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why did we replace `util::invoke()` ??
internally you mean?
util::invoke() is still there to be used
the macro creates one less call frame, the better to debug it, and is slightly lighter at compile time
huh? why does the compiler hit me then?
we have not replaced util::invoke, we've replaced some calls in internal implementations
do i need to include `functional/invoke.hpp` or `functional/detail/invoke.hpp` in order to invoke the macro?
detail for the macro
hm... sounds like time to rebase
ideally you would rebase early or so, but why does it matter here?
how did the compiler hit you into using the macro?
the compiler hit me on using `util::invoke()` from a PR that is open since september
doesn't sound like something that would be related to the macro
it's not
it's related to `util::invoke()`
ok, *how* is the compiler hitting you on `util::invoke()`?
libs/parallelism/algorithms/include/hpx/parallel/util/transform_loop.hpp:126:46: error: no matching function for call to `xinvoke(hpx::parallel
well then, it's not a macro thing, it's not an include thing
sounds like `f` isn't callable with `first`
the real compiler message would say
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btw any good suggestion on how to read compiler output when on ssh
is Hartmut completely offline due to the storm?
I just copy the whole history and read it locally
khuck: he was active a few hours back
K-ballo: how do you transfer the text ;p ?
uhm right click, copy all to clipboard
K-ballo: lol...
I mean it's terminal
I tried redirecting output to a file
the tool I use has a "copy all to clipboard" terminal option included
I don't redirect to any files, I let it go to the terminal, then copy all to clipboard
I happen to be using putty here
traditional terminals have select all / copy options too
If you have clipboards sufficiently forwarded, you can pipe into xsel or xclip, or you could use a command line tool to make a private GitHub gist.
Or if you trust VS Code, use its remote SSH connectivity to browse files.
If you want to see interactive output from a program but also store stdout to file, there's the "tee" command.
zao: I am using the ssh through vs code
So you could do something like "blargh 2>&1 | tee persistent.log | ..."
now that you mention it, I've used scp when dealing with some header tools that would output hundreds of mb of output too
but the error lines might be a lot and vs refuses to open the file
K-ballo: now we are talking
come on, template error messages are bad, but not hundreds of mb of output bad
might that be the case
If it was local, you could use the terminal in VS Code and pipe into 'code -' which would open the output as a file in the editor, but not sure if that also works remotely.
it's not
but my errors are not just template errors
Shouldn't you have some build system integration in Code anyway?
they are rookie tamplate errors
Still proud over the 500 MiB of template instantiation error I got out of Spirit Classic back in the early 00s.