hkaiser changed the topic of #ste||ar to: STE||AR: Systems Technology, Emergent Parallelism, and Algorithm Research | | HPX: A cure for performance impaired parallel applications | | Buildbot: | Log:
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<hkaiser> Yorlik: that sounds interesting
<Yorlik> hkaiser - would you have a moment in voice for that? It's tricky, but I believe worth it.
<hkaiser> Yorlik: if the target object is a component, then I think we have sufficient customizatio npoints in place for you to insert such a object base receive buffer
<Yorlik> typing everything related to this is painful.
<hkaiser> I understand
<Yorlik> We could use skype or this website of yours - skype works now on my side - I sent you a message
<hkaiser> you can also avoid creating a hpx thread for each of those things but handle all in one go
<Yorlik> There are several vaiables involved, and I believe there is no 100% ideal solution.
<Yorlik> Basically what I want to do is a form of temporal data locality (the cache)
<Yorlik> The devil will be in the details of the data and operations on it needed.
<hkaiser> skype just dies for me atm
<hkaiser> no idea what's wrong :/
<Yorlik> I believe understanding the parameters for that and then finding individual solution is probably the best way, but form of message pooling would surely help
<Yorlik> website?
<hkaiser> yah
<Yorlik> what was the url again?
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<nikunj97> Looking into the gsoc project list, I think there is some sort of typing error for the project "Large File Support for HPX OTF2 Trace Visualization
<nikunj97> ". diehlpk_work could you please look into it
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<detan> Having problems compiling examples/compute/cuda/ with hpx1.2.0/boost1.68/clang-7
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<detan> boost_1_68_0/boost/system/error_code.hpp:241:30: error: exception specification of overriding function is more lax than base version
<detan> virtual const char * name() const BOOST_NOEXCEPT
<detan> Any ideas?
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<Abhishek09> hello everyone
<heller_> detan: you need a newer boost version
<Abhishek09> Is anyone here
<K-ballo> simbergm: the guided pool executor one looks like a genuine break to me
<detan> heller_: But but but i was using 1.69 and you guys said I should use 1.68 instead... :(
<heller_> detan: I didn't ;)
<detan> lol... true...
<heller_> current master and cuda is a bit broken though
<heller_> but I think I mentioned that once
<detan> heller_: yeah... I noticed. That's why I am trying with clang.
<heller_> probably not much difference
<heller_> I submitted a WIP PR, which still has some debugging output etc in it, which *should* work with nvcc
<heller_> yes
<detan> heller_: you mean cuda stuff still experimental?
<heller_> what is your interest?
<detan> heller_: oh... I see...
<heller_> as said, the PR should work
<detan> heller_: well, I was wondering if I could switch thrust to hpx. Very interested in the distributed part.
<heller_> ok
<heller_> the HPX CUDA integration certainly isn't as nice as what you get from thrust
<heller_> for the distributed part, you could just mix and match thrust and HPX
<detan> heller_: developing a framework for particle simulation, and currently using thrust. Have looked into Kokkos as well.
<detan> heller: I see, but will be in the future right? ;)
<detan> heller_: mixing both makes sense...
<heller_> depends ... if there is enough inertia to get everything up to speed: why not. I don't think we have anyone dedicated working on the HPX CUDA integration, so things will move slowly there, unless you are willing to invest time there
<heller_> the big advantag of HPX over Kokkos/Thrust however is the integration of futures
<heller_> the big advantage of Thrust over HPX is certainly that their parallel algorithms are better tuned for GPUs ;)
<detan> heller_: Yeah, I would be willing to dedicate some time for that. I liked the idea of working close to standard proposals...
<heller_> indeed
<heller_> we are an open community, every contribution is very much welcome
<heller_> detan: <--- this is the PR I am talking about
<detan> Have you considered using thrust as the backend for now?
<detan> There not been much developing going on thrust though.
<heller_> you have to ping wash[m] for that
<heller_> he is the maintainer of thrust
<heller_> I'd very much welcome this
<detan> lol... didn't know that. :P
<detan> yeah, I am already subscribed to that PR. Thanks!
<detan> So, I will try to mix thrust and hpx for now... and try to contribute to make hpx GPU better.
<heller_> perfect!
<detan> Brilliant, thanks!
