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weilewei: woop! I should also say congrats for the gsoc spot :)
and we'll set up a call next week with jbjnr
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looking forward to seeing what comes out of the project
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Under hpx::parallel namespace lies ::detail namespace (for the STL algorithms). Could someone explain me what does it represent? What's the purpose...
implementation details, not part of the user interface (do not touch)
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ms[m] Thanks! Look forward to that! (actually I sent an email a few days back to you) but nvm, I will look into libcds these two days
you must be a friend of nikunj..
lol... land of truth
K-ballo thank you. Any idea where I could find info about `HPX_CONCEPT_REQUIRES_` macro. I reckon it has to do sth with concepts...
but I am not quite familiar with the idea
use github search function digging keyword in hpx codebase, might be useful, but maybe not
thank you very much. I was actually going to ask how to search efficiently in the codebase. Very useful. Thanks
In Clion IDE, use global search in folders, ctrl + shift + F, different ideas have different combination
Although I can see there is a similar named macro `HPX_CONCEPT_REQUIRES` without the underscore at the end. What does that last underscore mean?
gonidelis: I haven't checked but the one with the underscore is most likely the actual implementation which HPX_CONCEPT_REQUIRES forwards to
sometimes it's handy to have some level of indirection but I can't comment on why that would be the case here
ok great... thanks
weilewei: yep, saw your email and sorry if you were expecting a reply! I took john's reply as a welcome from both of us ;)
gonidelis: HPX_CONCEPT_REQUIRES and HPX_CONCEPT_REQUIRES_ are two different macros with similar functionality
And where could I learn about their functionality. I 'd really appreciate it if you could tell me the way I could answer the question(s) by myself rather than keep asking here...
HPX_CONCEPT_REQUIRES_ is used when more template arguments than the concepts are required, HPX_CONCEPT_REQUIRES is used when the concepts are the only template arguments used (iirc)
gonidelis: macros are difficult to understand, usually - the best is to look at the output the preprocessor generates from their use
play with them on small code examples and look at the preprocessor output
what compiler/platform/ide do you use?
Ubuntu18 and I use g++ 7.5
gonidelis: please note also, that those macros have only their name in common with C++20 concepts
only their name?
gonidelis: ok, the -E command line option added to your gcc command line will generate the preprocessor output you can look at
gonidelis: yah, C++ 20 concepts are a way to restrict template instantiations based on type properties, our macros use std::enable_if to achieve a similar effect
hkaiser wow... as you may have guessed, I encountered the macro as I was studying the algorithms implementations. So, a good idea would be to run some script that utilizes `copy_n` for example and observe the output using the -E falg maybe? As for the c++20 concepts, I am still trying to figure them out...
yes, that might help with the macros
Ooh, nice. Boost 1.73.0 is apparently out with a supposed fix for my C++20 Asio result_of shenanigans.
gonidelis: from a higher level, both macros make sure that the template they are used with will be instantiated only as long as the conditions listed are tru
With that much help, I am seriously considering adapting my schedule-sleep hours to US central timeline '=D
it's one condition a && b && c
wait a minute... aren't these rvalue references????
gonidelis: you might not need to, others here are closer to your timezone and can help as well
forget that i asked.... damn
no they arent
my bad... sory. I am just learning so much the last couple of days that I get confused quite easily. Ok everything makes sense now
gonidelis: I don't like the formatting there either - but clang-format (the tool we use to do the formatting) does not get this correct for some reason
So it just checks wether the parameters are actually execution policies and iterators... just beautiful! Should I use clang to when I start making changes??
gcc is as fine as clang, both should work
Well I don't think I have used some format indicator before. I will surely incorporate either one to my work. Just a last question: As it was mentioned above, when I make the iterator type changes (for the begin and end iterators to be of different type) I should not mess with anything inside `::detail` namespace, right? Just focus on the
gdaiss[m]: clang-format is a tool that (re-)formats source code
you will have to use it in order to pass the contigous integration tests for HPX
gonidelis: ^^
gonidelis: you might have to change things in detail as well, namespace detail contains things users shouldn't see, but developers should ;-)
hkaiser ok great... point taken. thank you!
Mine seems to be throwing at: runtime_support::load_components: command line processing: unrecognised option '--ggpk'
Guess I'll just hardcode everything and leave this headache for the future.
