aserio changed the topic of #ste||ar to: STE||AR: Systems Technology, Emergent Parallelism, and Algorithm Research | | HPX: A cure for performance impaired parallel applications | | Buildbot: | Log:
<hkaiser> let me create a patch for the environ problem for you, sec
<zao> hkaiser: Looks good, compiles+links at least.
<hkaiser> cool
<hkaiser> would you mind creating a PR for this?
<zao> I'll note it down and get to it on friday evening or the weekend.
<hkaiser> zao: could you list the exported symbols for for me, pls?
<zao> hkaiser: Is there anything particular I should know about going for generic contexts, btw?
<hkaiser> thanks
<hkaiser> zao: not really, just that it uses boost.context
<wash[m]> hkaiser: ping, see private
<zao> I'm well overdue for bed now, I hope I didn't distract too much :)
<zao> nm -D, if that list is more useful.
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<hkaiser> no sure, need to match those symbols against what's missing in your build
<zao> Ah, nm had a demangle option too.
<hkaiser> no worries I can demangle that myself, if needed
<zao> Put the actual library in that directory too.
<zao> Now actual sleep!
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<zao> tests/unit/parallel/segmented_algorithms/CMakeFiles/partitioned_vector_exclusive_scan_test_exe.dir/partitioned_vector_exclusive_scan.cpp.o: file not recognized: File format not recognized
<zao> That's odd. (FreeBSD)
<zao> Linker suddenly hates partitioned_vector_exclusive_scan.cpp.o, partitioned_vector_transform_binary.cpp.o, and partitioned_vector_transform_scan.cpp.o
<zao> Not overly big either, 278M, 432M and 314M.
<zao> They're the biggest three of the parallel segmented_algorithms tests tho.
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<zao> Hrm, may be LTO related.
<zao> Hrm, no.
<zao> Those are fishy.
<zao> I've got a feeling that bits of HPX is stretching some interesting limits.
<zao> Seems to be a constraint of the /usr/bin/ld of the system, clang-devel's ld.lld-devel links it fine.
<zao> Which is a pain, as that's quite third party.
<hkaiser> uhh ohh
<hkaiser> we could split the tests
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<github> [hpx] kleinhenz opened pull request #2798: bump minimum required cmake to 3.0 in test (master...build_test_fix)
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<github> [hpx] StellarBot pushed 1 new commit to gh-pages:
<github> hpx/gh-pages fe4b050 StellarBot: Updating docs
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<github> [hpx] hkaiser closed pull request #2767: Improvements to continuation annotation (master...annotate_continuation)
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<mcopik> hkaiser: have you participated in HHAT meeting? in July?
<hkaiser> yes
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<hkaiser> mcopik: why do you ask?
<mcopik> hkaiser: I remember writing about the project in the email to you after IWOCL, I met CJ Newburn there
<mcopik> I'm interested in what you think about the project
<hkaiser> nod
<hkaiser> mcopik: short story: they try to design by committee from scratch what HPX already has implemented
<mcopik> I've been looking and their Wiki and found your name in the summary of one of their meetings
<hkaiser> 50 people trying to design a distributed tasking system
<hkaiser> last meeting one guy tried to convince everybody else that active messages is the way to go ;)
<hkaiser> with 50 slides and lot'sa words ...
<mcopik> another open standard full of half-baked ideas which no one is going to use?
<hkaiser> so I think this will not go anywhere
<hkaiser> right
<mcopik> hkaiser: well, that's a shame. thanks for the answer
<hkaiser> mcopik: I might be biased, so don't take my words too seriously
<hkaiser> mcopik: if you ask me - it's an attempt from NVIdias side to keep everybody busy and distracted in order to get their own ducks in the row
<mcopik> hkaiser: I see, thanks
<diehlpk_work> hkaiser, Thanks. I will try to go there
<hkaiser> mcopik: feel free to join and ask an innocent question about why they don't use HPX to begin with and work from there... ;)
<diehlpk_work> Lol
<mcopik> hkaiser: I'm going to be eaten alive :P
<diehlpk_work> I will support you
<hkaiser> heh - that's professional hazard for you
<heller> mcopik: you'll get used to it ;)
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<mcopik> heller: hopefully ;)
<heller> uh oh
<heller> the result I got was: Function Call, Coroutine Call (including creation), Coroutine Call (excluding creation), Overhead
<heller> 6.25608e-08, 4.94741e-07, 1.79499e-05, 0
<heller> it seems that the third benchmark keeps adding stacks
<heller> and it is still going... probably cleaning up some super long lists or so :/
<zao> Hallo, Welt!
