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just for the record, I didn't merge the PP stuff ;)
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heller: yt?
What's up?
just want to sync with you about the config PR so we don't end up doing the same work ;)
I have a branch which builds currently
just wanted to check if you're cleaning up yours
Not necessarily
If you have something that's good, that's great
I just wanted to get it out the door ;)
don't know if it's good, but it compiles :P
it's mostly yours anyway
Since something needs to get done, obviously
so that means it's good anyway ;)
right, I'll open that as a PR then
I hope I haven't butchered it completely because I didn't necessarily understand everything that you did
but if you have time to look through it that'd be great
I'm more than happy to do the work otherwise
Sure, I'll do
Let's consolidate what we have
With the config module, we'll also get clearer dependencies ;)
cmake's source_group stuff is annoying
that will require some redesign, I believe
I'd say, let's get the pp module sorted out before adding even more
heller: do you have more coming...? eek
there's pp, config, assert, and hardware there but let's focus on pp first
Is this about preprocessor or parcelports? Have not been able to tell :)
hkaiser: ok, is there anything about the source groups that you'd like to see?
Or what you absolutely don't want to see
heller: I'd like for them to actually work ;-)
that's all ;-)
But all the files can be grouped differently
I tried yesterday, but can't make it work
I'll get myself a copy of visual studio and try
well, currently the headers don't show up in the solution at all, sources are all flat in the root directory of the solution
considering zao's question, should we just change pp to preprocessor?
simbergm: sure, names are just names after all
blarg it is then ;)
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hkaiser: if you're there it's your turn to explain something to me...
source groups ;)
I still don't get how both of the conditions you mentioned aren't completely satisfied
the only thing I can maybe understand is that source_group is called through add_hpx_source_group, but that's exactly like the working example in the issue you linked
simbergm: nod
source_group has to be called in the same cmake scope as the corresponding add_library the files in the source group belong to
also, the files listed in the source group are not passed through to the add_library call, currently
and add_hpx_source_group is called just below that
but this is not the main hpx target, this particular target does not require any builds, so it will not create a project in VS
so maybe I don't understand how add_hpx_source_group works
I feel dumb...
sorry, misunderstanding
in order for the source groups to be added to the (main) hpx project they need to be aligned with add_library(hpx ...)
should they be added to the main hpx project?
a source group is some kind of vs directory?
it just organizes the files inside the tree in VS
so they can't just be part a hpx_config (or whatever) project
hmm, getting there
I know this breaks the whole idea of separating things from the main project
"need to be aligned with add_library(hpx ...)"
what do you mean by that?
need to be in the same cmake scope as our add_library(hpx ...)
isn't source group a file property?
simbergm: are the files related to a module part of the target somehow? can we retrieve the list of those files?
K-ballo: it is, but only if its defined in the same cmake scope
otherwise it will not show up in VS
I think it's possible
then it must not be a file property
if that wa spossible we could iterate all modules before calling add_library(hpx...) and add the files to that call
K-ballo: could be, I don't know
yeah, doesn't seem to be a property at all
wait, but is it enough to do source_group in the same scope as add_library(hpx) or does add_library(hpx_blah) also need to be in it?
add_library(blah...) is unrelated
ok, but the source group for hpx_blah needs to be there
isn't cmake lovely?
yes, I might just propose to cmake
and btw, the source group must be defined before add_library is called, I think
ok, I think (not really) I understand the problem now
I was just going to say it's not fun but should be doable
now I'm not so sure
simbergm: if we could a) attach the two list of files (headers, sources) as a property to the hpx.blah targets and b) attach the root directory as a property as well, then we should be able to invoke the add_hpx_source_group right before the add_library(hpx)
in a loop that iterates over our module targets
ah right, add_library(hpx), not add_library(hpx_blah) again
yes, then it should be possible
instead of calling add_hpx_source_group in the module cmake file
ok, thanks for being patient with me :)
(I wish it wasn't necessary...)
thanks for trying to solve this, I'm too cmake-ignorant for this
I'll see what I can do
bah, so am I :P
K-ballo: can we attach arbitrary (user-defined) properties to targets?
btw, so the result right now is that you can't see module sources in vs?
I probably would see sources (imported through that target dependencies), but the headers are gone - but even sources would be listed in the same VS directory
get_target_property might do the trick
anyway, not now... I'll try to look at it over the weekend
happy easter holidays for those that do that!
simbergm: happy easter to you as well, happy egg hunting
we can define custom properties, yes
ok, that should solve it then
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hkaiser: what yould you need it for?
hkaiser: regarding the distributed object stuff
hkaiser: do you stlil remember what I did a few years back with trying to add generic remote objects?
heller: no
ah, different use case ... took me a while...
reminds a bit of the things that PGAS languages have
right, it's stolen from UPC++
slightly modified
and a bit misleading (from the name)
well, names are names - suggestions welcome
they are called distributed objects in UPC++?
Oh, I changed dist_object to distributed_object for my next fix, though
weilewei09: sure, will not be the last name change ;-)
Do I need to change it back to dist_object...?
weilewei09: nah, be patient
wait for it
Oh, ok, I will keep distributed_object for now
it's as good as any other name for now
it took me a while to realize what the actual intent was...
heller: more of an partitioned_object
but the actual data doesn't need to be a partition of anything
heller: would you object to making the deprecation warning in the new pp headers conditional?
I think for PGAS, the original name was "shared memory" or something
not at all
weilewei09: hkaiser: why not have the implementation live and grow with phlyanx?
I'd like to either be able to decide which of the headers to use r supress the warning
I suspect there will be quite a few more changes incoming
NB: I still don't get in which situations I would instantiate a "Meta Object"?
heller : it reduces the setup communication overhead
O(N) vs. O(N^2)
it has a congestion point on the root
it's something like a communicator
the idea is to do measurements...
I don't see the O(N^2) for the all_to_all part
unless you really have an all to all access pattern ...
yeah, measurements would have been interesting to better evaluate the approach
heller: how should I add a pp constant specific to the pp module?
should that go in the global defines.hpp?
or should eahc module have its own config header?
I think each should have their own
Not sure if there is infrastructure for that already
there is not
I'll add it to the main one for now
we could use the option categories for that
Does it really have to be that complicated?
we also already have options namespaces
currently being used for the parcelports