hkaiser changed the topic of #ste||ar to: STE||AR: Systems Technology, Emergent Parallelism, and Algorithm Research | | HPX: A cure for performance impaired parallel applications | | Buildbot: | Log: | GSoC2018:
would it make sense to simply integrate your stuff with hpx_init.a?
most of my work will relate to hpx_main and hpx_wrap only
now that we are defining according to variables, I think we can integrate it in hpx_init.a also
I can add various checks to prevent my code to work for hpx_init.hpp
and at the same time work for hpx_main.hpp
I will work on it today. It should be done by today night itself.
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do we have a way to register a function on kernel thread to run on HPX thread instead?
or a function running on a thread registered with the HPX runtime?
by registering a function I mean that we can invoke all HPX functionality (and not limited API calls)
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jakub_golinowski: cool! would you like to answer? the second point is valid, that's why it's a backup... sounds like suspend/resume could be what he's hoping for
maybe it would still be possible to have two HPX backends, just not automatically choosing the appropriate one
the first point I'm not an expert, but it's definitely possible but not trivial
I'm not sure if opencv matrices would have to be backed by partitioned_vector (or equivalent) but in principle parallel for loops are nice to distribute, it's just the data movement that costs time
M-ms, I can answer to this following your suggestions as I am not familiar with distributing the workload over different workers. As for the second point what does he mean by static initialization?
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jakub_golinowski: sure, as I said I'm not quite sure what would be required to have a distributed parallel for loop so don't write anything too definite ?
as for the static initialization I assume he's talking about something like the static tbb::task_arena which represents a runtime/thread pool or something like that
M-ms, I think that in principal it is possible but would require some more work, first to explore the necessary data structures and then to see if parallel_for can be used to do it somehow transparently
jakub_golinowski: yep, sounds about right, but I think it's out of scope for this project
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hkaiser: I was able to link libhpx_wrap with every executable and things look fine as of now. I was able to achieve it using weak symbols attribute. I added a weak variable in hpx_wrap.cpp and overrided it in hpx_main.hpp. This way any file including hpx_main will override it. At runtime I am simply checking for it's value accordingly with an if else statement, so if overriden then it behaves differently.
hkaiser: I used this method as I could not bring about this behavior using pp constants
nikunj: that sounds perfectly fine
using pp constants was just a suggestion, if you need runtime support this is certainly not sufficient
there's a question on the slack channel
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K-ballo: thanks
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hkaiser: integrated my code into hpx_init. Examples are running fine. Moving on to running tests on them
nikunj: nice!
jakub_golinowski: is tomorrow around 3 okay for the call?
M-ms, yest it is
3 CEST, right?
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hkaiser: yt?
hkaiser: Do we have an HPX function that registers other functions (registered with HPX thread but not running on it) to run on HPX thread?
nikunj: sure
do you need to wait for the function to run?
I just want to register it so that when it runs, it runs on HPX thread
if that's possible then Billy's idea of utilising init_seg will work
this synchronously runs F on an hpx thread
doesn't run_as_hpx_thread starts running the function when it's called?
is there a way to to just register it?
nikunj: that's what I asked 'do you need to wait for the function to run'
oh I took it differently
I need to wait until the compiler calls the function to run
I only want to register it so that it runs on HPX thread when compiler calls it
nikunj: please elaborate, I don't understand what you said
ok, so I was thinking to use the implementation of init_globally and putting it in init_seg(lib). It will be last function to be called by CRT but it will called before any global object making it the sweet spot we desire.
The problem here though is that main function still runs on kernel thread
sure, so does the constructor of the global object in init_globally
but we want all HPX functionality to be available directly from main
so we are limited to a few functions only. (using hpx::future will throw an error)
but if you just register a hpx thread you have no idea when it actually runs
and it will not run before hpx itself is up
so I still don't see what you want
I will use the init_seg to initialize the hpx runtime system the way it is done in init_globally
so hpx_main will still be the entry point
the hpx_main member in the global object?
and since its implemented using start instead of init there is not wait
hpx_main is member of the struct manage_global_runtime
so now that the runtime system is initialized, main thread is registered with HPX runtime
but it does not run on one
please correct me if I'm misunderstanding something here
ok, so now I was thinking that I could register main in hpx_main
to register main to run on HPX thread itslelf
but using run_as_hpx_thread will fire up the main function
or just call it from hpx_main
which I do not want to do
Because it would mean that main will be called twice now
once by me, and then by compiler
k, how would registering an hpx thread help?
it will lead to undefined behaviors
I want to register main on HPX thread. This way when main is called it runs on one. Any subsequent calls from main will also run on HPX threads now
I do not think such functionality occurs as thread creation requires a function as well
so I wanted to know if such functionality is present in HPX
brb, sorry
nikunj: you said that main will be called anyways, so how do you want to run main as an hpx thread without main being run twice?
there were 2 ways that I thought of. First was to run it after all global objects, I'm still investigating that. Second, run it before all global objects and then register main on HPX thread in such a way that when main called by compiler runs on HPX thread (an impossible case, but I thought I should confirm it with you)
what I mean in 2nd case is that we only register the function and not call it. Any call to the function from a thread registered with hpx runtime will run on HPX thread
so compiler's call to main will also be called as HPX thread. Again, all this seems impossible but I had to make sure
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nikunj: I don't think this is possible
and yes, thanks - I'll have a look at the PR
hkaiser: that's what I thought as well. Ok, I'll look into the prospects of my first point
there might be a way
the difference of an hpx thread is that it has a non-zero thread local variable that points to a thread_self data structure
w might be able to convert any thread into an hpx thread if we can create an object that exposes the same interface as the thread-self type emulating its behavior