallel applications | | This channel is logged:
<PatrickDiehl[m]> K-ballo It needs several attempts to write the Makefile. It fails with some error and just running it again works.
<PatrickDiehl[m]> Or even a third time
<K-ballo> sounds very broken
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<Deepak1411[m]> <hkaiser> "Deepak1411, jedi18[m]: the..." <- thanks :)
<ms[m]> diehlpk_work: I'd need details to be able to say or do anything about that
<ms[m]> it definitely sounds broken
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<diehlpk_work> ms[m], I just switched back to HPX 1.6.0 and applied the needed patches
<diehlpk_work> I can create a ticket later with the CMake error for the HPX 1.7.0 build
<ms[m]> diehlpk_work: yes please, otherwise there's no chance for us to fix ti
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<diehlpk_work> I only get this error for HPX 1.7.0 and not for 1.6.0 and 1.5.1
<diehlpk_work> We use 1.6.0 for Octo-Tiger and I accidentally built 1.7.0 having a wrong config file
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