hkaiser changed the topic of #ste||ar to: STE||AR: Systems Technology, Emergent Parallelism, and Algorithm Research | | HPX: A cure for performance impaired parallel applications | | Buildbot: | Log:
At least most of the data
There will ofc be some cross referencing here and there, but I am trying to avoid it
Items get never ever mved, so I can guarantee pointer validity over the objects lifetime
That's why I wrote it
Speed + pointers valid
The OS specific part is only 4 very short functions - still gotta do the Linux part
K-ballo: Forgot about the prefetch - that surely comes in too here. I think my numbers are prbably not too far off.
Throughput was a bit above 2GB/sec
Thats still far below the theoretical max of ~12
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Yorlik: you can utilize the full memory bandwdth only if you run on more than one core
you have to run on many cores, actually
That will be fun then later, when its more of a real application, Thanks for the heads-up
In the moment I'm just creating little Lego bricks.
Does hpx has a query system, like "Give me all id_types of a given type" ?
heller: does it now?
hkaiser: after your commit "Cleaned up code" about a month ago my clang code analyzer runs into an undefined behavior. i have localized the corresponding location and adapted it for me for testing. it is in hpx/traits/brace_initializable_traits.hpp the is_paren_constructible() . i have adapted it like the overlying is_brace_constructible() with a decltype. then it works again.
mdiers_: please create a PR, if you would
I'm interested in seeing that diff
and also curious that we have a list-init trait
All right, I'll put it on.
K-ballo: that came in with the c++17 serialization
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jbjnr_, simbergm, heller: will you be joining the meeting now?