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<Yorlik> I just found out that converting an enum to an enum class doesn't allow me anymore to use comparison operators on the underlying class. E.g. I have a typed enum class with uint64_t underlying and since I added the class keyword I can't use < and > on it against another uint64_t anymore. Is there any good workaround?
<Yorlik> I could ofc just remove the class keyword, but I really like the scoping of the enum
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<Yorlik> Example of the problem:
<Yorlik> So - the typesafety here is like: super strict as in super duper strict
<Yorlik> Seems to be an MSVC issue - gcc and clang can convert the enum to uzint64_t on demand
<Yorlik> uint64_t
<Yorlik> E.g. this example works in wandbox, but doesn't work in MSVC:
<Yorlik> It seems my testcase now works - but in my program the situation remains - gotta check some type aliases ...
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<Yorlik> Seems it bopils down to: fatal error C1001: An internal error has occurred in the compiler.
<Yorlik> and: To work around this problem, try simplifying or changing the program near the locations listed above.
<Yorlik> :o
<Yorlik> There is some type aliasing and templating going on with the int types and cl seems to no like it.
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<jbjnr> heller: libfabric PP running lovely on sockets and bootstrapping etc.
<jbjnr> even the rdma stuff works (even if it is being emulated under the hood)
<heller> Nice!
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<zao> \o/
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<K-ballo> do we know anyone working for a space agency?
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<jbjnr__> hkaiser: does async_cb work with an executor?
<jbjnr__> (I'm getting an error, so I'd say no)
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<jbjnr__> (on train keep losing connection)
<hkaiser> jbjnr__: the remote ops do not support executors atm
<jbjnr__> thanks
<jbjnr__> I'll have to think of a workaround
<hkaiser> jbjnr__: send the executor explicitly as an argument
<jbjnr__> async_cb(policy, action, locality, EXECUTOR, function, args, .....) ????
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<Yorlik> Is there a way to get a unique pointer from a typed pointer or to create a unique pointer with an object at a fixed location, like vector emplace does?
<Yorlik> So unique_pointer + I give the address of t he object
<Yorlik> ?
<K-ballo> suspicious..
<K-ballo> you can create a unique_ptr by giving it ownership of a raw pointer, yes
<parsa_> std::unique_ptr<foo, custom_deleter> foo_ptr(tmp); ?
<K-ballo> I don't understand the emplace relation
parsa_ is now known as parsa
<Yorlik> I just want an object at a given place to be managed by the unique
<K-ballo> how does emplace accomplish that?
<Yorlik> vector<T>.emplace_back(...) where ... are constructor args afaik
<Yorlik> I have no idea how it works
<Yorlik> I tried to marry placement new with unique, but no success yet
<K-ballo> oh, there we go, placement new
<K-ballo> placement new returns a pointer, if that's what you really REALLY want then give that to unique_ptr's constructor
<K-ballo> I suspect you don't actually want that
<Yorlik> I wxactly want that :)
<K-ballo> ok I'll buy.. why?
<Yorlik> Gimme a sec - prepping a wandbox
<Yorlik> Its still broken: Line 79 :
<Yorlik> I am working on a type erased pointer
<K-ballo> you are not calling a constructor in that line
<hkaiser> line 48 doesn't look right
<hkaiser> you use operator=() on a not-fully constructed object
<K-ballo> your placement new attempt isn't placement new either
<Yorlik> I tried this one too: entPtr_ = std::unique<concept>( new(mSize, entPtr) );
<Yorlik> new(mSize, entPtr) is placement iirc
<K-ballo> no, you are missing your type in there, and optionally it's construction arguments
<K-ballo> ::new (ptr) int{42};
<K-ballo> is mSize the construction argument? I'm assuming you meant to call standard library's non-allocating placement new form
<Yorlik> Can't I just get a unique from that * new returns?
<Yorlik> mSize is sizeof(T)
<K-ballo> there's too much confusion entangled here
<Yorlik> line 77
<K-ballo> you can construct a unique_ptr from a raw pointer, yes
<K-ballo> placement new does return a raw pointer to the emplaced object, yes
<Yorlik> What's the syntax for that ?
