hkaiser changed the topic of #ste||ar to: STE||AR: Systems Technology, Emergent Parallelism, and Algorithm Research | | HPX: A cure for performance impaired parallel applications | | Buildbot: | Log: | GSoC2018:
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K-ballo: is the util::format syntax described somewhere? is it based off something else which is documented? just came up in a discussion with my gsoc student and couldn't find anything in our repo at least
simbergm: my guess would be based on boost:format used in logging etc
i think it is modeled after python's format syntax
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yep, looks like it could be the same as python, I think it was boost-like but it changed recently
any ideas on the following: a guy is trying to use hpx on power and examples/tests run ok, but linking to hpx in his project (pkgconfig) leads to illegal instruction before main
seems to be both debug and release
"illegal instruction before main" - some static object being initialized and dodgy code being present.
is this on greina?
I will try building there myself - I need to get power working for summit stuff
yep, greina, it's mathieu
he found a lead, but we'll see if it's the same problem
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hkaiser: yt?
you will present P1017 I presume
I was planning to, yes
do you need help?
but if you're there we do it together
that's the right answer. thanks
(I need a reason to go along for my travel request ....)
sure, any time
dio you need an email
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hkaiser: no informal. just for my own justification
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simbergm: it's based on python but uses printf format specifiers
it just maps to printf
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@hkaiser: I'm available whenever. I'll log off if I have to step away
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mbremer: ok, I'm in skype calls all morning :/
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apologies for the lack of creativity in deciding names ;)
nikunj: thanks, I'll have a look
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[hpx] parsa opened pull request #3312: Add conversion of inspect reports to JUnit XML (master...inspect_junit)
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@hkaiser: Interested in chatting now?
mbremer : could you give me a couple more minutes, please?
mbremer: sorry, crazy day - and tomorrow + wed I will be out as well
mbremer: the error in the minimal test case is expected as for serializing id_types (and clients for that matter) special serialization handling is required
Oh yeah! No rush, just wanted to see if you still had time today.
Yeah, is it that "bug" that @aserio reported?
no, it's not a bug and it's unrelated to aserio's problem
just for serializaing id_types you need to do a two-pass serialization - do you need that?
Not sure...
I also wouldn't mind doing a type of work around like using the local channel, and then putting the channel actions in my submesh client
Because then the messages and channels travel with the submesh, which makes more sense imo
mbremer: could you explain please (again) what your initial problem was?
well, yah, that too
Well so when I try to serialize my submesh it was segfaulting.
(It could be an error on my end as well)
so the error seen in the mini-testcase is different from your initial problem?
Well the errors are the same.
but you said segfault?
the mini-testcase does not segfault
I'm trying to pin down where exactly the issue is coming from. Basically, once I try to migrate the mesh it crashes.
well the assert gets triggered
sorry, not segfault
can I reproduce the initial issue?
Like have the code to run?
I can probably set it up on hermoine and just give you permissions?
mbremer: I'd like to build it on my machine, would that be feasible?
or do you have 100'eds of dependencies?
Yeah sure!
haha just HPX and a yaml-cpp...
ok, that's managable
Kk, let me just push my latest version. I'll email you instructions and input files (etc).
mbremer: sorry for all the trouble, it's probably a stupid bug somewhere
No worries! Like I said, it could still be something on my end, but I would have expected it to at least migrate the mesh and then blow up
Here this will probably take a few minutes to package up nicely
mbremer: sure, just let me know
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hkaiser: mbremer: serializing id_type should just work (tm)
Migrating a channel might be the challenge there. Especially since the migrate test is a bit unstable
@hkaiser: sorry something weird is happening with our student cluster atm. I'm going to port to stampede2 just to make sure I'm not sending you garbage
mbremer: I see. Would have to check with the channel serialization code... Not sure right now
heller: this fails as it serializes an id_type
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@hkaiser: sent I also have a stack trace from the address sanitizer. I am a little confused by the stack trace because it looks like there are two traces
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At anyrate, I'm going to run home/grab dinner and then I'll hop back on irc. (Probably what I'll do is run the code without any channels, and make sure that the serialization is working
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