hkaiser has joined #ste||ar-dev
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Phylanx_Regressi has joined #ste||ar-dev
<Phylanx_Regressi> Phylanx performance regression test FAILED:
Phylanx_Regressi has left #ste||ar-dev [#ste||ar-dev]
<Phylanx_Buildbot> build #22 of knl-gcc7-release started
<Phylanx_Buildbot> build #20 of x86_64-gcc7-release started
<Phylanx_Buildbot> build #23 of knl-gcc7-debug started
<Phylanx_Buildbot> build #23 of knl-gcc7-relwithdebinfo started
<Phylanx_Buildbot> build #21 of x86_64-gcc7-debug started
<Phylanx_Buildbot> build #20 of x86_64-gcc7-relwithdebinfo started
<Phylanx_Buildbot> Build x86_64-gcc7-release #20 is complete: Failure [failed compile (failure)] -
<Phylanx_Buildbot> Build x86_64-gcc7-debug #21 is complete: Failure [failed compile (failure)] -
<Phylanx_Buildbot> Build x86_64-gcc7-relwithdebinfo #20 is complete: Failure [failed compile (failure)] -
hkaiser has joined #ste||ar-dev
rori has joined #ste||ar-dev
hkaiser has quit [Quit: bye]
<Phylanx_Buildbot> Build knl-gcc7-release #22 is complete: Failure [failed test (failure)] -
hkaiser has joined #ste||ar-dev
<Phylanx_Buildbot> Build knl-gcc7-relwithdebinfo #23 is complete: Failure [failed test (failure)] -
<Phylanx_Buildbot> Build knl-gcc7-debug #23 is complete: Failure [failed test (failure)] -
Phylanx_Buildbot has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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Phylanx_Buildbot has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
Phylanx_Buildbot has joined #ste||ar-dev
Phylanx_Buildbot has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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rori has quit [Quit: bye]
hkaiser has quit [Quit: bye]
hkaiser has joined #ste||ar-dev