<simbergm> K-ballo: it sure does
<simbergm> did one of your PRs change some (de)tuplification/unwrapping or something like that
<simbergm> it seems to be expecting a tuple<a, b> overload where there is only one for (a, b)
<K-ballo> no
<K-ballo> the impression I get is the guided executors were relying on "unspecified amounts of instantiation" during overload resolution, but I can't tell for sure
<K-ballo> I tried msvc for that example, and it is hitting some instantiation of the executor members that I don't think it should be hitting..
<K-ballo> but half of those are sfinae unfriendly, so they can't even be sniffed
<K-ballo> I need jbjnr_ to explain me which instantiations are expected by the design
<Abhishek09> hello we can use boost mpi instead of boost?
<hkaiser> what for?
<zao> Abhishek09: Please note that Boost.MPI is a an individual Boost library for doing fancier C++ communication with an underlying MPI library.
<zao> In particular, stuff like doing serialization with registered types and whatnot.
<zao> We use several Boost libraries, but not Boost.MPI to my knowledge.
<hkaiser> heller_: from the write up you sent (wrt ffwd scheduler), do I read it correctly that it does not reach the perf of our currently used ones?
<heller_> hkaiser: correct
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<heller_> hkaiser: I think it has some potential nevertheless
<heller_> quote from last night (not from me): "Hey, do you know this library called HPX?"
<hkaiser> heh
<hkaiser> somebody asking you this question?
<hkaiser> simbergm: isocpp and reddit are up now
<hkaiser> heller_: sure, the ffwd stuff has potential, needs more work, though
<heller_> yup
<heller_> not sure how much she is willing to invest
<hkaiser> sure, understand
<heller_> hkaiser: yeah, someone asked me
<hkaiser> thesis done -- forget what you did ;-)
<hkaiser> heller_: cool - what did you respond?
<heller_> hkaiser: "yes, I develop it"
<heller_> the response: "Oh are you Hartmut Kaiser?"
<hkaiser> I can visualize you standing there grinning ;-)
<hkaiser> uhh, didn't know I was that infamous
<heller_> ;)
<heller_> the only problem: talk scheduling fail
<heller_> I will give my talk in parallel to a talk called: "Concurrency und Parallelität mit C++17 und C++20/23"
<hkaiser> who's giving that talk?
<hkaiser> I wouldn't worry about this, things will be fine
<heller_> rainer grimm
<heller_> na, all good, I think
<heller_> two talks about HPX at the same time in any case ;)
<hkaiser> is Rainer talking about HPX?
<K-ballo> he had many articles about the old concurrency ts
<hkaiser> nod
<heller_> yeah, he mentioned HPX from time to time
<heller_> I'd guess he switched to the intel library though
<hkaiser> you mean parallel algorithms?
<heller_> yeah
<hkaiser> nod
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<simbergm> K-ballo: yep, jbjnr_ is most likely be away this whole week, so you'd better ping him sometime next week
<simbergm> thanks for fixing the rest
<simbergm> hkaiser: I promise I'll do reddit one day...
<simbergm> and thanks! ;)
<hkaiser> simbergm: I'm here to serve ;-)
<simbergm> lol
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<Abhishek09> hello everyone
<Abhishek09> is anyone there?
<zao> Probably.
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<diehlpk_work> simbergm, hpx 1.2.1 passed on f28,f29,f30, and rawhide and I started to push it to the official repos
<simbergm> woop! nice
<diehlpk_work> In one week it should be in the stable repo
<diehlpk_work> Ok, they update openmpi and we might need a patch
<diehlpk_work> From latest stable 2.x to 3 or even 4
<Abhishek09> hey diehlpk_works can i use binary wheels for boost
<diehlpk_work> Abhishek09, What is a binary wheel?
<Abhishek09> in this User does not need to know anything about, which is used for building and installing source code. User just needs to download and install a binary wheel package.
<Abhishek09> Tools like auditwheel then take care of bundling external library dependencies into the binary wheel, so end-users need not have the library installed to use your package.
<Abhishek09> hey diehlpk_work are you here?
<diehlpk_work> Abhishek09, Yes, but in a phone call
<diehlpk_work> yes, this would work
<diehlpk_work> you would need to do this for all deps
<Abhishek09> hpx also?
