aserio changed the topic of #ste||ar to: STE||AR: Systems Technology, Emergent Parallelism, and Algorithm Research | | HPX: A cure for performance impaired parallel applications | | Buildbot: | Log:
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what the HPX_REGISTER do ? Is it something related to AGAS service stuff's. I found lot more in hp
* hpx components . And how they are useful?
and what's the diff between hpx_regiter_action and hpx_register_action_declaration ?
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pree_: the difference between declaration and definition
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sorry i was disconnected. But my question is what HPX_REGISTER actually do ? Because I didn't come from distributed background.
It makes me think why we need this.
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pree_: they register actions for portable serialization
In hpx, Doesn't Circle CI perform all unit tests?
It seems to perform only hello_world tests...
and inspection..
taeguk - it should run unit tests ...
but I can't see them either on the circleci page
It does not, unfortunately
It would take way too long
We clearly need a better pr testing
Better testing infrastructure in general
odd. running the unit tests only takes 5 minutes if none of them hang and with a ctest timeout of (say) 30 seconds and an overall kill of the ctest, we could surely run the unit tests as well
heller_: question :
why is there an executor_base class and an executor class, but they are not part of the same heirarchy?
Currently, Circle-Ci just check compile-success, inspection-success, and just hello world tests. I think it is very lack. It should be improved.
taeguk correct
Most of time (3hours) is used for just only checking compile-success.
you can (and should) do a "ctest -R tests.unit " before you submit your PR of course.
jbjnr: ask Hartmut, no idea ;)
jbjnr: 5 minutes on a fast machine, iirc
of cpourse, the problem is that we never have a green dashboard with all tests passing, so no PRs would ever be allowed if all tests had to pass :(
use ctest -V to see verbose and then you might see the reason
do a "make help" and you can see all the targets. there are pseudo targets to help you build test.unit.parallel for example, then ctest -R tests.unit.parallel
to ust build/run subsets of the tests
jbjnr: Good. Thank you to your advice.
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jbjnr: blame hartmut, he always comits broken tests :P
but the executor only hold a pointer to the executor_base, so is it actually bad?
how can it slice if both types just hold a pointer to the implementation?
you shouldn't add members to your customized_pool_executor, though
well, I'm assigning a derived class to the scheduled_executor, so I am doing a 'bad thing' but in this case it ought to be safe. I just wanted to have a second opinion
I wanted to avoidn executors by pointer
no bad thing, perfectly valid operation
ok, great
aah. meeting. gtg
I'm assuming the custom_pool_executor is derived from scheduled_executor
jbjnr: did my access to tave got removed?
jbjnr: I should read the MOTD...
heller_: system wide maintenance today
all machines down
hkaiser: yes, the custom pool executor is derived from scheduled_executor.
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aserio: I am planning to be on the call
wash[m]: thanks
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[hpx] hkaiser opened pull request #2664: Adding uninitialized_move and uninitialized_move_n (master...uninitialized_move)
aserio: on skype
wash[m]: the meetings now take place at 10:30am
I am in eastern time
So it's 11:30, haha
[hpx] Naios opened pull request #2665: Hide the `detail` namespace in doxygen per default (master...hide_detail)
while Invoking copy-constructor for components ( on gid of the component) Are we making 2 copies on same component instance ? because hpx::components::copy function already creates a copy and gives it's gid.
My interpretation of a 'gid' is that it's the distributed analogue of a shared_ptr.
Copying a gid itself should just make another ref to the same component, while explicitly copying a component clones the component itself, however you do that.
(note, I have no idea how HPX actually is designed)
Thanks @ zao
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wash[m]: Are you on?
At least it shows me as on on my end, bryce.lelbach
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Is there any difference between `dataflow(<callable>, <futures>...)` and `when_all(<futures>...).then(<callable>)` - also regarding its cababilities (launch policies...)? Because when crawling the codebase, I perceive the opinion that we theoretically could deprecate `dataflow`, because it basically duplicates `when_all(...).then(...)`.
hkaiser: ^
one shared state vs two
does that mean `when_all` lets non-futures pass thru now?
denis_blank: dataflow is the same (conceptually) as when_all().then()
Can anyone please tell me what are the differences bwt hpx::managed::component and hpx::fixed::component ? I didn't find in docs
but it's implementation is more efficient
pree_: fixed_components have a predefine global id
managed_components get one assigned
K-ballo: No, it's not possible yet (but lets assume it would, for the comparison).
fair, but I don't think when_all should accept non-future inputs
Okay. I will look at it's use cases. Thank you @hkaiser
: I agree
pree_: I think you can ignore fixed_components
they are used internally only
oh okay !
K-ballo, hkaiser: Theoretically it's possible to return an intermediate future class from when_all which delays the creation of its state so we would just create one shared state when using `when_all(...).then(...)`. Assuming that would it be theoretically possible then, to deprecate dataflow?
yes, if you assume all the things that can't be done or aren't a good idea, then it would be possible :)
someone once's suggested an expression template kinda return for when_all, I think it was chandler
denis_blank: I don't think you should try to 'optimize' when_all() for the case that it has a then()
we don't want to go there, those are different separate things
but yes, it is technically possible, for some definition of possible
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Alright, thank you for your answers
K-ballo: the difference between value-construct and default-construct is significant for build-in data types, yes?
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i.e. new (p) T; and new (p) T();
and for all trivially-constructible-types
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denis_blank: also consider the signature of callable. Two very different things there
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heller_, hkaiser When do we have our meeting today?
heller_: In which way are the signatures different?
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K-ballo: how can I verify whether a value-constructor was actually called for a variable
sorry, 'whether a variable was vaue-constructed
(for testing purposes)
you can't, really, not 100% guaranteed
thought so
if you have a union, it tends to show...
ok, how so?
value-constructed union value-initializes the first alternative and zero-fills the rest
default-constructed union doesn't touch any bytes
I would like to be able to test uninitialized_value_construct
how could I do that?
union { int first; char canary[256]; } u{}; u.canary[255] == 0;
but there's always a chance the garbage on the stack was already 0
I could malloc th ememory and prefill with 0xcd
sounds good
hkaiser: btw I was lazy above and accessed an inactive union member, don't do that, just memcmp against 0
or walk the bytes or whatever
actually you don't even need the union
K-ballo: what do you mean
if you can prefill the memory with 0xcd, then for a trivially-constructible-type value-init will fill with 0s whereas default-init won't touch it
default-init can be tested with a simple type which has an explicit default constructor
sure, any type that is trivially constructible
say, int
if you are in control of the memory then it's easy