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Yorlik: HPX should work just fine on windows, at least with the regular MSVC toolchain. The others aren't regularly used
heller_: It finally built using vcpkg - but I'm working on having it integrated into our CMake superbuild. I want to use one unified build system on both OSes.
Also I want to figure out building it with clang
Now it has issues with out self made boost libraries which got some weird naming.
I'll dig into the cmake interface. It's just work.
I think I need to make a conformant Package Config for our Boost build
Still trying to get my head around this
boost should generate this nowadays
i have not even a remote idea on how to use clang-cl
nevertheless, we use the clang tools cross platform to assist in our development
I think on windows, it is mostly just clang-format though
I am not doing a proper boost cmake build - it's more like I'm using cmake as a wrapper around b2
So in CMake i decide which libraries i want to build and with which options and then i pass this to b2
Cmake is not invovled in the core building proces
I think I'll just have to create imported targets for each boost library
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Still learning - CMake is pretty new to me and I just recently started learning modern CMake - which actually is petty clean
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sure, b2 should generate boost cmake packages
I don't see any in my boost build directory
which boost version are you using?
1.69.0 straight from the git
I also don't see any mention of cmake in the b2 options
Now I am getting this from my hpx build attempt: fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'libboost_filesystem-vc141-mt-gd-x64-1_69.lib'
It seems the required naming for the boost libraries is inconsistent somehow
I shall remove vspkg too tewmporarily - there might be some odd interference
hmm, might only be there after a 'b2 install step'
I'll look into it
never attempted to use it myself, just heard talks about it
I'm doing another run now after deleting a bunch of HPX related stuff in the build dir to have it rebuilt.
I hope I won't get requests for a "cleanly named" and a "messy named" boost library anymoire
Its at step 100/464 now ...
* Yorlik
crosses fingers
Time to prepare breakfast while it compiles :)
Anyone have this issue after starting b2 on windows?
I feel a little embarassed pushing for new features, especially the big refactoring without having a clean master
so there we go...
Yorlik: i think we document which Boost libs we need that has a binary component, the rest are assumed present
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zao: I think I'm really fighting some beginner issues. This move from scripting Lua to a complex native code project is scary.
Have you managed to build hpx standalone without your super project?
May be helpful to know the Known Good feeling
The build from vcpkg worked
It seems boost and clang isn't really working
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In the moment I have adjusted the superbuild to use cl only
I think I'll have to learn using toolchan files in cmake properly, so I can assign each of our external or internal subprojects the toolchain it needs.
The overall goal for me is, to have a build system which will make it easy for any of our developers in the future.
I just want them to install a certain minimal set of tools, clone the git and just run it with minimal configuration
And that on Linux and Windows
Being an EasyBuild contributor, I hate superbuilds that try to be too clever about flags, sources, in-tree deps and downloads ^^
I simply use a list of subprojects to use and the OS
As we there build libraries separately and provide very custom compiler tool chains and flags from the build
So - a user just has to edit the list of subprojects
(HPC cluster context)
I hope your users will never run on supercomputers;)
I want the toolchain out of the way and people be able to focus on their code.
We'll use a tiny commodity cluster with few machnes only.
And optionally dynamically spawned short-lived VMS
Though with the current develpment I wonder if we should have accelerators in mind, like CUDA or OpenCL devices.
For now that's all way beyond where we currently are.
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K-ballo: did you implement a fix for std::ref and function_ref?
a fix?
what's the bug?
function_ref<void()> f(std::ref(f)); <-- taking the address of a temporary
function_ref<void()> f(std::ref(af)); <-- taking the address of a temporary
auto af = [](){};
never saw that issue report
there's no issue for that, IIRC
I talked to vittorio, the intention is very much that those things take the address of a temporary
function_ref is meant to be used like string_ref, not like reference_wrapper
sure, so either this unit test is testing somethings not meant to be
or function_ref needs to handle that correctly
oh yeah, that's test is wrong
making it work is fairly easy though
I made it work for _some_ function pointers and I regret it since I've talked to vittorio
so I've opened the door already, we could go either way here, but I won't be implementing it
I'd even like to revert the special case for exact function pointers
so it's supposed to take the address of a temporary ... what's the justification to that?
the design is like that of string_ref, it is meant for light erasure of function parameters
but I can't imagine a use case where taking the address of a temporary is sound
function parameter
the temporary will outlive the function call, just like string_ref
I still think that it should support std::reference_wrapper
or well... technically, it's not needed
go for it, I won't oppose
there was mention of member pointer support as well, which would require extra storage
diverging from the standard in that way is unlikely to ever cause any real world trouble
I added a static assert instead
a static assert?
how? ...that's not something that can be checked
that triggers when a reference_wrapper is passed
but now that you mention it ... that's nonsense, since a lvalue reference wrapper is fine
speaking of which ... function parameters are passed in as lvalues as well, no?
uhm, params are lvalues, arguments might be any category
fun(std::ref(af)); does take a pointer to a temporary reference wrapper, but it is fine within fun.. that's the expected usage
that does not make much sense for std::ref :P, but replace std::ref(af) with any other temporary callable
fun() is the ctor to function_ref or anything in general?
some void fun(function_ref<...>) { ... }
I see
this is calling for lots of havok in the UB land
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you are rediscovering the string_ref debate
someone (foonatan I think) went as far as suggesting we needed both a string_view and a string_ref, targetting different usages
Is that the one where they lament not being able to distinguish temporaries?