<diehlpk_work> yes
<diehlpk_work> all feps of phylanx
<diehlpk_work> *deps
<Abhishek09> similarly we do for dependency of hpx !
<diehlpk_work> yes
<diehlpk_work> this is what makes the project difficult
<Abhishek09> Anything more needed in making pip package?
<diehlpk_work> Abhishek09, This would be your task to abswer this questions
<diehlpk_work> One task of GSoC is that the student comes up with an proposal
<diehlpk_work> You should prepare one proposal and propose an solution how to generate a pip package for phylanx
<Abhishek09> i do later when i plan entire task to make pip package!
<Abhishek09> it inrcrese the chance of selecting my proposals
<Abhishek09> Anything more you want to say ?
<diehlpk_work> No, I think you go in the right direction
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<adityaRakhecha> I am interested in this year's GSOC project `Test Framework for Phylanx Algorithms`. I am good with prerequisites. How should I proceed ?
<K-ballo> I feel tempted to remove the tag changes from the ready-future PR
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<adityaRakhecha> Have I done something wrong? Nobody is replying.
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<hkaiser> adityaRakhecha: have some patience please - I'm sure somebody will get back to you
<adityaRakhecha> Sure. I asked yesterday a question also, that is why I wrote this. Sure I will wait. :)
<K-ballo> IRC is slow
<zao> Proper etiquette mandates me to reply "you're slow!" ;)
<K-ballo> something about a trout slap
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<khuck> hkaiser: howdy - I am submitting the DD application. Is the OctoTiger project name "OctoTiger"?
<khuck> aserio: ^^
<khuck> aserio: what is the current funding source for OctoTiger? Are there previous funding sources?
<aserio> khuck: I think the name is Octo-Tiger
<khuck> thanks
<aserio> one sec on the funding (in a meeting)
<khuck> no prob
<khuck> (that kind of information *should* have been in the most recent paper by Dirk/Gregor, btw ;)
<khuck> aserio: if the information in the IJHPCA 2018 paper is correct, I'll use that.
<aserio> khuck: "The development of the OctoTiger code is supported through the National Science Foundation award 1240655 (STAR)."
<adityaRakhecha> Just out of curiosity, is there anyway to get conected to IRC like everytime. I lost a lot of conversation during college hours.
<khuck> aserio: thanks
<aserio> khuck: this is what originally funded Octo-Tiger
<aserio> adityaRakhecha:
<zao> adityaRakhecha: Some people run bouncers like ZNC, which keep the connection running while you're not there and give you some backlog when you reconnect.
<zao> Web clients like mibbit keep a shared backlog between participants.
<K-ballo> those [m] in nicknames come from some android app, I understand
<zao> I use irccloud myself, but that requires a paid account for persistence.
<zao> There's of course also the choice of running a client 24/7 on some machine somewhere :)
<diehlpk_work> adityaRakhecha, Have you compiled Phylanx already?
<adityaRakhecha> Cool I will look into them. @zao @aserio
<aserio> khuck: Currently CCT is funding Dominic's work... so you could also add something to the effect of "support for Octo-Tiger's development comes from LSU's Center for Computation & Technology"
<aserio> adityaRakhecha: the irclog is an in-house solution
<adityaRakhecha> @diehlpk_work No I have not compiled. I have basic knowledge of datascience and building my first MP Neuron model for a contest on Kaggle.
<diehlpk_work> adityaRakhecha, Compiling Phylanx and HPX would be a nice first step
<adityaRakhecha> @aserio Ok. I will try this then.
<diehlpk_work> Also read the hints for the successful proposal
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<adityaRakhecha> @diehlpk_work Cool on my way then.
<diehlpk_work> You would need to submit a strong proposal for this task
<mbremer> hkaiser: yt?
<adityaRakhecha> @diehlpk_work Will you help and guide?
<adityaRakhecha> @diehlpk_work Then I am ready for it.
<diehlpk_work> I can only advice you to read documentation and try to find things out by yourself
<diehlpk_work> Google Summer of Code is not like an internship where we tell you what to do,
<diehlpk_work> You have to come up with a good plan
<adityaRakhecha> Yes I understand.
<Yorlik> Can someone explain to me wha this explodes: "auto P = std::make_shared<game::controller> ( gamecontroller );" ??? ==>gamecontroller is a HPX Component and I need a reference to it.
