K-ballo changed the topic of #ste||ar to: STE||AR: Systems Technology, Emergent Parallelism, and Algorithm Research | stellar.cct.lsu.edu | HPX: A cure for performance impaired parallel applications | github.com/STEllAR-GROUP/hpx | Buildbot: http://rostam.cct.lsu.edu/ | Log: http://irclog.cct.lsu.edu/
K-ballo: btw: using void tag_invoke(...) = delete; as the poison pill breaks MSVC
I'm not even sure how the segmented iterator case is even supposed to work with the kind of dispatch tag_invoke (as proposed) does, since there's no associated namespace for "all the iterators that satisfy segmented iterator"
K-ballo: we assume they are in a special namespace
all segmented iterators must be in some predefined hardcoded iterator?
at this point yes :/
this stinks
all the customization point machinery when no customization is expected nor desired, associated namespace lookup where only a specific hardcoded namespace is supported
I'll wait to hear about that 3 level use case, to see if something can be done about it
at the very least, this thing should be called anything but tag_invoke
K-ballo: so you main beef is the name?
no, the whole thing sounds misguided
K-ballo: I wouldn't go that far
it does explain why you need three different implementations
I think 'nned' is the wrong term here
the problem with the name is that it's chosen to mean something very specific to both users and compilers, and these uses of the name mean neither
those are convenience tools
if a tag_invoke eventually does get accepted, this thing will conflict both in adl name and in user expectations
naming it something else solves that
Rene called it duck_invoke ;-)
duck_invoke was the name of a tag_invoke implementation
his, apparently
I suspect we don't care about the goals of tag_invoke at all, but rather want some sort of overload refinement (+ nice objects)
the executor APIs are CPOs, however (async_execute and friends
the algorithms not so much
those sound like they could actually be CPs
using tag_invoke for CPs is a good idea, but it shouldn't ever need the extra levels
if I define my own executor it's reasonable that I may want to override async_execute (or go with the default based on some other stuff mine models)
hkaiser has quit [Quit: bye]
K-ballo has quit [Quit: K-ballo]
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K-ballo: hkaiser, you covered one of the use cases of the fallback pretty thoroughly... Another one is customization based on the execution policy
And you're right that right now the fallback is odd but with concepts (iiuc) we wouldn't need it
The override on the other hand I added for wording in p0443 which says that member functions should be preferred even if free functions
I may have missed a better way of achieving that or just plain misinterpreted the proposal as well (and the proposal obviously doesn't talk about tag_invoke, so it's not 100% the same anyway)
and the fallback/override versions should only ever have one implementation, so those would maybe not need the full machinery for customization
Yorlik has joined #ste||ar
hkaiser has joined #ste||ar
gnikunj: btw, related to your resiliency work, it might be interesting for you to have a look at wg21.link/p0443 section "2.9 Appendix: The retry Algorithm"
ms woah!
jehelset has joined #ste||ar
Hey everyone!
Thank you for accepting me as the technical writer for GSoD!
I would go through all the materials provided by hkaiser in the mail, and see you folks on the 20th :D
rachitt_shah[m]: well, it wasn't me bu ms[m], but anyways - welcome!