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I had this fun experience with X3's debug a couple days ago.. I defined the macro in only one TU, leading to text-book ODR violations
I later removed the definition from that TU and rebuild the TU from scratch, but I would still continue to run into ODR issues somehow
took a full rebuild to clean the mess
Didn't get much of it, but it looks like a painful experience
super painful, essentially the code that was being run didn't correspond to the code that was being written/compiled
I knew what I was doing was a not-good thing to do, but it should have been fine, and it shouldn't have affected other TUs
It always end up with "I didn't think it would've mattered" :D
it really truly shouldn't have mattered
not in the way it did
a #define in one TU can't affect other TUs
and a #define that was removed can't possibly affect anything at all
can't really explain it... but full rebuilds of the TU didn't help, it took a full rebuild
I believe you. My grammar on paper should work but isn't working. And it's only checking syntax for program initialization and a random variable initialization!
that's... no
I'm too scared to know what will happen when I start adding complex constructs to the program
if your grammar should work but doesn't, most likely it shouldn't work
Yea sure, I'm sold on that point already. I need to find where it's failing coz a false return isn't exactly helping :/
the debug machinery will tell you, just make sure to enable it globally or otherwise ODR will bite you
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How do I enable it?
I have it in there and it didn't seem to return anything.
*outputting anything
some global define, BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG or something, check the docs
you need to enable it on the rules you care about, register them
Ohh ok. Thanks!
may not be in the actual docs, you may have to peek at examples