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in that example, is the `operator<<` overloading taking place throughout the `ex` namespace? like, whenever I use `<<` with types of that namespace it bahaves with the way specified in the funciton body?
it's just simple function overloading
just regular function, no overloading
what's wrong with me
just takes types that use the same functio name
it's called function call for god's sake ;p
takes types sounds like templates, there are no templates here
types objects of different types
"type objects"? not sure what you mean
takes different objects of same type
like every normal function
excuse my mind is melting from triviality at this point
that's right, normal function, each parameter has a single fixed well known type, arguments may have whatever types as long as they are compatible
ok back to the original question.
actually this answers all of my questions.
what was the original question?
(this somehow will end up in tag_invoke later in the talk... lets see how)
yeah my question is why does not work with possum
possum is not an animal
but of course it does not
converting << to foo helped
me understand why ^^
just to make this clear though, is the operator<< overloaded in the namespace? or can i still use it with the standard way within the namespace?
you mean the many overloads in std::basic_ostream and std ?
not through the sound function
yes through the many overloads
i just added one more (if that's what you are saying), nice
no, you didn't
overloads come from within a single scope, in the ex namespace scope there's only one op<<
but i can still use op<< within the ex namespace without providing the arguments defined in my overload
yes, you are not calling the one defined in ex namespace
but it's not overloading cause it's a different namespace
different scope, yes
how do you call the thing where you call a function and the proper "overload" (that's probably not the word) is being selected from the according namespace, OHHHHHH!!!!!! ADL?????
amazing!! (if that's it)
well, not for something like age, but for other types it would be
in that sense operators *are* different than plain `foo` functions, in that they do extra lookup (as in proposed uniform function call syntax)
`x << y` is looking both for `x.operator<<(y)` and `operator<<(x, y)`
well the guy says that gcc and clang call the std version, while msvc calls user::tie
i just dont get why
the std one is a better match
is the guy explicitly including just <memory>? if so he may be refering to the fact that any <std> header may or may not include any or every other <std> header
very nice catch
i don't think he does it explicitly
he just want the example to be minimally reproducable
why do you say "is a better match" tho? and by just saying that don't you verify that is unspec. beh?
better match is standard overload resolution terminology
what!? really
what's unspecified is whether or not you get the std::tie candidate
std::tie is defined in <tuple>, but any other header may include it as well
but why is it a better match?
if you include tuple then the behavior is well defined, the std one is called
ok got it, why is it unspec. just because you cannot know if the header is included
nice, but why std is better match?
find out how std::tie is defined
cause of the lack of `const`ness?????????????? 0.0
blown away
X& is a better match for X& than X const& is
stupid question but does make_shared give a ref?
a ref to what?
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Ooh, found out about `make_shared_for_overwrite` today, looks nice to be able to skip the init bit.
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hkaiser: today we have a meeting at 16:00 CET but I cannot see anything in my calendar. Is our meeting still valid?
dkaratza[m]: yes, I have it on my calendar, but I was not able to do anything
do you want to meet?
<hkaiser> "do you want to meet?" <- sure! same link?
hkaiser: the functions of the current header `hpx/future.hpp` should be plaved in the same table as the functions of the `hpx/local/future.hpp` or in a separate one? Or are these also the distributed version?
yes, same table
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hkaiser: I updated the pr. you should be able to check the docs now
cool, thanks!
nanmiao has quit [Quit: Client closed]
Why do we need cublas in HPX?
With the new restructured cuda folder strucuture, we have issue with finding cublas_v2.h
hkaiser, Could you please have a look