and is something wrong when i run hpxcxx, it's telling me: "Cannot locate HPX"?
hkaiser: yt?
nikunj: here
hkaiser: see pm please
tarzeau: what do those problems mean?
there's no manual pages for hpxcxx and hpxrun and the four hpx_* python scripts
tarzeau: and I don't know anything about hpxcxx
what do people do with hpx, just use hpxrun ? i should probably have a close look at the redhat/fedora hpx packaging, the freebsd one and the spack one
tarzeau: I meant, the file you linked doesn't really explain what the problems are
true, they're probably too much debian specific, except the rpath defines. i've only seen cmake configuration allows relative and absolute rpaths
tarzeau: hpxrun is just a helper script simplifying distributed runs, it's not absolutely necessary, we use it for our testing infrastructure, however
so basically hpx is just a library your own programs link against
and it can be used with slurm together
it picks up environment setting if run using slurm (same for other batch systems, btw)
is condorht supported too?
hpx is currently targetting tightly coupled distributed applications (similar to MPI style apps)
tarzeau: gtg now, sorry - let's talk later
tarzeau: heller or simbergm can help for sure
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tarzeau: we don't have condor integration, do you have a usecase for that? should be perfectly doable though
tarzeau: hpxcc is just a wrapper script that calls pkgcfg to add the necessary flags etc.
the other hpx_ python scripts should probably be not installed in the first place
hpxrun is a very useful utility to run HPX distributed on a single node for testing purposes. We extended it to slurm to ease our testing setup
hkaiser: appear.in?
heller: ok, sec
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heller: not at all, we've moved to slurm (had condor 10 years ago, then torque)
heller: so i'll keep hpxcc/hpxrun but drop the python scripts (i also turned off building examples, what is your opinion on that?)
tarzeau: no reason not to drop the examples, they are not needed