so in hpx thread join(), internally has a std::unique_lock<mutex_type> l(mtx_);
that's a lock
uhh ohh
otherwise, I am not seeing other locks in my code...
what function in thread::join does suspend?
there is an explicit suspend, but the lock is unlocked before it's being called
// register callback function to be called when thread exits if (threads::add_thread_exit_callback( id_, util::bind_front(&resume_thread, this_id))) { // wait for thread to be terminated util::unlock_guard<std::unique_lock<mutex_type>> ul(l);
also, ms[m], heller1, everybody: unfortunately we have lost all content that was added since December to all of our websites
any help you can give (send old versions of block posts, publications we added to the pages, etc. would be appreciated
hkaiser, heller1 I think we should add some publication and not only the Zenodo DOI on HPX's Readme
diehlpk_work: we could add the link to the publications page
hkaiser: uhoh, what happened?
the provider lost a harddrive
We should add the hpx publication
some serious hardware trouble apparently - power outage can do that
Glad it's back though
not all of it yet, but yah
hkaiser, We should put two publications there and the link to our publication list
hpx.stellar-group.org is 100% gone
We might could add HPX – An open source C++ Standard Library for Parallelism and Concurrency
diehlpk_work: ok
and another one
diehlpk_work: instead of a list of more or less random publications, one should have a "if you want to cite, use this one..."
Also we should add some references in the documentation
heller1, Yes, I agree but which one do we use?
I favor for the JOSS paper and the one above
HPX – An open source C++ Standard Library for Parallelism and Concurrency
Most people used this one here in the last two years
We got 25 citations for this one
And the pgas one
Ok, so we could add these two and the JOSS paper or?
Which one represents hpx the most?
I like the HPX – An open source C++ Standard Library for Parallelism and Concurrency
We have a nice overview of all HPX components there
or the JOSS paper
Is there joss paper accepted?
No, hkaiser wants to do a final edit before submissiom
Since it is official now, I joined the JOSS fournal as the editor for Computational fracture mechanics, Applied mathematics, C++, asynchronous and task-based programming
I can try to recreate some of the pages where I more or less remember what they contained
ms[m]: nod, let me create a login for you
diehlpk_work: do we just want a bibtex entry in the docs that people can copy-paste into their bibtex file? I'm not sure I understood what you were looking for with https://github.com/STEllAR-GROUP/hpx/issues/4698
archive.org sadly only has a snapshot from April 2019.
ms[m]: what user name should I use, whta email?
hkaiser: simbergm@cscs.ch is fine, simbergm as user name
ms[m]: done, just go through the change password to login
ms[m], I was asking if we can put a bibtex file and justy put the bibtex entry in the documentation to obtain the citation
hkaiser: thanks
diehlpk_work: yes, absolutely
we just either include a file inline or have it directly in the docs
Ok, so if people provide you with the references, could you add them?
yeah, sure
don't we want just one though? at least as the thing to cite
"Use the following information to cite HPX in your work..."
As starting point we could use the ones from the JOSS paper
I think these are two different things
We should provide one or two references on the READMe
In publications the latest release of HPX can be cited as: zenodo_doi .
I think we should add a paper there. Probably the JOSS paper
And do the same for the modules
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Hi folks. I was hoping someone could help me understand the HPX serialization process. I have a pretty simple struct:
struct joined_location { string safegraph_place_id; double latitude; double longitude; uint64_t location_cbg; // Serialization support: even if all of the code below runs on one // locality only, we need to provide an (empty) implementation for the // serialization as all arguments passed to actions have to support this.
friend class hpx::serialization::access; template<typename Archive> void serialize(Archive &ar, const unsigned int version) const { ar & safegraph_place_id & latitude & longitude & location_cbg; }};
that's an odd comment to have there..
When compiling I'm getting an error: static_assert failed due to requirement 'dependent_false<const double>::value' "Not serialization method found"
your serialize member is const, it's not supposed to as it does both load and save
Well that's embarrassing.
Do components need to implement serialization as well, or only data class?
