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<hkaiser[m]> the memory
<hkaiser[m]> block stuff is ancient
<hkaiser[m]> could be removed, really
<K-ballo> removing stuff, I like
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<nikunj> @hkaiser: Should I work on removing memory_block from hpx then?
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<hkaiser[m]> nikunj feel free
<nikunj> hkaiser[m]: Ok, in that case, I'll remove the memory_block from hpx and make quicksort run without memory_block.
<nikunj> Also, should I raise a ticket to show that the error remains same and that the problem exists within memory_block itself?
<nikunj> ^^ error in case you create only a basic code that simply creates a memory_block and free it.
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<github> [hpx] StellarBot pushed 1 new commit to gh-pages:
<github> hpx/gh-pages 6024a8e StellarBot: Updating docs
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<nikunj> @heller_: Could you check my pr, I have squashed everything into 1 commit? Link:
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<hkaiser[m]> nikunj yes, please
<nikunj> hkaiser[m]: regarding the pr, I have actually built the hello
<nikunj> hello_world_component
<nikunj> hello_world_component is built when make is run on docker
<hkaiser[m]> Ok thanks
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<hkaiser[m]> Why did that involve removing the source?
<nikunj> hkaiser[m]: it was previously building the src folder. The purpose was to build an external project. Now that we needed to build the hello_world_component, we could build an external project directly by building hello_world_component, so @heller_ told me to build that one instead.
<nikunj> hkaiser[m]: That was the reason I deleted the src directory
<hkaiser[m]> but haven't that removed the actual source file needed for the component?
<nikunj> hkaiser[m]: which file are you talking about?
<nikunj> hkaiser[m]: the outer cmakelists was initially invoking the one inside the src directory, I just changed the location to invoke the cmakelists inside of hello_world_component
<hkaiser[m]> the one you removed
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<hkaiser[m]> nikunj let me look again later today
<nikunj> hkaiser[m]: ok. It is actually building correctly, I think there is slight misunderstanding.
<hkaiser[m]> Ok
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<nikunj> hkaiser[m]: what is the file hpx/runtime/get_lva.hpp used for?
<nikunj> It is creating a struct get_lva with type components::server::memory_block
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<jakub_golinowski> Hello
<jakub_golinowski> I have a question about documentation:
<jakub_golinowski> In
<jakub_golinowski> two hpx cmake macros are used
<jakub_golinowski> add_hpx_component(hello_world_component ...)
<jakub_golinowski> and add_hpx_executable(hello_world ... COMPONENT_DEPENDENCIES hello_world)
<jakub_golinowski> I think that the dependancy should be on hello_world_component
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<hkaiser[m]> jakub_golinowski I think the docs are correct
<jakub_golinowski> hkaiser[m] when I have CMakeLists.txt as in documentation I have a following error while linkig
<jakub_golinowski> usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lhpx_hello_world
<hkaiser[m]> hmm
<jakub_golinowski> however, when I change COMPONENT_DEPENDENCIES hello_world to COMPONENT_DEPENDENCIES hello_world_component
<jakub_golinowski> then the build is successful
<jakub_golinowski> however, I do not have the full picture of the HPX library and maybe I am missing sth. Therefore, I am asking here
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<hkaiser[m]> I always assumed that COMPONENT_DEPENDENCIES appended the _component to the target
<hkaiser[m]> need to look closer later
<hkaiser[m]> on a plane right now...
<jakub_golinowski> ok, safe travels
<hkaiser[m]> jakub_golinowski would you mind creating a ticket?
<jakub_golinowski> hkaiser[m] - no problem at all, I will do it right away
<hkaiser[m]> Thanks
<K-ballo> hkaiser[m]: plane to JAX?
<jakub_golinowski> btw by ticket you mean new issue?
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<nikunj> jakub_golinowski: yes, ticket means a new issue :)
<jakub_golinowski> nikunj thank you
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<Guest96539> Hi, I am facing an issue when trying to build hpx
<Guest96539> at 48% of make it gives me this error
<Guest96539> "/usr/local/lib/ undefined reference to `clGetDeviceIDs@OPENCL_1.0'"
<Guest96539> does anybody have any ideas regarding the same?
<K-ballo> that's odd, what's the target being built?
<Guest96539> 1d-stencil
<Guest96539> I tried removing the target itself assuming it to be the only problem.. but i get the same problem for async_io target as well
<K-ballo> and your hwloc installation? did you build that one yourself?
<Guest96539> yes
<K-ballo> seems like you build it with OpenCL support... and that imposes an usage requirement to link to it?
<Guest96539> downloaded hwloc-1.11.9.tar.gz and installed using ./configure, make and sudo make install
<K-ballo> I wonder if we are configuring hwloc incorrectly
* K-ballo looks
<K-ballo> we appear to be looking it up manually, so it could very well be
<Guest96539> is there any way that I can suppress that inherent opencl support that hwloc maybe is taking?
<K-ballo> some option to its ./configure, presumably
<K-ballo> before you do that, could you look up the pkg-config file?
<Guest96539> do u mean this one? -> hwloc_pkg.m4
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<K-ballo> no, it'd be hwloc.pc or so, and be somewhere close to the .so
<K-ballo> maybe /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/hwloc.pc ?
<Guest96539> yeah should I paste it's content here? or is there anything specific that you want? file does not mention opencl btw
<K-ballo> if it's only a couple lines sure
<K-ballo> nod, that's what I was looking for, some opencl mention
<Guest96539> currently i have reinstalled hwloc without opencl support. lets see how far it goes
<Guest96539> also sometimes the make stops citing segfaults but after I re-run, it vanishes.. does anybody face something like this?
