hkaiser changed the topic of #ste||ar to: STE||AR: Systems Technology, Emergent Parallelism, and Algorithm Research | | HPX: A cure for performance impaired parallel applications | | Buildbot: | Log: | GSoC:
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<gnikunj[m]> hkaiser: FTXS deadline extended by 1 week. Scott emailed me informing about the change.
<gnikunj[m]> we have another week to try and show results on a benchmark.
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<hkaiser> gnikunj[m]: nice!
<gnikunj[m]> hkaiser: btw I have mostly polished the current version. Don't think there is any theoretical change anymore, more like structural changes here and there.
<gnikunj[m]> I'd say its more like a pre-final draft
<hkaiser> yes, looks good so far, I'll do a once over soon
<gonidelis[m]> hkaiser: sorro for the overshigtes
<gonidelis[m]> I guess I was caught up in the process
<hkaiser> gonidelis[m]: np at all
<gonidelis[m]> pretty bad mistakes
<gonidelis[m]> I ll fix them asap
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<gnikunj[m]> hkaiser: yt?
<hkaiser> here
<gnikunj[m]> hkaiser: If I pass a custom class to a channel, does the custom class requires to have a default constructor?
<gnikunj[m]> I'm getting this error when trying to compile the code: /work/ngupta/src/hpx/libs/serialization/include/hpx/serialization/detail/non_default_constructible.hpp:26:9: error: no matching function for call to 'partition_data::partition_data()'
<hkaiser> yes, that's because serialization requires default-constructible types
<gnikunj[m]> aah, ok. Adding a default constructor won't add any adverse effects to the code right?
<hkaiser> no, if you can sensibly initialize your type
<gnikunj[m]> well its working without having one, so I'm sure I'm not doing anything wrong with the code. I'll add a default constructor then. Thanks!
<gnikunj[m]> hkaiser: if I'm adding a custom class to a channel, is there anything specific I need to do other than to make the custom class serializable? I'm getting weird link time errors
<hkaiser> if you type is serializable things should be fine
<hkaiser> *your*
<gnikunj[m]> this is the type of link time error I'm getting: 1d_stencil_replay_distributed.cpp:(.text._ZNK3hpx7actions20transfer_base_actionINS_4lcos6server7channelI14partition_dataS5_E21set_generation_actionEE18get_component_typeEv[_ZNK3hpx7actions20transfer_base_actionINS_4lcos6server7channelI14partition_dataS5_E21set_generation_actionEE18get_component_typeEv]+0x1): undefined reference to
<gnikunj[m]> `hpx::traits::component_type_database<hpx::lcos::server::channel<partition_data, partition_data>, void>::get()'
<hkaiser> did you add the channel macros?
<gnikunj[m]> yes I did
<hkaiser> hm
<gnikunj[m]> using communication_type = std::vector<partition_data>;
<gnikunj[m]> HPX_REGISTER_CHANNEL_DECLARATION(communication_type);
<gnikunj[m]> HPX_REGISTER_CHANNEL(communication_type, stencil_communication);
<gnikunj[m]> partition_data is my custom class and I have a serialization function inside of it
<hkaiser> but the channel does not handle a vector<partition_data> but just partition_data
<gnikunj[m]> ohh right
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<gnikunj[m]> hkaiser: ok it works. Stupid me :?
<gnikunj[m]> *:/
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<gonidelis[m]> Is this `for (int i : v)` functionallity possible in her just because of the ranges library ?
<gonidelis[m]> no :E ?
<K-ballo> no
<gnikunj[m]> freenode_gonidelis[m]: you don't need ranges to get that functionality
<K-ballo> that's been available since C++11
<gonidelis[m]> cool
<gonidelis[m]> ranges are more likely bounded to the algos, right?
<K-ballo> bounded?
<gonidelis[m]> I mean, their functionallity won't be that visible if you don't apply sth on your range.
<gonidelis[m]> It's not just that they remove the iterator constraint
<K-ballo> apply?