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hkaiser: heller ? ^
diehlpk_work: so we'd want:
nickrobison12: only if you need to migrate them
1. the zenodo doi on the readme and in the docs for citing hpx the software
2. a page in the docs with all the hpx papers (joss and some of the older papers, including bibtex entries)
3. a page with hpx-related papers, but this should be what already existed on hpx.stellar-group.org before it went down
ms[m], 1. the zenodo doi and the JOSS paper on the readme and a link to all publication on our webpage
nickrobison12: also, if you're just local, there's no need to use actions. But yes, all arguments to actions need to be serializable.
2. I would put the references on the module page
diehlpk_work: is the idea that people cite both joss and zenodo?
The const needs to go, as K-ballo said
the modules shouldn't be cited
I'm not sure what references you want to put there
heller1 That's what I was thinking. It's making more sense now, appreciate the answers to by dumb questions!
yes, joss for hpx in general and zendoo for the specific version
There are no dumb questions
diehlpk_work: ok, zenodo and joss make sense in that case
ms[m], Fir the module it is not about citing them. More for details
I'd probably add just one page in the docs though, and link to it from the readme
right, well, that's module specific
I don't think we have many papers to cite for any module
some are in the code and I like them more there because it's much easier to notice for someone changing that particular part
hkaiser: Is it a good idea to use `iter_sent.hpp` that I created last week, for my `is_sentinel_for` trait test? If not, then how could I find a proper sentinel iterator pair for testing?
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gonidelis[m]: sure, feel free to use it
gonidelis[m]: make sure to test with iterator pairs as well
ok thank you both :)
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hkaiser: Just watched the Template Meta Programming lecture... Just amazing! The lecture answered like 5-6 questions that I already had while your students questions were right on point on what I would ask if I was there. You described the core concepts of template programming in a way that it can't be found in regular reference pages. I am really thrilled... Going back to code should be a lot easier now :q
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test(...) is C style variadics, check cppreference
fwiw that's an old style trait.. apparently because it needed to support vs2013?
maybe we can bring it up to this century now
K-ballo: I mean, where could I find how test works?
`test()` ^^
some old school books... abraham's metaprogramming one, probably
test() doesn't do anything, it never runs
it is only being used to drive overload resolution, and find out which overload the compiler picks
that's one yucky trait..
hkaiser, LSU will integrate GitHub classroom into LSU;s moodle this fall.
So we can use it in our course
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can't install hpx:
- nothing provides libboost_program_options.so.1.69.0()(64bit) needed by hpx-1.4.1-2.fc33.x86_64
Anyone seen this issue?
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diehlpk_work: is boost program_options available?
hkaiser, Need to check it is a bug in the upcoming Fedora release
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Does anyone have successfully built hpx these days? With what commit?
Haven't tried in a while.
weilewei: I built the core library just yesterday or yesterday before
Actually I built that PR doing the changes on thread_mapper, and then the recent stable
Yorlik don't you have compilation issue with /gpfs/alpine/proj-shared/cph102/weile/dev/src/hpx_mpi_async/hpx/components/containers/partitioned_vector/src/partitioned_vector_component_std_string.cpp:33:10: required from here/gpfs/alpine/proj-shared/cph102/weile/dev/src/hpx_mpi_async/hpx/libs/futures/include/hpx/futures/future.hpp:426:42: error:
static assertion failed: Cannot use the dummy implementation of future_then_dispatch, please use one of the template specialization. static_assert(sizeof(Future) == 0, "Cannot use the
I do not build the mpi stuff
So hpx_mpi_async stuff I'm, pretty sure is not in my build
even without hpx mpi async, same error occurs
hpx_mpi_async is my folder name...
You're building on Alpine Linux?
<-- Does Windoze
it is on debian linux
Stable or Sid?
Stable Debian is very conservative / lagging behind.
not sure...
Buster (Debian 10) is current
If you didn't do anything special you're on Buster most likely
But I think it ~should build there.
weilewei: Did you change many of the default CMake flags? Because I did not
My build is prety close to default.
And i am not building tests or examples
Yorlik mine too, same
Is this build error of yours in the core library?