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<patg[[w]]> aserio: is the author list up to date in the tex file for the ASPLOS in the repo? I need to put it in our review system
<aserio> patg[[w]]: I believe so
<patg[[w]]> I also couldn't get it to compile with the authors
<aserio> wash[m], should be able to tell you
<aserio> patg[[w]]: lol I commented them out
<patg[[w]]> aserio: I uncommented them
<aserio> and it doesn't make them?
<patg[[w]]> aserio: I get an error maybe I didn't uncomment something
<aserio> does it fail compelation?
<patg[[w]]> yes
<aserio> I have to run
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<aserio> The list in there should be the right list
<patg[[w]]> Ok
<aserio> make sure you uncomment the command to make the authors.... or maybe Bryce broke something?
<aserio> I will look after lunch
<patg[[w]]> I submitted without authors and they didn't like it yeah I'll try that and let you know
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<zao> CUDA 9 RC out. Wee.
<jbjnr> hkaiser: quick question : in the scheduler - wait_or_add_new - when is this called?
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<heller> hkaiser: here is another riddle: which one is the fastest?
<heller> jbjnr: when the scheduling loop looks for new work
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<wash> it is NOT up to date
<wash> also I did break the authors
<wash> patg[[w]]: I have not updated the authors
<wash> let me do that now
<wash> rather
<wash> I did not update the authors /in the latex/ file, the .txt file has them
<wash> sorry
<hkaiser> the last sentence of this is correct, the first not
<jbjnr> lol. thanks
<jbjnr> hkaiser: last one - so get_next_thread is called when the scheduler wants some work, and wait_or_add_new is called for the same reason - what's the difference
<hkaiser> get_next_thread just looks at the queues (including stealing), wait_or_add_new is called whenever it runs out of work and converts staged threads (thread descriptions) into real threads
<hkaiser> so I guess the first sentence of that comment is not that wrong after all ;)
<hkaiser> jbjnr: I have more refactorings to push, this time it shouldn't disrupt your work, if it does tell me so I can make it work again
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<jbjnr> what refactorings?
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<jbjnr> hkaiser: if you push your refactorings to RP branch - I'll inspect them carefully before merging to my stuff
<hkaiser> jbjnr: will push in a sec
<hkaiser> ok - pls do
<jbjnr> fingers crossed I won't have conflicts
<zao> I need to work on HPX so I also can break jbjnr's code :)
<hkaiser> I hope you don't
<hkaiser> jbjnr: I pushed my changes
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<jbjnr> you modified every file there is.
<jbjnr> <sigh>
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<hkaiser> jbjnr: shouldn't conflict, though
<hkaiser> jbjnr: was it intentional to change hpx such that in distributed runs (using the RP branch) now every locality executes hpx_main?
<hkaiser> or is that not intentional (then I'll fix it)
<jbjnr> hkaiser: I don't think it was intentional. and I did have conflicts.
<jbjnr> and yes please - please do fix it
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<patg[[w]]> wash: did you update the authors ? If so please push you commit
<zao> I'm overriding CMake linker flags... what on earth is CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS for?
<zao> I understand EXE/SHARED/STATIC, but no docs exist on MODULE.
<github> [hpx] Naios opened pull request #2799: Fix a unit test failure on GCC in tuple_cat (master...tuple_cat_fix)
<zao> Neato, FreeBSD is working toward using LLD as system linker in the future. Currently default linker on arm64 HEAD and upcoming 11.1.
<zao> I don't have to feel too bad about using ld.lld-devel then.
<zao> Only affects those few tests anyway for people who don't want to install packages.
<wash> working on it
<wash> had to redo it because the previous authors block depended on the acm package
<patg[[w]]> wash yeah I saw that
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<heller> wash: did we submit the abstract yet?
