hkaiser changed the topic of #ste||ar to: STE||AR: Systems Technology, Emergent Parallelism, and Algorithm Research | | HPX: A cure for performance impaired parallel applications | | Buildbot: | Log: | GSoC2018:
hkaiser: looks like it worked! Need to do more testing, of course.
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khuck: good job!
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hkaiser: premature. While it doesn't crash, it doesn't seem to work 100%. Fibonacci has no relationships whatsoever.
hkaiser: but lra_csv looks "reasonable"
hkaiser: nuts. I think I blew away my changes with a git checkout. :/ Time to quit for the day.
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hkaiser: yup. "git reset --hard" in the build script. grrr. Yeah, time to quit for the day. Thanks for the help, I now know how to fix it...tomorrow.
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What the difference between gsoc and gsoc-students mailing lists?
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./vcpkg install hpx failed
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heller: fixi it
hkaiser: no idea how
fails while trying to build boost regex
heller: this is early access for linux, reporting it will probably help fixing it
on windows it works just fine
yeah, probably
I am just not sure if I care enough ;)
you cared enough to try ;)
did you update the package there?
I think on linux they currently only support static builds and I have disabled those
heller: btw, is #3293 ok now?
didn't you see my comment?
the constructor one?
ok, will look into it
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[hpx] hkaiser force-pushed support_p0319 from 70fc8f8 to 9646e04:
hpx/support_p0319 9646e04 Hartmut Kaiser: Adding emplace support to promise and make_ready_future
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[hpx] hkaiser force-pushed support_p0319 from 9646e04 to 46fa145:
hpx/support_p0319 46fa145 Hartmut Kaiser: Adding emplace support to promise and make_ready_future
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heller, simbergm: I have sent you a mail regarding the GSoC project. Please walk me through with next steps :)
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[hpx] khuck pushed 1 new commit to apex_task_wrapper_memory_bug:
hpx/apex_task_wrapper_memory_bug 2caff80 Kevin Huck: Moving the APEX parent id capture early enough...
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