<K-ballo> it's unlikely that you want unique_ptr to delete the memory in which you manually emplaced an object
<K-ballo> what's your type and arguments, what's your storage location?
<Yorlik> The memory is in a vector holding entities
<Yorlik> I am retrieving the pointer from the vector
<K-ballo> you certainly don't want unique_ptr to delete the memory a vector is managing
<Yorlik> So I'm using the vector like a memory arena
<K-ballo> what do you want to use unique_ptr for?
<Yorlik> The vector never gets moved
<Yorlik> unique ptr is the link from the mother object to its entity
<Yorlik> The entity is just data belonging to the main object
<Yorlik> When the main opbject goes, that data has to go too
<K-ballo> I give up, there's way too much, this should be taken one step at a time
<Yorlik> Lets start with the placement new and unique construction
<K-ballo> I'll happily answer concrete questions as long as properly specified
<zao> An owning pointer type should be for owned data.
<Yorlik> The data is owned
<K-ballo> that's two orthogonal things, pick just one
<zao> Data owned by the owned pointer type.
<K-ballo> you can't have both unique ptr and vector owning that memory
<zao> Anyway, I'll go grab some popcorn.
<K-ballo> you'll corrupt the vector
<Yorlik> I am just abusing the vector as a memory pool for development - it will be replaced later with a proper allocator
<Yorlik> The vector never moves or shrinks
<K-ballo> you said that, but it doesn't change anything
<Yorlik> Forget the vector for now - its a makeshift thing
<Yorlik> It just hold place I use
<Yorlik> The point is you have a typed pointer to an area I want the unique to take over
<Yorlik> Thus I can make the object owning the unique own the data
<K-ballo> I'll ignore that and blindly assume you can (you can't)
<K-ballo> ::new (ptr) T{args...}; is placement new, it returns a T*
<Yorlik> For now just play stupid :D
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<Yorlik> Would that look like htis? entPtr_ = std::unique<ENT>( ::new (entPtr) ENT{} );
<Yorlik> where entPtr is the typed pointer and entPtr_ the unique
<hkaiser> entPtr should be referring to non-initialized memory large enough to hold ENT
<K-ballo> that's move assigning into entPtr_ a temporary unique_ptr<ENT> that takes ownership of an ENT constructed with no arguments at entPtr
<K-ballo> bonus points for naming: entPtr vs entPtr_
<Yorlik> :D
<zao> You've got four phases of object lifetime - acquisition of storage, object construction, object destruction, returning of storage. The default deleter of unique_ptr assumes that you want to use `delete` to destroy the object and return storage.
<zao> If you have other desires for what should happen at the end, you provide a different deleter as part of the unique_ptr type.
<Yorlik> The custom deleter of entity (not in the example code) will just set a bitmask flag to FLAG_DELETED
<Yorlik> Its all PODs
<Yorlik> For the few non Pods I'll make specialized deleters
<Yorlik> The storage gest never returned
<Yorlik> Its a pool
<Yorlik> So - I return the pointer of deleted objects to a set
<Yorlik> next construction goes into the next free slot or to the end
<Yorlik> So I keep my objects packed as dense as possible with few corner cases that will be solved later
<zao> I mean returned not necessarily in the means of being free'd/deallocated, but returned to where it came from, considering it unoccupied.
<zao> Vague enough terms to include any form of pool/arena/etc.
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<Yorlik> Its test and learning code - nothing anywhere close to finished. For me it's all about having a new unique pointer controlling that area until its being given back
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<jbjnr__> hkaiser: I tried to join meeting, but the link is invalid. Kevin says not for 2.5 hours. is that right?
<hkaiser> jbjnr__: yah, OB call is 4pm CDT today, late for you
<jbjnr__> grrr.
<hkaiser> jbjnr__: 10pm your time
<jbjnr__> yup. Got it thanks. Pity I got out of the bath for a 7:30 call and let all the hot water go.
<jbjnr__> hkaiser: I didn't manage to pass an executor to async_cb btw. Will have to wrap it in a lambda probably though not having exec support for remote actions might be annoying
<hkaiser> what would be the semantics of a remote call using a executor?
