hkaiser changed the topic of #ste||ar to: STE||AR: Systems Technology, Emergent Parallelism, and Algorithm Research | | HPX: A cure for performance impaired parallel applications | | This channel is logged:
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<ms[m]> gonidelis: one branch only, named release-1.8.X for this release
<ms[m]> curious, how do you read 3 branches out of that?
<ms[m]> btw, perfect example of "you should take notes or modify the release procedure so that it's clear for you"
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<dkaratza[m]> @hkaiser: do we have a meeting scheduled for this week?
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<hkaiser> jbjnr[m]: yt?
<gnikunj[m]> hkaiser: do we have a meeting today?
<hkaiser> gnikunj[m]: no, srinivasyadav227 has examinations
<hkaiser> gnikunj[m]: we'll meet next week
<gnikunj[m]> Ahh gotcha
<gnikunj[m]> Thanks!
<dkaratza[m]> hkaiser: did we schedule a meeting for this week?
<hkaiser> dkaratza[m]: good question ;-)
<dkaratza[m]> hkaiser: i think we dont. which day/time fits you?
<hkaiser> dkaratza[m]: can I get back to you on this (in a meeting right now)?
<dkaratza[m]> hkaiser: sure
<hkaiser> dkaratza[m]: tomorrow morning (CST) would work (9am?)
<dkaratza[m]> hkaiser: yes, it's fine
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<hkaiser> dkaratza[m]: ok, let's talk tomorrow, then
<hkaiser> thanks
<gonidelis[m]> hkaiser: dkaratza thanks guys :)
<gonidelis[m]> ;p
<dkaratza[m]> <gonidelis[m]> "hkaiser: dkaratza thanks guys..." <- You have a lecture?
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<gonidelis[m]> yeah it's fine... i was kidding
<dkaratza[m]> gonidelis[m]: Hahaha sorry ((:
<zao> There's someone asking a question on the C++ Slack about logging, by the way.
<zao> hkaiser: ^
<gonidelis[m]> zao: how do i reach it? through cpplang?
<zao> #hpx on, yes.
<zao> No idea how one gets onboarded onto it these days, probably an auto-invite webpage
<gonidelis[m]> yah got it
<gonidelis[m]> thanks
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<aacirino> Hello, I am trying to log my own messages in my first HPX application. I understand the logging configuration for the app, but I can't find a way to log my own messages, something like `my_logger_instance.write(my_msg)`.
<hkaiser> aacirino: there is LAPP_ << ... (or LAPP_.format(...)) you can use for your purposes
<hkaiser> the messages for that will be enabled using the --hpx:debug-app-log=<filename> command line option
<hkaiser> cout is the default if no filename is given
<dkaratza[m]> hkaiser: what happened to the `hpx::util::function_nonser` and `hpx::util::unique_function_nonser`? did we completely remove them ?
<hkaiser> yes, I removed them
<hkaiser> util::function_nonser is now hpx::function, and util::function will be hpx::distributed::function
<aacirino> `LAPP_(info) << "HPX logging\n";` worked
<hkaiser> aacirino: \o/
<aacirino> Thanx
<aacirino> Besides the new line character
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<hkaiser> aacirino: you don't need an explicit \n, it's added automatically
<aacirino> What is the format string syntax? I could not find it, I found only the time formatting that is in the documentation
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<hkaiser> aacirino: similar to std::format
<hkaiser> e.g. .format("some string {}, more info", data), where '{}' serves as a placeholder for 'data'
<dkaratza[m]> hkaiser: have you tried the new code from your PR for the cpp ref links?
<dkaratza[m]> it gives an error for me
<dkaratza[m]> ` File "/hpx/build/docs/sphinx/extensions/", line 42, in role
<dkaratza[m]> url = pattern % (text_parts[0], text_parts[1])
<dkaratza[m]> `
<dkaratza[m]> IndexError: list index out of range
<hkaiser> dkaratza[m]: I have not ;-), I was hoping you could possibly try
<dkaratza[m]> but im not sure why its out of range
<hkaiser> how did you write the role in the docs?
