hkaiser changed the topic of #ste||ar to: STE||AR: Systems Technology, Emergent Parallelism, and Algorithm Research | | HPX: A cure for performance impaired parallel applications | | This channel is logged:
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<gonidelis[m]> dkaratza: hkaiser should id adding links here an overdemand?
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<beojan> Hi. I'm working on porting (/ evaluating porting) Gaudi (the ATLAS and LHCb core framework) to use HPX, in order to build a multi-node version
<beojan> I have a few questions. First, is it possible to use HPX without a persistent runtime that has to be initialized at program start. We're envisioning something along the lines of a TBB task_arena.
<beojan> Gaudi's architecture is such that it consists of a number of modules that are essentially Python modules. The main process is python, and these modules are all loaded and glued together with Python.
<beojan> The second, following on from this, is whether it's possible to essentially have nested HPX "instances"? We'd like to have one instance coordinating our nodes, and a separate instance on each node coordinating the threads.
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<beojan> Hi. Reposting in case someone missed it earlier.
<beojan> I'm working on porting (/ evaluating porting) Gaudi (the ATLAS and LHCb core framework) to use HPX, in order to build a multi-node version
<beojan> have a few questions. First, is it possible to use HPX without a persistent runtime that has to be initialized at program start. We're envisioning something along the lines of a TBB task_arena.
<beojan> Gaudi's architecture is such that it consists of a number of modules that are essentially Python modules. The main process is python, and these modules are all loaded and glued together with Python.
<beojan> The second, following on from this, is whether it's possible to essentially have nested HPX "instances"? We'd like to have one instance coordinating our nodes, and a separate instance on each node coordinating the threads.
<hkaiser> beojan: you can initialize hpx at any point and exit it later as well
<hkaiser> you can also restart it, if you want
<hkaiser> hpx can not be nested inside the same executable
<hkaiser> (I meant process)
<beojan> Thanks
<beojan> Is it OK to fake the argc and argv passed to HPX_Start, and do you have any guidance on pitfalls to be aware of if we do this?
<hkaiser> beojan: we've been initializing hpx from a python module before
<hkaiser> that also demonstrates how to get at argc/argv
<hkaiser> essentially you expose init/exit functions to Python and invoke it as needed (e.g.
<hkaiser> in this case we called init from Python and exit on module unload (
<beojan> I see.
<beojan> That's similar to how I started prototyping (but my prototype is much simpler because I don't want the user fiddling with HPX configuration arguments anyway), but my prototype seemed a little too hacky
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