question: on this sample code the author says that they achieve what they want "but there are no partial funciton template specializations, so this does not solve the problem" https://wandbox.org/permlink/dOSUJjfHb4ndPzQS . But there are no partial specializations here... ?
The problem is to integrate two libraries in a single program
it's not partial specialization, but full function specialization
ok but they have managed to make the `framework` lib work along with the `boost` lib without the end-user being concerned
He has created the desired customization point... what's the problem in this implementation?
The procedure is like: `process` func sees the base template when parsed and then when it is instantiated it looks for the specialization
But that for some reason is a problem...
partial function template specializations don't exist in the language, so of course there woudln't be any
K-ballo: yup... that's what I am saying
He might missed his point... does partial specialization has to do anything with the fact that parsing takes place independently from instantiation?
I don't actually know what you are saying then
due to the lack of partial function template specializations, the specialization approach does not solve the problem.. it's missing the optional<T> case
grr.. yeah it makes sense now... He messed up this paragraph ¯_(ツ)_/¯
did he? where?
I mean... he says "it works!" but he does not cover the `optional<T>` case...
isn't line 56 here a partial specialization?
and line 68 too?
no, no, those are overloads
ahhhh.... right! got it! thanks
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gnikunj[m]: thanks for looking into #4877, nice oslution
gnikunj[m]: there is another issue with hpx_main, though: #4880
hkaiser: why is it that when we create a CPO we inherit from `hpx::functional::tag<foo_algo>` ?
gonidelis[m]: all cpos essentially do the same thing, the inheritance allows to have this functionality written once (the necessary operator()())
without that inheritance every CPO would have to define the operator()() directly
gonidelis[m]: in case you didn't notice, this uses the CRTP technique (see lectures)
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hkaiser: operator()() means -> operator()(args) right?
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hkaiser: wow didn't know about CRTP actually... don't remember menioning it in the lectures. But it's really mindblowing. The advantage of CRTP is that we have a base functionallity and then adapt it according to each specialization?
plus on the `tag` codebase I don't understand what these lines are doing
a) make the operator()() noexcept if the function called is noexcept and b) define the return type
oh ok thanks! hkaiser on the advantage thing I would like to rephrase: the main functionallity is that base classes can access members of derived classes
gonidelis[m]: and yes, CRTP allows to implement static polymorphism (i.e. polymorphism without virtual functions)
btw that's an odd line, decltype(args) rather than `Args&&` (or simply `Args`).. it was giving trouble on some recent msvc version
yes, that's exactly what it's doing
K-ballo: yah, that's heller1's code
but I can change it, it's used in other spots in this file as well, I believe
actually, I looks like I fixed it everywhere else, forgot this place :/
hkaiser: on more thing: why do we name the cpo `copy_t`? in this way written, could the user use `copy_t(sth)`?
hkaiser: I 'll fix it for you...
gonidelis[m]: copy_t is the type, while copy is the variable name of that type
struct copy_t : tag<copy_t> {...} copy;
yeah yeah sorry.... right. Still, the user could use copy_t() though, right? It's an rvalue
the user writes copy(...)
I mean like we use `int(11)`
you can't 'invoke' a type, only an instance of some type
gonidelis[m]: int(11) is a type conversion
it results in a temporary instance of an 'int'
a user may, but that's just not the exposed interface
but copy() invokes the operator()()
it's the same as copy.operator()()
K-ballo: ok that's what I am saying. Just to be sure that I get that right. hkaiser Yeah you are right...
gonidelis[m]: sure, the user could write copy_t()(...), but why?
hkaiser: yeah for sure there is no reason. It's a just a mini exercise for comprehension for me :)
tag_invoke expects the type of the CPO as its first argument
just writing tag_invoke(*this, ...) would do the wrong thing, as it resolves to tag<Tag>() instead of Tag()
gonidelis[m]: you correctly said, that CRTP can be used to call functions on the derived class, so you need to tell the compiler to actually use the derived class, i.e. Tag
hmm ok good. So we use `tag_invoke` from the base `tag` class, where it is just declared without a body. And then we define the body inside our `copy_t` specialized class
is that right?
that's one way of doing it, yes
that tag_incoke implementation has to be found by the compiler based on usual function overloading rules, making it a friend of the CPO does that nicely
any other means of applying ADL would do the trick as well
ok. that's a very very smart and convoluted way. The cpo has the operator() overload because of the base class and when it is actually called like `copy(sth)` it uses tag_invoke which by its way lies on the base class but is actually defined in the cpo body...
ADL rules!
read wg21.link/p1895 for the full story
believe me this page is always open on my browser along with anything else
I keep diggin into it but it's quite technical... quite strict but I think I 'll get it
do the functions that are inside the DOXYGEN part have to match any of the functions outside DOXYGEN part? Or do I just copy them from the standard?
they don't, but the documentation is generated from it, so it better be correct ;-)
they don't? you mean they don't match our code?
they don't have to (it's not enforced), but they better do
oh ok
is there any case that our functions are a little bit different?
the concept requires are not in the docs
that's the reason I asked
it doesn't have to be
doxygen would get confused by the concepts
ok great
but it is mandatory that they match the std right?
gonidelis[m]: that's what we would like to achieve, yes
I can't see any proj argument on the non-ranges declaration here
Does this decl exist in the std? I just can't find it...
hkaiser: Now the adaptations that I made here on /algorithms/transform.hpp stay here and I just readd the deprecated ones? Or I need to move those adaptations on the /container_algorithms/transform.hpp
execution policies are from non-ranges, projections are from ranges, you won't see a declaration with both execution policies and projections in the standard
hkaiser: you're welcome :) looking into #4880 now
gonidelis[m]: leave the 'old' algorithms unchanged and add CPO based new ones that conform to the standard
also add range based overloads that support execution policies
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range overloads are the iterB iterE ones?