<hkaiser> dkaratza[m]: I can add some safe-guarding to the role to avoid these things, but wanted to make it work first
<hkaiser> dkaratza[m]: something like :cppreference:`utility/functional,function` should work (note the comma)
<dkaratza[m]> i did :cppreference:`algorithm,adjacent_find`
<hkaiser> dkaratza[m]: ok
<dkaratza[m]> hkaiser: i also tried this just now but gives the same error
<hkaiser> please add a print(text_parts) right before the failing line
<hkaiser> let's see what it complains about
<dkaratza[m]> i think the output of print is "['/thread/barrier']
<dkaratza[m]> "
<hkaiser> you *think*?
<hkaiser> if you used :cppreference:`algorithm,adjacent_find, this should be something else
<dkaratza[m]> haha no im sure
<dkaratza[m]> thats the print
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<dkaratza[m]> yes
<hkaiser> and it printed ['/thread/barrier']?
<hkaiser> if taht's the case, then the matching of the role names is not as we expected
<hkaiser> could you change 'cppreference' to 'cppreference-generic' (or similar here:, please? also use that new name in the rst file
<aacirino> Still the loggin. This
<aacirino> LAPP_(info).format("Will start the tests");
<aacirino> The new line is being substituted for its escaping
<aacirino> <info> Will start the tests\n <info> Is there a newline?\n
<aacirino> LAPP_(info).format("Is there a newline?");
<aacirino> has this output:
<dkaratza[m]> hkaiser: ok it passed that part, so it looks like its solved...we ll be sure when its finished making the docs (whyich takes some time)
<gonidelis[m]> When does the new documentation become available to the default webpage? Is it related with the release or anything?
<K-ballo> distributed::function, sounds reasonable
<hkaiser> aacirino: that's strange
<hkaiser> dkaratza[m]: what changes did you make? I would like to update the PR accordingly...
<dkaratza[m]> <hkaiser> "dkaratza: what changes did you..." <- the one you told me from cppreference to generic
<hkaiser> so it's :cppreference-generic:`...,...` now?
<dkaratza[m]> <hkaiser> "so it's :cppreference-generic:`...." <- yeap
<dkaratza[m]> for any_of, all_of, none_of cpp ref has one page so im gonna refer to the same page for all of them
<dkaratza[m]> hkaiser: cpp doesnt have a page for ends_with
<dkaratza[m]> but this is for ranges
<dkaratza[m]> i need the algorithm one
<hkaiser> nod, I think we added it for non-ranges just for completeness sake (IIRC)
<dkaratza[m]> hkaiser: but we have it in the list
<hkaiser> yah
<dkaratza[m]> so? i should leave it without link
<dkaratza[m]> ?
<hkaiser> if we can't link to cppreferefence - alas, so be it
<dkaratza[m]> ok
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<dkaratza[m]> also no shift version for ranges right?
<dkaratza[m]> hkaiser: also, do the distributed versions have also links?
<hkaiser> dkaratza[m]: no links for the distributed stuff
<gonidelis[m]> dkaratza:
<gonidelis[m]> ?
<dkaratza[m]> <hkaiser> "dkaratza: no links for the..." <- Okk
<dkaratza[m]> > <> dkaratza:... (full message at
<dkaratza[m]> gonidelis[m]: yes but this is for the hpx namespace
<dkaratza[m]> and i was wondering if we need links for the distributed namespace as well
<gonidelis[m]> there are no ranges for shift indeed
<dkaratza[m]> but we dont, so its fine
<gonidelis[m]> distributed algos are not in the standard either
<dkaratza[m]> yeah sorry i messed up my 2 questions
<dkaratza[m]> gonidelis[m]: yes this was my question
<gonidelis[m]> yy sorry
<dkaratza[m]> gonidelis[m]: np its clear now
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