would you mind explaining a bit more about what the problem is with the constexpr and how the workaround works?
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constexpr allows for constant initialization, so globals dont need to run code to initialize, so order doednt matter
the workaround hses meyer's workaround with function level statics
How would I serialize and deserialize Components and possibly write / extend serialization? I need to start basic persistence, at least for development purposes.
AND: Json would be greatly appreciated for hand editing offline.
Yorlik: no json format if you use HPX serialization, that will always produce a binary format
otherwise, read about Boost serialization and replace boost::serialization:: with hpx::serialization::
Allright. I assume I could overload and create a deserializer from json?
Uh - forget it - I'll create something different for that purpose
hkaiser - how would I reconstruct a component with a pinned id_type? I'll have to write something to persist to database and read from database and I want to use JSONB data in PostGreSQL for that. Thus I need to write custom code.
The default serializer probably is just for networking and maybe hibernation.
I must admit I'm getting increasingly frustrated with the HPX documentation. I generated Doxygen docs - but the code comments showing up there are also very sparse.
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Yorlik: correct, hpx serialization is for networking
I need to solve the creation and the peristence problem for now.
creation from a simple text format, like json - no IDs needed here, and persistence with peristent IDs
the formatting is done in the archives, however, so writing your own archive might work
we have never cared about different formats
So I could subclass the archives and have a json archive?
What about the IDs? I need them to be persistent - otherwise I'll have to create a cumbersome custom ID system - I think you did a patch some time ago right?
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Yorlik: I wouldnt try to introduce another format for hpx serialization
there might be dragons lurking...
I just need to solve these two problems.
why not just store the binary stream in postgresql directly?
Because I can't query it
what do you need to query for?
The strength of PostGRS is the query language
For example to analyze what's going on
Like how rich is a player
well, that's not too specific
How much value is in the world
What's the distribution of mobile difficulties
How os our resource distribution
etc.. pp
Also you need offline object editing
Postgres# JSONB is perfect for that, isnce we can have a schemaless format
So - objects would get stored in a versioned json.
JSONB in that case.
Since we will store only about every 5 minutes and use a write behind in memory buffer in between it should work.
For generative purposes I'll probably just write some functions to read json files and creat objects from them. The ID then gets assigned by AGAS. But I also need to restore / load from database and have the old ID back.
Maybe I should just use Lua scripts - after all Lua also is nice for DSLs
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unresolved external symbol "public: static int __cdecl hpx::traits::component_type_database --> Which compoenent dependency would that be? And how can I figure that out on my own in the future?
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