hkaiser changed the topic of #ste||ar to: STE||AR: Systems Technology, Emergent Parallelism, and Algorithm Research | | HPX: A cure for performance impaired parallel applications | | This channel is logged:
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<Neeraj> good morning @z
<Neeraj> zao
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<Neeraj> any mentor is hear ?
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<Neeraj> hii any mentor is here ?
<Neeraj> What are the most important performance requirements for the GID associative container in our specific use case?
<Neeraj> so recently I am researching about the data structures that is mention in project n-array tree , tries and radix tree these all have advantage and disadvantages also
<Neeraj> so tell me more about our base code that is use right now and which data structure is creating problem
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<aryan_j[m]> HI hkaiser , gonidelis , satacker[m] , I am Aryan Jain, a senior year undergrad in the computer science department at IIT Roorkee. I am interested in the Async I/O using Coroutines and S/R project (
<aryan_j[m]> I have installed HPX on my system using spack and also have build some local examples in it. Currently, I am going through the resources on io_uring and the paper on using Coroutines for Asynchronous I/O. Can you link any code examples on using S/R architecture for async I/O task in HPX ?
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