K-ballo changed the topic of #ste||ar to: STE||AR: Systems Technology, Emergent Parallelism, and Algorithm Research | stellar.cct.lsu.edu | HPX: A cure for performance impaired parallel applications | github.com/STEllAR-GROUP/hpx | Buildbot: http://rostam.cct.lsu.edu/ | Log: http://irclog.cct.lsu.edu/
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<weilewei> hkaiser see PM, please
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<hkaiser> gn
<hkaiser> gnikunj[m]: yt?
<hkaiser> gnikunj[m]: if you see this: there is just one test failure left: https://cdash.cscs.ch/testDetails.php?test=34420894&build=140503
<hkaiser> could this be a problem with the test itself?
<hkaiser> ms[m]: yt?
<gonidelis[m]> hkaiser: still awake?
<hkaiser> already awake ;-)
<gonidelis[m]> hkaiser: wow... not even dawn there yet
<hkaiser> 4am
<ms[m]> hkaiser: here
<ms[m]> and good morning :)
<hkaiser> hey, g'morning
<hkaiser> wrt #4622 (sanitizers)
<hkaiser> I enabled the sanitizer support for VS and there the leak is not reproduced
<hkaiser> so I would suggest to simply suppress this leak from being reported, even more as it's a non-issue - it refers to some memory related to perf counters not being freed
<hkaiser> those are created once and live until the end of the program anyways
<hkaiser> ms[m]: ^^
<ms[m]> hkaiser: ok, sounds fair
<ms[m]> thanks for looking into it!
<ms[m]> are you adding the suppression? or would you like me to do it?
<hkaiser> I will try doing it
<hkaiser> ms[m]: hmmm, I need the unmagled name
<hkaiser> the logs show the mangled names only - can you help?
<hkaiser> or v.v.
<ms[m]> hkaiser: sure, I'll have a look
<hkaiser> I have added the unmangled name for now - let's see if it works
<gnikunj[m]> hkaiser: you're up early ;)
<gonidelis[m]> gnikunj[m]: he is on a roll. not even lack of caffeine could stop him
<gnikunj[m]> it seems like it :)
<gnikunj[m]> hkaiser: strange. That test does not fail for me on loni.
<gnikunj[m]> changing the probability of failure to 95% (to trigger the catch statement) also works just fine for me.
<gonidelis[m]> hkaiser: ... it just compiled ... i can describe my enthusiasm right now.
<gnikunj[m]> gonidelis[m]: congrats!
<gonidelis[m]> gnikunj[m]: thanks ;D !
<zao> It's the Year of our Lord 2021 and people still mail whole lists to ask to be removed from them instead of using the mailman interface. :D
<gonidelis[m]> wth was that? double account or sth ;p
<gnikunj[m]> zao: ikr! I didn't think someone could email to get themselves removed from the list
<gonidelis[m]> ahh... why does reduce don't have a ranges counterpart?
<gonidelis[m]> I actually cannot find any standards oriented to doc for both ranges::reduce and ranges::accumulate
<gonidelis[m]> k-ballo: what's the catch?
<gonidelis[m]> (they have not make it to the standard maybe --__-- ?)
<gonidelis[m]> although we do have an impl somehow
<k-ballo[m]> those are from <numeric>
<gonidelis[m]> wow! so we just put them in our algos module...
<hkaiser> gonidelis[m]: FWIW, we have <numeric.hpp> as well
<gonidelis[m]> hmmm hkaiser but we do have a reduce_range under the container_algorithms dir
<hkaiser> yes
<k-ballo[m]> numeric algorithms are algorithms too
<gonidelis[m]> ohh perfect it makes sense now
<gonidelis[m]> which comes to my question
<gonidelis[m]> here we pass a range and a sentinel
<gonidelis[m]> shouldn't it be an iterator and a sentinel?
<hkaiser> do we have a wrong overload?
<gonidelis[m]> it probably translates the vector to its begin iterator
<gonidelis[m]> hkaiser: well it compiles... and i tried finding out whether it's wrong as an api but i couldn't find any standard docs
<hkaiser> feel free to find out ;-)
<k-ballo[m]> what's the sentinel?
<gnikunj[m]> hahahaha! Do people not know that there's an easy way to remove themselves from the mailinglist. Shrug
<gonidelis[m]> k-ballo: `std::size_t(42)` ?
<gnikunj[m]> hkaiser: could you rerun the failing test? I'm still unable to reproduce it on a cluster.
<hkaiser> gnikunj[m]: it happens with gcc 9 only, I believe
<gnikunj[m]> I'm on gcc9.3.0 :/
<hkaiser> k
<gnikunj[m]> what should I do?
<hkaiser> gnikunj[m]: if you need to rerun the tests, easiest is to push to the PR
<gnikunj[m]> what's strange is that async replicate one does not fail while replay fails. They have the same exact structure.
<hkaiser> nod
<hkaiser> it fails on 5 platforms only
<hkaiser> or 6
<gnikunj[m]> do we need to set HPX_TEST(true) everywhere?
