hkaiser changed the topic of #ste||ar to: STE||AR: Systems Technology, Emergent Parallelism, and Algorithm Research | | HPX: A cure for performance impaired parallel applications | | Buildbot: | Log:
<Yorlik> At least most of the data
<Yorlik> There will ofc be some cross referencing here and there, but I am trying to avoid it
<Yorlik> Items get never ever mved, so I can guarantee pointer validity over the objects lifetime
<Yorlik> That's why I wrote it
<Yorlik> Speed + pointers valid
<Yorlik> The OS specific part is only 4 very short functions - still gotta do the Linux part
<Yorlik> K-ballo: Forgot about the prefetch - that surely comes in too here. I think my numbers are prbably not too far off.
<Yorlik> Throughput was a bit above 2GB/sec
<Yorlik> Thats still far below the theoretical max of ~12
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<hkaiser> Yorlik: you can utilize the full memory bandwdth only if you run on more than one core
<hkaiser> you have to run on many cores, actually
<Yorlik> That will be fun then later, when its more of a real application, Thanks for the heads-up
<Yorlik> In the moment I'm just creating little Lego bricks.
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<mdiers_> hkaiser: yt?
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<Yorlik> Does hpx has a query system, like "Give me all id_types of a given type" ?
<heller> yes
<hkaiser> heller: does it now?
<mdiers_> hkaiser: after your commit "Cleaned up code" about a month ago my clang code analyzer runs into an undefined behavior. i have localized the corresponding location and adapted it for me for testing. it is in hpx/traits/brace_initializable_traits.hpp the is_paren_constructible() . i have adapted it like the overlying is_brace_constructible() with a decltype. then it works again.
<hkaiser> mdiers_: please create a PR, if you would
<K-ballo> I'm interested in seeing that diff
<K-ballo> and also curious that we have a list-init trait
<mdiers_> All right, I'll put it on.
<hkaiser> K-ballo: that came in with the c++17 serialization
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<aserio> jbjnr_, simbergm, heller: will you be joining the meeting now?
<simbergm> aserio: yes, thanks for the heads up
<jbjnr_> trying now
<simbergm> I would've joined in an hour...
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<diehlpk_work> jbjnr_, yet?
<heller> Grr forgot the time difference as well :(
<diehlpk_work> slurm-12475133.out:<jemalloc>: Error in munmap(): Cannot allocate memory
<diehlpk_work> Has anyone seen this before?
<heller> Oom
<heller> Or some strange interaction with memory pinning from the networking layer
<heller> Which parcelport are you using?
<diehlpk_work> heller, MPI
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<heller> diehlpk_work: yeah, could be the registration. At which state in the program does this happen?
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<diehlpk_work> heller, During loading the restart file
<heller> could it be a legit OOM error after all?
<diehlpk_work> No, the node has 64GB and I load a 1GB file
<zao> On my site we had memory leaks in something below OpenMPI recently, UCX I think.
<zao> In some type cache or something.
<diehlpk_work> I will give it a try with tcmalloc
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<heller> diehlpk_work: you should also try with the system allocator
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