hkaiser has joined #ste||ar-dev
hkaiser has quit [Quit: bye]
heller has quit [Quit: - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.]
heller has joined #ste||ar-dev
<Phylanx_Buildbot> Build [#45]( of `ppc64le-gcc7-release` started.
<Phylanx_Buildbot> Build [#219]( of `x86_64-gcc7-release` started.
Phylanx_Regressi has joined #ste||ar-dev
<Phylanx_Regressi> Phylanx performance regression test FAILED:
Phylanx_Regressi has left #ste||ar-dev [#ste||ar-dev]
<Phylanx_Buildbot> Build [#219]( of `x86_64-gcc7-release` failed.
<Phylanx_Buildbot> Build [#44]( of `ppc64le-gcc7-relwithdebinfo` started.
<Phylanx_Buildbot> Build [#218]( of `x86_64-gcc7-relwithdebinfo` started.
<Phylanx_Buildbot> Build [#45]( of `ppc64le-gcc7-release` failed.
<Phylanx_Buildbot> Build [#218]( of `x86_64-gcc7-relwithdebinfo` failed.
<Phylanx_Buildbot> Build [#46]( of `ppc64le-gcc7-debug` started.
<Phylanx_Buildbot> Build [#232]( of `x86_64-gcc7-debug` started.
<Phylanx_Buildbot> Build [#44]( of `ppc64le-gcc7-relwithdebinfo` failed.
<Phylanx_Buildbot> Build [#232]( of `x86_64-gcc7-debug` failed.
hkaiser has joined #ste||ar-dev
RostamLog has joined #ste||ar-dev
hkaiser has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
hkaiser has joined #ste||ar-dev