Could you try srun to run the mpi job?
You dont have use mpirun ..
thanks nanmiao11
hkaiser: could it be that slurm is not configured with `--with-pmi`?
thanks nanmiao11
gnikunj[m]: talk to akheir about this, pls
gnikunj[m]: Al just said that he has built slurm without mpi support (if I understood correctly), please work with him to find an apropriate way to launch mpi apps on rostam
hkaiser: thanks. will do.
akheir has joined #ste||ar
gnikunj[m] Would you like to have a short zoom meeting with me?
hkaiser, Which HPX version is needed to used with Blaze?
Using HPX 1.4.1 I get /usr/include/blaze/math/smp/hpx/DenseVector.h:43:10: fatal error: hpx/include/parallel_for_loop.hpp: No such file or directory
diehlpk_work: any should work
you might get warnings about obsolete headers
hkaiser, see the error message above
ms[m]: I was thinking more about what we talked about this morning
the the range and mdrange stuff might be more appropriate for for_loop than for for_each
diehlpk_work: could you post this again, pls?
hkaiser, I get this strange error /usr/include/blaze/math/smp/hpx/DenseVector.h:43:10: fatal error: hpx/include/parallel_for_loop.hpp: No such file or directory
diehlpk_work: do you install hpx?
shahrzad, Yes
your application is responsible for setting up HPX for blaze
blaze doesn't know anything about this, even if you tell it to use the HPX backend
I got this when I was building blazemark but was including the source hpx files
since that header has been moved to another directory after modularizing HPX
your application cmake file should do a find_package(HPX) and target_link_libraries(<your-target> HPX::hpx)
(with recent HPX versions that is)
hkaiser: nod, good point
both of them kind of fit
the nice thing with the cpos is this kind of thing will be very easy to implement
for_loop would be next after for_each in any case, I can have a go at that as well
hkaiser, Ok, I found the issue, I did all this, but if I use the the hpx in the build dir it does not work
I have to use the isntalled version of HPX
That header has been unchanged for a long time (including 1.5.0)
ms[m], I found the issue
ms[m]: right, thanks!
I should not use hpx/build/lib/cmake and I have to install HPX first
diehlpk_work: find_package() should work from the build-directory as well
at least it works for me
hkaiser, No, the HPX_INCLUDE_DIR is empyt and therefore HPX headers are not found
don't use those cmake variables, use the HPX::hpx target instead
Ok, will do
we deprecated using the cmake variables - ms[m], rori: we might want to explicitly mention this in the release notes
Ok, I will update my code accordingly
"hkaiser" (https://matrix.to/#/@freenode_hkaiser:matrix.org): yeah, good point
But something else isn't set up correctly in that case, the HPX_LIBRARIES variable should still work (although not recommended) and give the include directories if linked to
ms[m]: HPX_INCLUDE_DIR is emtpy
the include directories would come via the cmake target in HPX_LIBRARIES
ms[m]: sure, I know
hkaiser has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
Does CI still install everything in system directories or is it actually testing library lookup?
System... That is indeed something we could change