I think that might very well be the right answer for function_ref, unlike string_view, but that's not gonna happen anyways
std::string x() {...}
std::string_view vs = x(); // dangles, bad
fun(x()); // not dangles, intended usage
exact same code and language rules in both cases
so you can't just go and =delete conversion from rvalues
more static analysis!
i find it remarkable that it even slipped into the unit test
Seems I'm hiting another build error. I compiled the boost libraries shared and with system lavout so i received boost_xyz.dll libraries - everything worked nicely so far, bit now I'm hitting this: C:\WINDOWS\system32\LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'libboost_filesystem-vc141-mt-gd-x64-1_69.lib'
clang-tidy catches it for string view
tidy? or some other one
Yorlik: did you do a complete boost build?
I spotted this with address sanitizer
requires annotating the class with some attribute, I think.. handle_type or something
We kind of have both Boost autolinking and regular linking.
I'll go over all the test cases to make sure they are ok
zao: I have a boost_filesystem.dll and .lib
But it seems for some reason in this special case the combined library name is required
Which means that you need both the regular FindBoost libs but also explicit library paths.
No idea how we tune that... boost-all-no-lib like
Seems I have to build the boost libraries two times - which is crazy :D
hkaiser has quit [Quit: bye]
You should only need one variant, but out build is fun
I’m on a plane right now waiting to start but one of these people can assist.
Use a gist please
Sry - didn't see how big it was - I apologize
* Yorlik
switches on linebreaks
I’m short, find out where we hecked up disabling of autolinking
*in short.
I mean in our cmake junk
I'm not going to touch that mess
There should be something about BOOST_ALL_NO_LIB
Welp, can’t help you from here then.
Can barely type on this :)
I'll need a break - been playing with that build craziness all day.
I might look into it later
zao: Did a quick search through the source tree: No ocurrence of "BOOST_ALL_NO_LIB" anywhere. Trid to search for hardcoded filesystem_ thingies - nothing. I think debugging this error is over my head for now unless you have a more specific hint what to search for.
My guess is, the amount of link objects might get too high, because its using different versions of the same library due to this naming mess
But that's just a wild un-educated eyeballing ...
what kind of naming mess?
at start it wanted clearly named dlls, like: boost_xyz.dll and so forth
So I built boost shared with system layout
then, when building hpx it came up with these composed versioned names
even some static libs in between, like libboost_filesystem_9876_%$/_....lib
So - I built everything ever desired and then I got this link error about too many objects
The vcpkg build actually worked
I wonder if it's just the debub build which is broken - I think I'll try a release build
are you suggesting boost might be getting linked multiple times? due to the different names, as a result of autolinking or something?
I don't have boost on the library path and never saw autolinking errors, so I don't think so
Maybe - but that's just untuition.
I don't lnow hpx nor your cmake structure a lot. I'm way too much of a beginner to really have an educated guess on any of that
I'm just s dumb user who wants to build a multithreaded Lua and ECS engine :D
you just set BOOST_ROOT and build, that's all it takes
That's what I'm doing
But it seems not to like my boost root
But that brings be to an idea
I set my boost root to the install directory
b2 copies a ton of headers and the libraries there
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I wonder if hpx requires more than that to function properly and If I should use the git sources as BOOST_ROOT
you are in luck, I've installed boost for the first time in my life last month, had always used from build before
I'm a bit at a loss here tbh.
it does copy a ton of headers and libraries, that is expected
you don't need to use the git sources for boost, I don't use those
I am using my self compiled boost version for hpx
Same with hwloc
all sounds fine
what makes you think the build doesn't like your root?
I don't understand wgy vcpkg just worked nicely
There must be some difference between the CMake scripts that breaks it
I can't imagine what I might do wrong.
The tests I did with my own small testprograms against boost all went smooth
Juats saying my compile does not look obviously broken
My impression is, the cmake scripts in the hpx git differ from what vcpkg is doing.
Or I am doing something stupid I'm not aware of.
doesn't vcpkg call hpx scripts?
Don't ask me - I really don't now how else to make sense of it all.
Fact is, that hpx in the course of its compile is asking for different versions of the boost libraries
means differently named versions
ok, that doesn't make sense, let's diagnose *that*
In the moment I am switching the build type from Debug to Release to see if that makes a difference
Important is, I'm using a Visual Studio CMake project to build.
