K-ballo changed the topic of #ste||ar to: STE||AR: Systems Technology, Emergent Parallelism, and Algorithm Research | stellar.cct.lsu.edu | HPX: A cure for performance impaired parallel applications | github.com/STEllAR-GROUP/hpx | Buildbot: http://rostam.cct.lsu.edu/ | Log: http://irclog.cct.lsu.edu/
Hi! Just wanted to report a small issue. Using hpx 1.5.0, included `<hpx/include/parallel_sort.hpp>`, and got a series of errors of type "'return_temporary_buffer': is not a member of 'std'". Seems `#include <memory>` is missing somewhere?
Tried `#include <hpx/algorithm.hpp>` with the same result
LiliumAtratum: could you create a ticket with your configuration/cmake config options, please?
oh... my apologies... I just realized it is a bit deeper. We have switched to C++20 recently, and `return_temporary_buffer` was removed
You probably didn't switch just yet ;)
good catch
why are we still using temporary buffer anyhow?
I wasn't even aware we did
or is there some newer version than 1.5.0 that I should pull?
hpx/parallel/algorithms/detail/spin_sort.hpp has them
LiliumAtratum: only the next release is planned for c++20 compliance, we are not fully compliant yet
ok, thx :)
LiliumAtratum: pls create a ticket, I'll fix it
ok, I will create one. But I am sure, once you try compiling with C++20 you will hit the exact same error somewhere ;)
I see you have a more general ticket `Adapt parallel algorithms to C++20 #4822`
LiliumAtratum: having a ticket will help in any case
Created something small. #4971 is up.
and yes, actually compiling things before committing helps
LiliumAtratum has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
LiliumAtratum has joined #ste||ar
Thank you :)
Looking forward to 1.6.0
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it's gonna be a while
akheir has joined #ste||ar
I see a whole bunch of internal #include <hpx/modules/*.hpp>, are those intentional or just lazy?
K-ballo: what do you mean?
including an entire module for just one piece
is there some sort of design decision to only include entire modules?
K-ballo: we have talked about it but have not made a final decision
we don't have a clear rule for that :/
K-ballo: it's probably done to avoid constant changes while we were shuffling headers back and forth
there should be a fundamentals module with core functionality like invoke, always_void, void_guard, pack, range
the lambda stuff, although we shouldn't be using that anymore
it doesn't make sense to pull the entire functional module for the invoke macro, or the entire type support module for always_void, or the entire iterator support module for range begin/end
K-ballo: feel free ;-)
K-ballo: although, I think that just pulling the headers you need is fine