<Guest96539> for example : /hpx/src/runtime/threads/thread_helpers.cpp:636:52: internal compiler error: Segmentation fault return self->get_available_stack_space();
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<Guest96539> around 28%
<K-ballo> if you are building in parallel it is possible you are running out of memory
<Guest96539> yeah that seems like it
<Guest96539> but that would be a problem in single core as well.. dont you think?
<K-ballo> no, if one TU requires 4GB of RAM and another one requires 6GB then for a single build you just need 6, whereas a parallel build needs 10
<K-ballo> keep an eye on your memory usage, and figure out how many builds you can afford
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<jakub_golinowski> I have a question about having multiple build of hpx on one OS - is this generally OK? or there are some problems with this
<jakub_golinowski> ?
<K-ballo> jakub_golinowski: is fine as long as you install them to different places (if you do install them), specially if neither of them is installed in the system default location
<jakub_golinowski> K-ballo thank you
<jakub_golinowski> I am asking because I was using version1.0 so far
<jakub_golinowski> now I figured I should use the version compiled from git repository to be up-to-date, so I built it in another directory
<jakub_golinowski> and now when I tried to rebuilt the application that I was succesfully building using HPX 1.0 again with HPX 1.0 - It was unsuccesful
<K-ballo> builds are independent, so are installations to distinct prefixes
<zao> jakub_golinowski: In general, avoid installing to a globally visible location.
<zao> (for any user-supplied lib, not just HPX)
<zao> (-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX= when building)
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<galabc> Hi hkaiser could I ask you a question about the article on HPX smart executors?
<hkaiser> sure
<galabc> In the article, it is said that you implemeted 2 functions chunk_size_determination() and prefetching_distance_determination() to get the optimal values
<hkaiser> yes
<galabc> I was looking into the HPXML files and I couldn't find where those functions are defined
<galabc> I took a look at the Clangtool files
<galabc> but I didn't find it
<hkaiser> galabc: only zahra will know :/
<hkaiser> I have no idea where all of this code lives
<galabc> Ok no problem, I will ask her in no time
<galabc> thank you
<galabc> Oh I finally found it :D
<hkaiser> where is it?
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<galabc> hpx/parralel/
<galabc> the headers are there
<hkaiser> ok
<galabc> well hkaiser I have a question regarding the headers in that directory
<hkaiser> galabc: I'll be away for an hour, just leave your question here
<galabc> ok
<galabc> in the header file prefetching_distance_detemination.hpp
<galabc> the function prefetching_distance_determination is defined
<galabc> but its not the prototype that is defined but the actual function
<galabc> I've never seen a header file that contains a function definition instead of a function prototype
<galabc> from my experience, the headers contain the prototype and then a .cpp file contains the function definition
<zao> galabc: What repo are you looking in?
<zao> Headers contain function bodies when they're defined inline, when they're function templates or partial template specializations, or defined in-line in a class definition.
<K-ballo> that one in particular is missing `inline`
<zao> This one will be a linker error in case you ever include it in two TUs.
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<galabc> TUS?
<K-ballo> translation unit, normally one .cpp file under compilation, after preprocessing
<galabc> Ok but header files are never compilated
<galabc> how could the functions be compiled if they are in a header?
<zao> galabc: They're pulled in via preprocessor includes.
<K-ballo> header files are compilated, once a .cpp file is preprocessed it includes all the files that were directly and indirectly #included via the preprocessor
<zao> If you include that header in two source files, you're going to get duplicates of the function body in your object files.
<zao> If it'd been marked inline, there'd be duplicates, but any one of them would be considered fine for the linker.
<galabc> Ok, I will try to better understand headers in general
<galabc> I'm mostly used to matlab and python so I'm not used to all of this :D
<galabc> I mostly used**
<zao> In short, when the compiler compiles a cpp file, all the headers will be pasted pretty much as-is at the place they're included.
<zao> The compiler then runs through the source file top-down and compiles it, this is why you need to declare before use, and such things.
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<galabc> ok can you repeat what the 'inline' does?
<zao> When you link several source files together, the linker looks for the compiled implementation of functions in object files.
<galabc> ok
<zao> Normally you have a function in a single .cpp file, so you end up with a definition for that function in exactly one object file.
<galabc> yes
<zao> So when you link it together with something that requires that function, it resolves properly.
<zao> Now, if you for some reason want the implementation of a function visible in a header (for purposes of optimization and inlining), you've got a problem.
<zao> As each successful include of that header results in a separate compilation of that function definition.
<zao> The 'inline' keyword on functions has the effect that any of those compiled functions are considered equivalent, and the linker just picks one at will.
<zao> Historically, the keyword had a bit of hinting to what should be inlined in calling functions, but that's pretty much gone and only the weird name remains.
<zao> This is incidentally why you are allowed to have bodies on functions inside of class definitions in headers, they're implicitly considered "inline".
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<galabc> ok so you don't want to keep recompile the function cpp file
<galabc> so you keep the definition in the header
<galabc> is that right?
<zao> That's normally not a big concern.
<galabc> Ok but I assume these functions require a lot of recompile
<galabc> Ok i understand
<galabc> Thank you very much zao :D
<zao> Separately compiled functions are nice in that as long as you don't touch them or the headers they include, they stay compiled.
<zao> Functions defined in headers will be compiled whenever you compile a source file that includes it.
<zao> So there's some tradeoffs taking place.
<zao> Doesn't really matter much as long as you follow the rules about defining them inline and not.
<zao> In the particular case you linked, the author has either forgotten to mark it inline (happens a lot), or has intended the header to only ever be included by a single source file.
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<K-ballo> we used to have a test that would compile all the headers together
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<heller_> we still have
<galabc> ok i see
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<github> [hpx] hkaiser deleted msimberg-patch-1 at 50c8f4d:
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