K-ballo changed the topic of #ste||ar to: STE||AR: Systems Technology, Emergent Parallelism, and Algorithm Research | stellar.cct.lsu.edu | HPX: A cure for performance impaired parallel applications | github.com/STEllAR-GROUP/hpx | Buildbot: http://rostam.cct.lsu.edu/ | Log: http://irclog.cct.lsu.edu/
k-ballo[m]: do HPX ranges have operations somewhere (e.g. removing the first element etc.)? If not are they compatible with boost ranges?
I ask because your name is in one of the files :)
maybe that should have been K-ballo
both get to me
we don't have actual ranges
if you bring your own we can use them
I don't know about boost ranges, but if they have begin/end things should work
My goal is to remove the first element of a "shape" iterator range and do something with it
the ones from ranges-v3 _should_ be fine too
The first chunk of the scan algorithms has a special case
jaafar: just increment the first element in a range?
Perhaps I can just call "next" and reestablish the range
probably turn the argument into iter-sentinel pairs, increment iter, then repack as a range
OK! that should do it
thank you
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K-ballo: is there any pdf format of the std proposals?
if the author submitted a pdf
gonidelis[m] print the page as pdf?
i thought of it
gnikunj[m]: thanks ;)
i will see how it goes. I don't know if reading the code would be easy without colors
yeah, I faced similar issues :/
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K-ballo: ??
kids these days
K-ballo: IDEs' luxury made us spoiled
K-ballo: i don't consider my lack of skill to operate punch cards, byproduct of the luxury though
Hi! So I'll finish going through the c++ summer lecture videos by today and I've also started reading a book on C++ templates. At what point will I be ready to tackle those issues that hkaiser
jedi18: reading is good. but compiling and failing and then fixing your commits is better ;)
Haha yeah I guess I would learn a lot better if I start contributing. Is there any urgency to fixing those issues or can I take my time with it?
jedi18: take your time
being efficient is preferable than being fast
There's a fair bit to learn from just getting through the building of HPX and a toy application using it.
Especially when it inevitably breaks on you somewhere, as is tradition with any codebase you download :D
(not saying HPX is exceptionally bad)
Hmm yeah I haven't even tried using hpx yet, I'll play around with it for a while first then
Sometimes it's easier to understand the guts of the code if you know how to use it on the surface and what the overall structure is.
True, but that again brings up the problem of not learnt parallel programming yet. Would it be wise to directly start with hpx or would a better approach be to learn openmpi first and then try hpx?
jedi18: "if you can segment/distribute your workload directly, do it. if there are variables shared within your 'workers' the treat these variables with care"
I am oversimplifying it but now you know how parallel programming works
So what you're saying is I'm making up too much of a big deal of having to learn parallel programming first and should just start contributing?
my point is, you don't have to lose your time in learning other systems
jedi18: yes. in a way. actually i mean, don't be afraid of your not knowing ;) you will soon get the concepts
writting the code is what's demanding
fwiw I got into HPX with a background knowledge of parallel programming and I was eager to use that knowledge. it's been a year and I have spent 1% of my time utilizing parallelism so far. It just happens that I am not working in that corner of the library yet ;) so don't be afraid
Ohh ok thanks, that helps :)
Let me know whenever you have a suitable issue for me to tackle
there is already one open, for the ambitious GSoC students.
jedi18: hint: you just change `tag_invoke`s to `tag_fallback_invoke`s. Imitate #5176
hint2: ask questions.
Ohh ok thanks! I guess I'll try this then.
you ll need some time. don't give up ;)
it's easier than it looks
Do I run the tests to see if it's working?
