hkaiser changed the topic of #ste||ar to: STE||AR: Systems Technology, Emergent Parallelism, and Algorithm Research | | HPX: A cure for performance impaired parallel applications | | This channel is logged:
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hkaiser: by pinning threads we are trying to sustain the same threads within a certain socket without them jumping around and changing context?
gonidelis[m]: yes, pinning even to cores, not only sockets
hkaiser: what about likwid not being available to rostam? are there other options except source installation?
gonidelis[m]: what other options might there be?
you can also ask Alireza to install it, but that might take some time as he's busy with the transition to redhat
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Is it possible to set environment variables for the kernel launch in HPXCL?
pedro_barbosa[m]: if there is code that reads the environment variables, yes - otherwise it might not have any effect
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hkaiser: do i have to build likwid with clang too?
in order towork for openmp clang
gonidelis[m]: don't think so
it's a C-based library and fully self-contained
inertia is now known as inertia[away]
hkaiser: hey?
i thought you were staying
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ms[m]: yt?
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hkaiser: how do i verify that thread binding actually happened. likwid says so, but what if I use the other tools like numactl and omp affinity?