Now to figure out how the resource partitioner works.
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I guess I'm forced to figure out how to operate Boost.ProgramOptions, a library I have no interest in ever using and which will force my command line to look a particular way :(
Isn't boost.programoptions supposed to inhance your program possibilities tho?
It's in the way when I have an existing program that deals in argc/argv in its own way.
I'm sure it's the best thing since sliced butter, but I don't want to touch anything Boost.
welp, i was of the impression that you could avoid boost options... :/
I don't see any way of doing so when using hpx::init.
I'll figure it out, just a bit of friction.
Considering how well today has gone, I should just walk out into the forest instead :D
Right now I'm enjoying the resource partitioner topology apparently not working before runtime start...
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zao: master or 1.4.1?
if master we have some documenting to do still...
sec, I'll give you some links
also, the partitioner is cool, but in most cases you don't really need it...
I need to run a lot of things (windowing, OpenGL) on a particular OS thread.
While still trying to use HPX functionality in it.
Hrm, actually an exception, std::invalid_argument
What does 'exclusive' do? Heaven knows, it's not in the docs.
« hpx::init: hpx::exception caught: Pools empty of resources are not allowed. Please re-run this application with allow-empty-pool-policy (not implemented yet): HPX(invalid_status) »
Regarding "main_pool_executor", I'm going to run everything renderer-related at 144Hz with blocking on vsync, so I'd rather everything stayed out of the way as much as possible.
point taken on the configurations, that's most likely a bug
I guess we shouldn't be checking that on windows...
but I don't know much about how that is handled, hkaiser might be able to say if that's correct or not
do you specify the number of threads? I guess it doesn't say which pool doesn't have threads?
I give no options.
So whatever is the default.
I've reverted my test now to my actual code, so can't dig much deeper into this.
on master/stable it should print information about pools right before that exception is thrown
I'll poke at this some other day when I'm not in a foul mood. Nothing works today and that sledgehammer looks inviting.
if your seup is not too involved (or even if it is) do post that as an issue
I can't look into it at the moment but will next week
I'm probably just holding it wrong.
yes, but no
it can probably be made to work, but our error reporting and documentation on that tends to be lousy
I don't blame you if you feel like reaching for that sledgehammer but please don't ;)
It'd be super nice to just be able to play with HPX and see what it really can do, this codebase would benefit from some friction-free off-threading.
do you need that single thread-pool and a normal-with-many-threads pool?
The exact shape of things is indeterminate, but I need a targetable thread that's locked to a particular OS thread, and preferably not swamping it with general HPX work without OS thread affinity if there's much going on.
I'd like to be able to say "run this thing on the GUI thread" from work, and poll futures/channels/whatever from the GUI thread.
The RP and pools/executors were an attempt at achieving this.
yep, then the rp is the right thing
So... -DHPX_IGNORE_CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE_COMPATIBILITY=OFF doesn't actually do anything, the error still pops.
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Also, the macro attempts to branch on whether the generator is multi_config but that seems to be ineffective.
The compiler version test is extremely sensitive by the way, feels like MSVC changes the compiler version number on every single update.
Oh for fuck's sake... VS Code uses -G Ninja and replaces the whole bloody build tree when I change the configuration.
Still a bug that HPX_IGNORE_CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE_COMPATIBILITY in the consuming project doesn't seem to matter tho.
Ah, the error message is wrong.
The flag shall be =ON to disable the check.
Once I start customizing the RP, do I always need to say what executor I want to run things on?
Is the current executor inherited from wherever I happen to be executing?
Like, I'm in an "hpx::async(gui_exec, [&]{" and a nested "hpx::async([]{ ..." seems to not make any progress unless I explicitly tell it to run on "def_exec".
I guess I need to throw one of those inscrutable lambdas at the init, and pass in that background-work flag or something?
zao: yeah, just async without an executor will spawn the task on the pool of the calling thread
it's a good idea to be explicit with the executor
you shouldn't need to play around with any background work flags
I was “clever” and polled is_ready before running get
Hrm. I wonder if this scheme is going to work well to call back to the GUI thread if it has no reasons to call blocking get ever.
Oh well, sleep now.
I kind of want some sort of “please yield a bit to run some pending work on this executor but not too much of it” primitive.