<gnikunj[m]> i.e. I see that it's set to true in the catch statement only
<hkaiser> hpx_test(true) doesn't do anything, never, ever
<gnikunj[m]> so it's reaching HPX_TEST(false)?
<hkaiser> yah, it points to line 82, I believe
<hkaiser> that means that some unexpected exception was thrown
<gnikunj[m]> yes. Alright, let me check the replay implementation. Otherwise, I'll build gcc 9 and then try to reproduce the error on rostam.
<hkaiser> gnikunj[m]: ms[m] can probaly give you the exect versions
<hkaiser> exact* even
<gnikunj[m]> yeah, that will help
<ms[m]> gnikunj: is there randomness in that test? it's failed with gcc 7.5.0/boost 1.65.0/debug, clang 7(something)/boost/debug, gcc 9/boost 1.72.0/debug+release
<ms[m]> the first one has generic coroutines+apex+papi enabled, but otherwise those are pretty vanilla configurations
<ms[m]> I doubt it's compiler/boost specific...
<gnikunj[m]> ms: I see. The thing is all other tests pass and the actual API is failing.
<gnikunj[m]> which means their is a random behavior within the API somewhere that leads to it. Let me build with clang one
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<k-ballo[m]> gonidelis that's the initial value
<gonidelis[m]> k-ballo: that's what i am wondering... since we pass just a vector `c` I reckon it should be sth like `c.begin()`. haven't checked yet
<gonidelis[m]> oh sorry i thought that was a question
<gonidelis[m]> k-ballo: yeah that makes sense then
<gonidelis[m]> cool
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<gonidelis[m]> hkaiser: yt?
<hkaiser> here now
<gonidelis[m]> Since all the sequential calls eventually end up in `std::remove_if`
<gonidelis[m]> according to
<gonidelis[m]> how would I be able to alter the end iterator from the begin one?
<gonidelis[m]> `std::remove_if` does not accept different iterators
<gonidelis[m]> what's your suggestion ?
<hkaiser> write your own version of remove_if (cheating hint: https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/algorithm/remove)
<hkaiser> same as we've done for other algorithm implementations
<gonidelis[m]> hkaiser: cool... that's what i expected. no prob
<gonidelis[m]> it gets all the more interesting
<gonidelis[m]> (plus it benefits the perf analysis project)
<gonidelis[m]> hkaiser: oh one more thing since we 've mentioned it. according to http://eel.is/c++draft/alg.remove , on the std overloads should I return the begin or the end iter? (it seems like it does not matter but I need to pick one since we have the same base impl for std and ranges)
<hkaiser> do what the standard says
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<hkaiser> you could let the base implementation return both and pick what you need for the algorithms themselves
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<gonidelis[m]> hkaiser: ok say no more ;)
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<hkaiser> gnikunj[m]: thanks for the fix!
<hkaiser> tests are useful after all
<gnikunj[m]> hkaiser: you're welcome :) I'm sorry it took this long
<gnikunj[m]> they definitely are! I couldn't have thought that the exception was thrown from vector.at() function
<hkaiser> well, that's vector::at does ;-) otherwise you could use vector::operator[]
<gnikunj[m]> I don't like using vector::operator[]. It is easier to work with an exception than to work with a seg fault :D
<hkaiser> use the MS compiler, it gives you a nice debug std library that detects these issues
<gnikunj[m]> I need a tutorial on working with MS VS before I feel comfortable with it. I have your configurations but the IDE seems completely new to me every time I try to shift to it :/
<gnikunj[m]> may I'm stupid who can't understand how it works
<hkaiser> sure, the same happens to me on vi etc
<hkaiser> gnikunj[m]: things do fail, still: https://cdash.cscs.ch/testDetails.php?test=34094817&build=140531
<hkaiser> sorry...
<gnikunj[m]> ohh come'on :/
<gnikunj[m]> let me try checking what the issue could be. It isn't something related to distributed stuff so I can do it locally
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<gnikunj[m]> hkaiser: it says: Build: 4858-clang-newest (cscs(daint)) on 2021-01-19 16:15:11 on the top. My commit came after. I can't reach that page through the tests list as well. Which one of the jenkins test is it that is failing?
<gnikunj[m]> the clang-newest daint accessible has 1 test failing but that's unrelated to my PR: https://cdash.cscs.ch/buildSummary.php?buildid=140531#!#Test
<gnikunj[m]> ok wait no. My bad
<hkaiser> yes, some tests fail for unrelated reasons
<gnikunj[m]> and here I thought I had it figured with the vector::at() exception
<gnikunj[m]> let me debug it further
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<gonidelis[m]> 0.0
<gonidelis[m]> rostam down?
<gonidelis[m]> negative
<gonidelis[m]> there might be some spikes actually ;0
<gnikunj[m]> hkaiser: stupid me. Changed the if statement for cases when exception occurs but forgot to change the if statement when predicate fails (hence the recurring failing test). I've added that and 2 handy assertions to ensure things work correctly now :)
<hkaiser> ;-)
<gnikunj[m]> I really hope that I don't need to do anything else now :D
<hkaiser> gnikunj[m]: thanks for looking into this
<gnikunj[m]> I'd say no worries, but I'd wait till all the tests passes ;)
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