Though i doubt that should be an issue.
Just doing it, because the vcpkg build is a release build
what's that? the integrated cmake thing in vs?
never tried that, I can try replicate your workflow locally, let me know
Never had issues with it so far. Its a MS custom CMake version 3.12+
OFC I could try to replicate from the dev console
I might do that next after the release run
I just use normal cmake to create a regular msbuild project, then open that with vs
You expect HPX to be built as an MSBuild project?
I'm using Ninja all the time.
that's the usual workflow on windows, yes
doesn't mean other approaches are not supported
I could just not add_subdirectory with HPX and just run CMake as an external project with MSBuild generator
does the integrated cmake in vs use ninja??
In the moment I am just doing an add_subdirectory for HPX
I don't think that's supported
Ninja is the default generator in VS-CMake
It works nicely controlling that from CMake actually - that'S how I built hwloc
They have this contributed VS project
I just launched MSBuild as an external process against that from CMake
add_subdirectory(...) used to work
With -GNinja ?
For me it's not so important how I interface to the hpx build - I just need to understand what works and what not.,
So - MSBuild would also be OK.
After all HPX is just another dependency I need to build.
The vcpkg sets a special variable
Essentially disabling the auto link stuff
What exactly is this autolinking ?
On the HPX documentation there is not really a description of what is the supported build process on Windows - or dod I miss something?
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There's one way to get a hpx build
Auto link is a msvc feature which allows to not need to specify the library to link against
So is it a part of the msvc project descriptions?
no, it's a #pragma from the sources, boost sources in particular
Uh - MS-only #pragma?
And the linker is using it? Never heard of pragmas being used by the linker.
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#pragma comment (lib "foo.lib")
it's not something that should be used in combination with cmake projects, that link with absolute paths
So essentially you hardcode your libs into the sources?
essentially, yeah
Sounds pretty non-standard to me (ecxept MS). Why was that chosen?
it is non standard, #pragma by definition is non standard
After all you have CMake which -I think- gives you all you need already.
not all projects that use boost do it with cmake
Compiling Boost with clang is another nightmare - if it works at all.
in general or just on windows?
I wish we had a build and packaging system like Rust has for C and C++
On Windows - didn't try on Linux yet
It's astound there no standardized build interface everyone can use and implemtn
Woops - seems some characters didn't make it but I guess the notion is clear.
Yorlik: Boost people thought it to be cute if they leveraged pragmas to automatically link dependent libraries for any Boost header that required them.
But it's MS specific if I understood correctly - why would a cross platform project do that ?
Nice idea, but it's completely orthogonal to regular linker command lines and how the users control them, so if you have any form of non-default requirements, you end up with not having the library files on disk, or getting both the autolinked and manually linked libraries linked.
Because it's Quality-of-Life for any developers that only use MSVC.
Yorlik: -DHPX_WITH_VCPKG=On, essentially. not sure what that might lead to if not used within vcpkg
Dang - lol
Or which have distinct build systems for Windows (MSVC) and other OSes.
heller_ I'll give it a shot
Yorlik: which directory are you adding with add_subdirectory, btw?
(let's just say, it used to be one of the most common questions on #boost while I still cared :D)
The git clone
Just where your master CMakeLists lives
so the root HPX directory? not something like /path/to/hpx/src?
ok, that should work
You have a CMakeLists.txt there
at least it used to on linux machines :P
Allright - running with -DHPX_WITH_VCPKG=On now .. lets see if it works
Depends if I can get things compiled on arm7
sure, there's no rush, the patch release is for fedora anyway so we do when we're happy
those atomics again...
I suppose they must add a -march=something flag to the builds? -march=native was usually the solution to linker errors related to atomics, but maybe they're actually not supported at all on s390x
simbergm, -march=native is not allowed in fedora
You build for any s390x arch
yeah, that's what makes me think it's not available at all (for whatever reason)
Ok, we should discuss if we want to provide it at all
simbergm, We might just miss -latomic
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heller_, What is the best way to change -O in HPX?
simbergm, hkaiser added the -latomic flag
or simbergm or K-ballo
hkaiser has quit [Quit: bye]
heller_, Does CMAKE add HPX specific things to the CXX_FLAGS
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hkaiser: yt?
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Hi all, I'm looking for help chaining async functions (reading data from a channel); however, I cannot simply use dataflow, etc., to set up the actions in advance since I do not know how many of them I will require. Instead, I need to determine whether there will be another value made available through the channel before I set up an async action for this.
Although I have not actually used asio, from the documentation I've seen in the past, I imagine that my needs are similar to how asio is used. However, I cannot figure out how to implement it for my use case...
any help would be greatly appreciated
who broke the dashboard - what's going on? I didn't look for ages and it's all red!
circle has been red for a few weeks now, some sort of timeout