<K-ballo> gamecontroler is a... (reference to an) instance of an hpx component of type game::controller ?
<Yorlik> yes
<zao> Note that std::make_shared<T> constructs a new T and returns a shared_ptr to that new object.
<K-ballo> your code is asking for a new instance that's a copy of the one given
<K-ballo> it sounds like you already have the reference you want
<Yorlik> How is make_shared creating a copy?
<Yorlik> I just need a pointer
<Yorlik> gamecontroller is the compoentn, not a pointer to it
<zao> make_shared constructs a new object (together with a new refcount block). In your case, it's probably using the cctor.
<zao> Akin to, but not equal to, std::shared_ptr<T>(new T(gamecontroller));
<Yorlik> I thought make_unique only creates an object.
<Yorlik> game::controller gamecontroller;
<K-ballo> all those create objects
<Yorlik> that's how I create gamecontroller
<K-ballo> you wouldn't actually creating a component there, just a regular object
<zao> If you have an existing shared_ptr, you copy it to get a co-owning shared_ptr. If you have a weak_ptr, you lock it to get a new co-owning shared_ptr.
<Yorlik> So - I need this other version of make shared with the type parameter?
<K-ballo> you don't need make_shared at all (if you are dealing with hpx components)
<zao> If you have a variable with automatic storage duration, you can't get a meaningful shared_ptr to it.
<Yorlik> How could I get a safe reference to a component then?
<K-ballo> hpx::get_ptr was it?
* Yorlik is puzzled
<Yorlik> Ohh ..
<zao> If you have a member of some object held by shared_ptr, you can use the aliasing constructor of shared_ptr to use the refcount of the outer object.
<K-ballo> or hpx::components::get_ptr? something like that
<zao> But in the case of HPX components, there's probably HPX machinery to do things, like K-ballo said.
<adityaRakhecha> <diehlpk_work> getting this while building blaze CMake Error at /usr/share/cmake-3.5/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:148 (message): Could NOT find Threads (missing: Threads_FOUND)
<Yorlik> I'll check that out - get sth with 3 overloads - I'll find a way.
<Yorlik> Thank you !
<K-ballo> yep, hpx components are already "shared", because they are remote
<zao> Gah... Singularity has become quite a lot worse with version 3.0 :(
<zao> The stuff I used to do for my HPX building now requires root access to run.
<zao> Time to look for alternative container runtimes, I guess :(
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<Yorlik> LOL - I just need gamecontroller.get_id() and pass that around.
<hkaiser> mbremer: here
<mbremer> hkasiser: So in profiling my flat mpi code with vtune. I get a bunch of calls in [vmlinux], which I believe is kernel related. Do you have any idea what could be the source of this?
<mbremer> The good news is that I think it means that I believe that the hpx implementation is 1.3 times faster than flat MPI on the knights landing.
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<Abhishek09> hello guys
<Abhishek09> Anyone participating in GSoC this year
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<Abhishek09> is there anyone working on pip package?
<Abhishek09> hey parsa: I am buiding package using wheels
<diehlpk_work> adityaRakhecha, Google is your friend
<hkaiser> mbremer: nice
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<hkaiser> mbremer: and no idea what vtune is trying to tell you, sorry
<diehlpk_work> adityaRakhecha, A major part of GSoC is finding solution and this implies to try to understand error messages and try to google them
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<hkaiser> Yorlik: id_type id = new_<Component>(where); creates a new instance of Component on locality 'where'
<hkaiser> std::shared_ptr<Component> p(hpx::get_ptr<Component>(id); gives you a pointer to the instance you just created
<Yorlik> I think I am messing up global and local use a bit.
<hkaiser> get_ptr<> works on only if id refers to an object that is local to its invocation (same locality)
<Yorlik> I think I'll add that to my little log :)
<hkaiser> well, get_ptr<> actually returns a future<shared_ptr<>>
<hkaiser> but you don't need to use get_ptr<> as you can always use 'id' to refer to the instance, get_ptr<> would give you some optimization, but prevents the object from being migrated as long as you hold a shared_ptr to it
<hkaiser> I also believe there is a sync overload: auto p = get_ptr<Component>(hpx::launch::sync, id); here 'p' is not a future, but the shared_ptr<> directly
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<Yorlik> BTW - are you logging the IRC somewhere so one could read up?