<gonidelis[m] "it's easier than it looks"> Ok but yeah sure but give me some time, I don't even know what I'm supposed to do
<jedi18[m]1 "Do I run the tests to see if it'"> jedi18 yes
<jedi18[m]1 "Ok but yeah sure but give me som"> No rush
GSoD: Organization applications are now open! The deadline to apply is March 26, 2021 at 18:00 UTC.
diehlpk_work: I could easily spam the wiki ;p
gonidelis[m], Sure, but we need mentors having time to meet with the student once a week.
it is not only about having projects, we need two mentors committing time to GSoD
diehlpk_work: we'll find mentors
"We could probably do a sweep through the already converted algorithms to make them use tag_invoke_fallback in one go." Which already converted algorithms?
So I have to figure out which overloads of the those algorithms are non-segmented and for those replace tag_invoke with tag_fallback_invoke?
everything in the hpx/libs/parallelism/algorithm/parallel/ folder
look at for_each as an example
Oh ok got it, thanks
jedi18[m]1: also, I'd suggest not to try doing all of them at once, rather focus on one of the algorithms at a time and create separate PRs
Oh ok well looking at adjacent_find.hpp for example, it only has segmented algorithms so I won't need to make any changes to that right?
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How will I figure out if it's a segmented algorithm? Like for adjacent_find, the using is_segmented provided a clue but that isn't true everywhere right?
the ones that actually have a segmented overload are exposed through an `algorithm_` interface
for example `for_each` used to have a `for_each_` dispatch function that guided the copmiler to either the parallel algorithms or the segmented algorithm
segmented means distributed
So what I would do, is git grep 'adjacent_find_('
if i got a result, that probably means that this function is used as a dispatcher for the segmented counterpart
Ohh ok, thanks!
jedi18: hint: you can also look into `hpx/libs/full/segmented_algorithms/include/hpx/parallel/segmented_algorithms`
you will be mainly looking under /libs (even I haven't got outside of this subdir yet)
now `libs/parallelism` is about the parallel part of the library while `libs/full` includes the distributed part also
<gonidelis[m] "now `libs/parallelism` is about "> So I compare the two to figure out which are parallel?
jedi18[m]1: I don't think you have to worry about the segmented algorithms at this point
just ignore them, you shouldn't need to touch them
What I meant was how do I figure out which are segmented and which are not?
But yeah I think I'll be able to figure it out
<hkaiser "everything in the hpx/libs/paral"> I thought I was meant to change the ones in parallel/container_algorithms
Wait sorry just a bit confused, give me some time and I'll figure it out
`tag_invoke` to `tag_fallback_invoke`
+ include the right headers
+ one minor nitpick
Ok but like you said I can find two adjacent_find_ in \libs\full\segmented_algorithms\include\hpx\parallel\segmented_algorithms\adjacent_find.hpp so does that mean both the overloads in this file are segmented? If so, shouldn't I not be changing them to tag_fallback_invoke?
Is that where they are being dispatched from?
Ok no no I'm confused again
Sorry, the codebase is confusing :/
Do I just change all the tag_invoke to tag_fallback_invoke in hpx/libs/parallelism/algorithm/parallel/ folder?
<jedi18[m]1 "Ok but like you said I can find "> Bosth overloads lead to segmented implementations. But as hkaiser suggested, you don't have to bother at all as far as your PR is concerned for the /segmented_algos directory
if you are trying to understand the machinery: yes. this is where they are dispatched
<jedi18[m]1 "Do I just change all the tag_inv"> u got it ;)
this alone probably won't compile though. take a closer look to hkaiser's for_each PR, and try to understand what other changes need to be made
Wait really? I thought those files contained a mix of segmented and non-segmented overloads and I had to figure out which ones to change by looking at the function signature or something?
<gonidelis[m] "this alone probably won't compil"> Oh ok
don't get confused with the underscore overloads. these are just dispatchers, not actual implementations
Oh ok thanks
<gonidelis[m] "this alone probably won't compil"> Seems to build fine after adding tag_fallback_invoke header. Is that all that's required or am I missing something?
if it compiles then it's fine
I should probably run the tests too?
if the corresponding algorithm test compiles then you 'd probably be ok