hkaiser changed the topic of #ste||ar to: STE||AR: Systems Technology, Emergent Parallelism, and Algorithm Research | | HPX: A cure for performance impaired parallel applications | | This channel is logged:
hkaiser : is there a way I can have something similar to this:
hkaiser: got it. I was literally trying to the same thing but for charmlite lol. Btw we can also do actions if we send functions as template values. They will be resolved at the other locality based on it correctly.
(that's what we're doing in charmlite)
well, that's what we do
in the link above, 'F" is a function pointer
Yeah, now that I see it.
diehlpk_work: I can definitely help :)
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hkaiser: where are the unpacking routines of the serialized messages? I'm trying to think of a way that doesn't copy more than once and I'm failing at that :/
the trivial types are handled in the output_archive and input_archive types
user defined types are handled separately using the fundamental type support
ok, this part is understood. What I meant to say is - Once I have a buffer of Args, do I need to create a tuple of that args and initialize it with the values from buffers and then call the function with unwrapped tuple args?
hkaiser: ^^
uhh, not sure I understand
I'm not sure how to explain better. Let me try this and see if it works. Else I'll try to explain it to you better.
gnikunj[m]: do you want to serialize a list of arguments?
no, I want to de-serialize it from a buffer
same thing
we wrap them into a tuple, but with modern C++ you could serialize them using fold expressions
the hpx tuple serialization supports non-default constructible types, so it's more involved
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<hkaiser> "we wrap them into a tuple, but..." <- Thank you for the tip. Simplifies many things for me. 😀
Do I see it so far correctly, that classes with several members are then compressed once as a whole and not the individual members separately?
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srinivasyadav227, Can you please archive this wiki page