<hkaiser> also, to round things up: new_<Component> returns a future<id_type>, but if used with hpx::launch::sync as its first argument, it gives you the id_type directly
<Yorlik> Thanks a ton !
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<Yorlik> Just managed to explode it: " assertion '!naming::detail::has_credits(gid)' failed: HPX(assertion_failure)"
<hkaiser> wow
<hkaiser> that I want to see myself ;-)
<Yorlik> If you want I can share my screen in a debugging session
<Yorlik> Found the offending line already, but still don't indrtstand why
<hkaiser> no time to do screen sharing right now, but what you have should not happen
<hkaiser> can you share the code that caused that?
<Yorlik> Its a simple get id call on my component after it was created
<Yorlik> GLOBAL.setGameControllerId ( gamecontroller.get_id ( ) );
<Yorlik> GLOBAL is a class holding some globals
<Yorlik> The setter is just a simple setter:
<Yorlik> I'll make a gist
<hkaiser> ok
<Yorlik> just cut out ENV in the trace for better readability
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<hkaiser> Yorlik: well, your gamecontroller instance was not created as a component, where should it get its id from?
* Yorlik bangs head on table ...
<Yorlik> lol
<Yorlik> Everything is different -- lol
<Yorlik> Thanks !
<hkaiser> you _need_ to use new_<>
<Yorlik> Oh my ...
* Yorlik laughs
<Yorlik> I guess you'll here some more blooperslike this from me in the future
<Yorlik> :)
<hkaiser> not that different, it's similar to Component* p = new Component;
<hkaiser> like its allocated on the heap
<hkaiser> well, more like shared_ptr<Component> p (new Component);
<Yorlik> We need a book by H.Kaiser: "HPX - How to stay sane: An Introduction" ;)
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<Yorlik> Seems everything works nicely apert from a ton of coutt races :)
<Yorlik> s/coutt/cout/g
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<Yorlik> Changed my code to:
<Yorlik> auto gc_fut = hpx::new_<game::controller> ( hpx::find_here ( ) );
<Yorlik> auto gcId = gc_fut.get ( );
<Yorlik> auto gamecontroller = hpx::get_ptr<game::controller> ( hpx::launch::sync, gcId );
<Yorlik> GLOBAL.setGameControllerPtr ( gamecontroller );
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<Yorlik> Is there any way to call new_ with hpx::launch::sync on local?
<heller_> yes
<Yorlik> How would you do that ? I got red wiggles all around he place
<Yorlik> I assume the local locality would be implicit in the call, right?
<heller_> hpx::local_new
<Yorlik> Ohhh
<Yorlik> thanks
<heller_> but you'll always get a future back
<Yorlik> I was searching full text for new_
<heller_> NB.: conference get together with free beers don't call for good advice
<zao> The underscore on new_ is there only because it'd be a reserved keyword otherwise.
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<heller_> and people don't seem to like to overload operator new in a proper way ;)
<Yorlik> IC
<Yorlik> I assume getting the id would always be async, since it calls into the AGAS logic?
<Yorlik> Oh I see - local_new also delivers a future - just that it's very present ..
<heller_> yes
<Yorlik> So - hpx::finalize is simply like the old thread.join(), just in the world opf hpx. means I can launch all my asyncs and just forget abot them and as long as any async loops are running finalize will just sit and wait.
<hkaiser> Yorlik: finalize does not wait for things to finish, it just flags the runtime to exit whenever its done doing things
<hkaiser> gtg
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<heller_> init, or stop waits until everything is done
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<Yorlik> IC - so in my setup finalize exits out of hpx_main and hpx_stop in main waits..
<Yorlik> Is there any special reason why you created hpx::cout ?
<Yorlik> Any race prevention or something?
<heller_> to have all output on locality 0
<heller_> hitting the hay as well
<Yorlik> Good night !
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<K-ballo> since 1.2 our debug symbols have shrink by more than 600mb
<K-ballo> our binary releases by ~3mb
<hkaiser> wow
<hkaiser> well done!
<K-ballo> and that's with moving _more_ stuff into sources (though not as much as I would have liked)
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