<wash> yes
<hkaiser> jbjnr: could you explain to me please why we have several overloads for the get_resource_partitioner() function?
<hkaiser> jbjnr: is that part of a bigger plan?
<heller> neato
<jbjnr> as I recall - its because if the user doesn't use the resource manager, then hpx::init will do the calls to initialize it, and we need one with argc,argv, and one without for general access after initialization. Can't remember others, but feel free to remove some if they are surplus
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<heller> jbjnr: good luck. I am off now. vacation ahead
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<jbjnr> heller: enjoy your vacation
<K-ballo> heller: typo, ahaed
<wash> enjoy
<wash> patg[[w]]: check your email, I sent a copy with authors
<patg[[w]]> Wash: thannks
<patg[[w]]> thanks
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<zao> This went... better than expected.
<zao> Two-process tests exit with -11.
<patg[[w]]> wash which email?
<patg[[w]]> Never mind I just compiled it and that will work
<wash> patg[[w]]: lab and gmail
<patg[[w]]> Hmmm
<patg[[w]]> Must be too large
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<diehlpk_work> Blog post with the status update of our students
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<jbjnr> hkaiser: you missed a reply earlier I think
<jbjnr> as I recall - its because if the user doesn't use the resource manager, then hpx::init will do the calls to initialize it, and we need one with argc,argv, and one without for general access after initialization. Can't remember others, but feel free to remove some if they are surplus
<jbjnr> ^^^
<jbjnr> about resource manager get api
<hkaiser> jbjnr: ok, thanks
<hkaiser> I think we need only one of those
<diehlpk_work> I have vacation next week and will be not available
<hkaiser> diehlpk_work: have fun!
<diehlpk_work> Thanks
<hkaiser> diehlpk_work: thanks for the blog post!
<diehlpk_work> You are welcome
<diehlpk_work> I will write a final one too
<hkaiser> great!
<diehlpk_work> I also was thinking about a statistic for gsoc
<diehlpk_work> One post with diagramms of amount of students per year, passed fail, and so on
<diehlpk_work> What do you think
<hkaiser> sounds good to me!
<hkaiser> and number of PRs
<diehlpk_work> Yes
<hkaiser> if we can reproduce this...
<diehlpk_work> If not we start with this year for the pr
<hkaiser> good thinking
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<diehlpk_work> gtg, bye
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<jbjnr> hkaiser: if you fix the run_main in distributed, then please let me know. I would like to do an mpi test over the weekend and get some new perf graphs of the distributed matrix stuff. if hpx_main is broken (and I didn't know about it), then all my results would be nonsense
<hkaiser> jbjnr: almost done
<jbjnr> great. thanks
<jbjnr> almost fixed all the new errors you gave me with your earlier commit!'
<hkaiser> jbjnr: if you gave me access to your branch I'd be able to do that for you - by no means I want to cause more work on your end
<hkaiser> and I apologize for any trouble this might cause
<jbjnr> I have the same branch, but many uncommitted tweaks. I am working on the same material that you are changing
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<hkaiser> jbjnr: just commit your tweaks, no problem if that changes again
<hkaiser> jbjnr: is it ok to push the fix now?
<jbjnr> hkaiser: yes please. my stuff i working again and I'm off to bed.
<jbjnr> tomorrow I'll try an mpi run
<jbjnr> thanks very much for the fixes
<hkaiser> jbjnr: pushed, should break anything this time
<github> [hpx] hkaiser pushed 1 new commit to resource_partitioner:
<github> hpx/resource_partitioner f54f94c Hartmut Kaiser: Fix running hpx_main only on locality 0 by default
<hkaiser> should not *
<jbjnr> thanks - and goodnight
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<hkaiser> heller: yt?
<hkaiser> chapter 1 page two you flipped the meaning of intra- and inter- node parallelism
<hkaiser> intra- is used for 'inside', inter- is used for 'in-between'
<hkaiser> you're using it the other way around
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<github> [hpx] hkaiser force-pushed resource_partitioner from f54f94c to 7a1dfbf:
<github> hpx/resource_partitioner 7a1dfbf Hartmut Kaiser: Fix running hpx_main only on locality 0 by default
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