Watching this Tanki Zhang talk on a coroutine-based job scheduler
wonder if that's a potential thing for Stellar
bita is at CppCon
"at" indeed
yeah, I am attending CppCon
That coroutine talk reminded me a bit of what goes on in the scheduler (what I can remember of it, anyway) or at least the user-facing bits
co_await seems like an alternative way to express dependencies and I wondered whether anyone here was thinking of investigating it in the future
there's some glue code somewhere to use `co_await` on hpx primitives
Actually I wasn't at Tanki' talk, but I will look it up. Thanks for informing us :)
bita: how good are the snacks this year?
There is a virtual snacking_club. It's pretty much fun
One attendee said that it is as awkward as talking to strangers in real life, so I think we got it
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