<gonidelis[m]> yeah, an algo
<K-ballo> I don't understand what the underlying question is
<gonidelis[m]> Do ranges help us get rid of the iterators?
<gonidelis[m]> probably no... we had gotten rid of iterators before ranges were introduced (since C++11 as you mentioned above_
<gonidelis[m]> )
<gonidelis[m]> *
<K-ballo> we haven't gotten rid of iterators
<K-ballo> nor we want to
<gonidelis[m]> well I didn't have to use them in the code that I sent you
<gnikunj[m]> freenode_gonidelis[m]: I think you're confusing between what ranges do vs what range based for loops do
<K-ballo> but yes, the main facility a range library brings is the ability to pass `rng` instead of `rng.begin(), rng.end()` when we want to operate on an entire range
<gonidelis[m]> thus we are certainly more relaxed
<K-ballo> the code that you sent does use iterators, you just don't see them
<gonidelis[m]> freenode_gnikunj[m]: yeah could be that ;/
<gonidelis[m]> ahh yeah you are right...
<gonidelis[m]> are c++20 ranges useful whithout using the `views::` thing
<gonidelis[m]> ?
<gonidelis[m]> plus
<gonidelis[m]> Is there some iterator-based way to apply the sentinel functionallity in a container?
<gnikunj[m]> hkaiser: what is the general cause for "this future has no valid shared state: HPX(no_state):" error?
<gnikunj[m]> I haven't called a get on it twice
<hkaiser> then it's not initialized, or you have called .then()
<hkaiser> .then() invalidates it as well
<gnikunj[m]> I have called .then on it, yes
<K-ballo> gonidelis[m]: containers have sentinels already: .end()
<gonidelis[m]> what if I want some middle value randomly placed inside my container that satisfies a predicate to be my stentinel K-ballo
<gonidelis[m]> ?
<K-ballo> what then? you just do it
<K-ballo> there's nothing special about containers there
<gonidelis[m]> could I do it before c++20 ranges?
<gonidelis[m]> using iterators?
<gonidelis[m]> K-ballo:
<K-ballo> yes, at a much higher cost
<gnikunj[m]> hkaiser: how do I get the result if I'm attaching a continuation to a future using .then() and calling get on the new future?
<K-ballo> given an iterator type and a sentinel type, you can always create a new iterator type that's either one or the other
<hkaiser> the new future (returned from then) gives you whatever the continuation returns
<gnikunj[m]> it is giving no valid state error
<gonidelis[m]> K-ballo: ok I am a little confused... so bottom line: do c++20 ranges facilitate this whole process of "much higher cost" ?
<hkaiser> gnikunj[m]: you might have swallowed an exception
<K-ballo> yes, a sentinel is by any metric you choose "cheaper" than an iterator that's a union of another iterator and a sentinel
<gnikunj[m]> hkaiser: crap, copy paste error
<gonidelis[m]> K-ballo: bravo ranges then!
<gnikunj[m]> why is it always a stupid copy paste error :/
<hkaiser> lol
<gnikunj[m]> for a moment I was questioning my understanding of futures :|
<gonidelis[m]> hkaiser: sorry for not handling the errors on my PR yet, it's just that I want to complete this blogpost and I am trying to make it a little reader-friendly....
<hkaiser> gonidelis[m]: take your time
<hkaiser> no rush
<gnikunj[m]> hkaiser: I have better errors to work with now. Segmentation fault ;-)
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<jbjnr> hkaiser, just running benchmarks on your synchronization branch now. Will get results in morning.
<hkaiser> jbjnr: thanks a lot!
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<gnikunj[m]> hkaiser: some good news. At least now we're not in 8s and 300s category. I was able to scale things down to 28s and 44s w/wo distributed resilience. All the overheads are due to network bandwidth really, but we can't do much about it.
<gnikunj[m]> I'll play around more in the morning to see if I can get it lower further
<hkaiser> gnikunj[m]: good