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<hkaiser> ms[m], rori: meeting
<rori> isn't it at 4pm usually? ^^'
<rori> oh yeah we change hours
<K-ballo> gotta love DST
<rori> makes sense
<hkaiser> lol, you have changed timezones, we don't
<hkaiser> ok, let's meet at 4pm your time
<ms[m]> hkaiser: ah, I can do it now as well
<ms[m]> either way
<hkaiser> as you wish
<hkaiser> let's meet now, then
<hkaiser> we're all here
<ms[m]> rori, you free now?
<ms[m]> sec, I'll be there
<rori> yep
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<zao> Today I learned that range-for doesn't have the obvious lifetime extension that you'd expect of the initializer... https://twitter.com/NicoJosuttis/status/1321781718068666369
<zao> I have a _lot_ of code to validate now :D
<K-ballo> it does have the obvious lifetime extension.. are you thinking of a non obvious one?
<K-ballo> auto&& x = make_temp(); // life-extended
<K-ballo> for (auto&& e : make_temp()) // life-extended
<K-ballo> auto&& x = make_temp().and_then_some(); // not life-extended
<zao> It's the latter one that's surprising if you're used to function calls and other languages.
<K-ballo> sure, but if you find it surprising it's surprising everywhere.. range-for isn't special
<zao> I'd say that a lot of people are not familiar with lifetime extension at all.
<zao> Nor familiar with the desugar of range-for.
<K-ballo> I can certainly agree with that
<K-ballo> I don't buy the "obviousness" wrt range-for
<zao> While I'd reckon that it's somewhat "known" for function calls that no intermediary expires until the next sequence point or whatever.
<K-ballo> until the semicolon (kinda, not quite, but ignorable in real life)
<zao> As for "obvious", well... read "I assumed".
<K-ballo> if (auto && x = make_temp().and_then_some()) // obvious?
<zao> Maybe.
<zao> TBH, before seeing Josuttis' post I hadn't thought about lifetimes at all around range-for, assuming that it would Do The Right Thing.
<K-ballo> it does the right thing :)
<K-ballo> i would not be against "fixing" lifetime extension everwhere, or at least for control statements, or even only for range-for if that's the only one we can manage to pass
<K-ballo> I don't see what's special about range-for that one would expect extra lifetime extensions that don't apply to traditional for
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<zao> I may be biased coming from Rust where it Just Works.
<zao> I have to admit that I first misunderstood the issue to apply to all temporaries, not just chained ones.
<gnikunj[m]> za myo my friend uses Rust for everything. His reviews are very positive and he insists me to shift to rust :D
<K-ballo> it'd be great if it just worked for all control statements (if not everywhere)
<zao> gnikunj[m]: I'm moving back to C++ in anticipation of maybe changing jobs and brushing up on my knowledge.
<zao> Did you people know that C++14/17/20 happened while I looked away? :D
<K-ballo> I seem to remember we discussed "everywhere" back whit the `lifetimebound` proposal, and it was a no go
<K-ballo> *with
<gnikunj[m]> zao all the best for you job hunt!
<gnikunj[m]> May you find a company that uses C++ right :D
<zao> The game studio I'm considering are on C++17 atm and uses the SC++L and some Boost at least.
<zao> So they're not pants-on-head reinvent-everything.
<K-ballo> gnikunj[m]: I don't think there are any :/
<gonidelis[m]> zao: saw that tweet too
<gonidelis[m]> what's lifetime ectention
<gonidelis[m]> ?
<gonidelis[m]> is it like for how long does the initilizer exist?
<K-ballo> it's an awkward language mechanism that "promotes" a temporary into a real variable when bound to a reference
<K-ballo> where `X&& var = make_temp();` is effectively doing `X var = make_temp();`
<zao> Historical uses have been for generic code which may not know if they are dealing with value or reference returns.
<K-ballo> most historical use was scope guards!
<gonidelis[m]> hey! K-ballo why would a language want that? for the temps to be forwareded as values (without the developer wanting to)?
<K-ballo> uh no, I was trying to keep it short.. the real transformation would be
<K-ballo> `X __var{make_temp()}; X&& var = _var;`
<K-ballo> without lifetime extension, the temporary would die at the ;
<gonidelis[m]> ok... why would someone want to keep `__var` ?
<K-ballo> why would someone want to introduce a reference to make it point to something that no longer exist?
<gonidelis[m]> in order to pass the ref around without keeping the value in memory after passing?
<K-ballo> uhm? what good is an *invalid* reference
<K-ballo> as soon as the reference is made to point to the temporary, the temporary dies and the reference goes invalid
<gonidelis[m]> ... you got me there
<gonidelis[m]> the day that I will beat you in a generic code argument has not come yet
<gonidelis[m]> ;p
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