<hkaiser> jbjnr__: ^^
<jbjnr__> similar to a gpu executor. I would like a network executor
<jbjnr__> I need to clean up my throttling code
<jbjnr__> I'll just do it in th sender I suppose
<Yorlik> Is there a way to prevent free() being called on a typed pointer ? I am overwriting a memory place from a typed pointer with a new instance of the same type which gets managed by a unique, but I think unique or sth. else tries to call free() on it.
<Yorlik> So - my output is basically OK, but the free blows up, because there is nothing to free left ofc
<K-ballo> glad to see you got there in the end
<Yorlik> Step by step ... :)
<Yorlik> Still a mess ofc, but the main mechanics starts taking shape
<Yorlik> My guess is, the unique constructor is messing with the pointer
<K-ballo> you mean the unique destructor?
<Yorlik> The error messages moves btw - seems to come out async
<K-ballo> you have memory being uniquely owned by two things at the same time, as we warned you about an hour ago
<Yorlik> Well - obviously the unique is trying to call delete on the pointer
<Yorlik> Thats what I guess - but might be totally wrong
<Yorlik> If you look at the output: "Alf" is the intruder and being called from the abstract interface
<Yorlik> Then comes the output from the remaining valid pointers
<Yorlik> But the unique obviously has its data
<Yorlik> You can even remove the comment from using p2 later and see the data is accessed in both ways
<K-ballo> I'm not even going to try to follow the code when it contains such a glaring bug that matches the behavior you are seeing, even if there's still a chance the behavior you are seeing is caused by something else
<Yorlik> By the unique, and the old pointer still pointing to the memory location
<Yorlik> The only remaining question for me is, where it's trying to call free, and I'm afraid it's in the unique
<Yorlik> I might just not use a unique pointer at all and manage the data myself
<K-ballo> you know delete calls free, right?
<Yorlik> unique probably tries to do something which is usually good and the ruight thng
<Yorlik> Yes. But I think its all happening inside the unique
<K-ballo> and you do know unique_ptr calls delete
<K-ballo> you've said as much
<Yorlik> Then thats the reason why it explodes
<Yorlik> I don't know exactly - if you say so I believe its the case
<Yorlik> Still learning and figuring out what exactly is going on
<K-ballo> and you know you should really not be passing the result of placement new to a unique_ptr<T>, as we've told you before, because now the memory is being uniquely handled by two things at once
<Yorlik> I probably should just use another typed pointer
<K-ballo> at worst you need a custom deleter, to have unique_ptr manage something other than the storage instead
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<Yorlik> I'll play with it. Eventually it'll get solved. But now I need a break.
* Yorlik waves and fades.
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<jbjnr__> I admire your patience K-ballo :)
<K-ballo> not much else I can do
<Yorlik> Interestingly cl refuses to compile it
<Yorlik> Totally different behavior on this operator =
<Yorlik> Where gcc just emitted a warning because of missing return type cl just explodes it
<zao> Yorlik: Remember the four phases I mentioned? The "deleter" of unique_ptr encompasses the last two, destruction and releasing storage. The standard deleter simply invokes `delete` or `delete[]`.
<zao> If you want a different deleter, you need to pass in a different deleter type in the unique_ptr type, as it's part of the type as a template argument.
<Yorlik> I'll play with that tomorrow. I'll just use a nop deleter or that mask ORing
<bita> hkaiser, I was testing slice, I didn't find any problem with 1d or 2d. I believe slicing for 3d is not implemented yet. Is it correct?
<Yorlik> Its a whole new thing to learn - for today I'm done and happy how far I got
<hkaiser> bita: yes, working on it
<hkaiser> as we speak
<bita> In Keras there is only one test for slice and it is 3d
<hkaiser> nod, I knew it :/
<aserio> hkaiser: will you be joining the Phylanx Meeting?
<hkaiser> bibek: I will not implement all of the variations, but will try to get the basic cases done by Monday
<bita> thank you
<hkaiser> aserio: no, I'm going to leave in 5 mins
<hkaiser> bita: ^^
<hkaiser> sorry bibek, it happened again
<aserio> hkaiser: ok
<hkaiser> aserio: please say hello from me ;-)
<bita> hkaiser, gather also needs indexing and it has >3d tests, too
<aserio> Will do, have fun!
<hkaiser> bita: grrr
<bita> :)
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