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<github> hpx/gh-pages d4dccf7 StellarBot: Updating docs
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<github> [hpx] hkaiser created terminated_threads (+1 new commit):
<github> hpx/terminated_threads 150c584 John Biddiscombe: Reduce MAX_TERMINATED_THREADS default, improve memory use on manycore cpus
<github> [hpx] hkaiser reopened pull request #2656: Reduce MAX_TERMINATED_THREADS default, improve memory use on manycore… (master...terminated_threads)
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<hkaiser> ajaivgeorge: yt?
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<hkaiser> heller: yt?
<heller> hkaiser: yes
<hkaiser> see pm, pls
<heller> hi
<K-ballo> heller you infidel, how can you side with the same-type Concept Concept Concept camp?
<K-ballo> here's a fine exercise, deduce the types of entities
<heller> K-ballo: as said, it makes sense given the same look of template <typename Concept> Concept foo(Concept c1, Concept c2) and Concept foo(Concept c1, Concept c2)
<K-ballo> I don't think that holds, short form is equivalent to unnamed concepts, not the signature you have above
<K-ballo> btw those two are completely different, by today's rules
<heller> grr, i meant to Write template <Concept C> C ...
<heller> after giving it a bit more thought, I think the short form is a mistake either way
<heller> void foo(Bar&& b); is already unclear enough. why overload it even more...
<K-ballo> still different with template <Concept C>, not completely, but significantly
<K-ballo> the saddest part is that the same-type short form design is entirely based on iterator pairs :/
<heller> Sure, i get that. the whole concept is designed around the STL
<heller> (pun intended)
<hkaiser> introducing the short form post-hoc may change the meaning of existing code...
<heller> i'd argue that the short form isn't necessary at all
<K-ballo> that's not what I mean
<K-ballo> they didn't know where to go same-type or not, so they tossed an empyrical coin and it landed in iterator pairs are used all over the STL
<K-ballo> those same iterator pairs we want to move away from
<heller> in the end, it probably doesn't matter, for most use cases, if it is same-type or not
<heller> I think there are shortcomings for either decison
<K-ballo> the one that worries me most is the don't-touch-short-form guidelines already forming
<K-ballo> you may not even have two, you might as well just have void sort(Sortable c); already frowned upon
<heller> i think the biggest issue with the multiple-type solution is the return type deduction
<K-ballo> same-type does the same return type deduction multiple-type would
<heller> and the biggest issue with the short form in general, is that it requires more context to grasp the meaning of a function declaration
<heller> only if the return type isn't deducable by the arguments passed in
<heller> (at least from what I understood)
<K-ballo> oh, my bad, they do?
<K-ballo> yikes
<heller> Concept foo(Concept): same-type, the return type is clear. multiple-type: something like auto, but constrained to Concept?
<K-ballo> I thought same-type did implicit but constrained too, but you are right it doesn't
<K-ballo> that changes things, I could see a rule that uses terse syntax only for return types in signatures
<K-ballo> it'd be consistent with Concept var = fun();
<heller> yes
<K-ballo> but the minute you add a Concept parameter, the model breaks
<heller> I'd probably refrain from using the short form alltogether in library code
<heller> but that doesn't really solve the return type issues
<K-ballo> I've barely played with concepts, for my variant, but my initial approach was to only use terse to replace an auto
<K-ballo> a conservative approach
<heller> yeah, in that scenario, the same-type approach of course doesn't make sense at all
<K-ballo> it rules out using them in generic lambdas, but I don't have any because C++11 :P
<K-ballo> I also don't have auto multideclarations, as I have no clue what those do
<heller> i also find it allienating that concept packs should all be deduced to the same type
<K-ballo> but they don't.. do they?
<heller> that's what I got out of the discussion
<K-ballo> that'd be so wrong.... yet consistent with the rest
<heller> ah no, got it wrong
<K-ballo> heh, for once I'm happy with an inconsistency :P
<heller> ;)
<heller> see: conclusion, short form is overly confusing and should be avoided ;)
<K-ballo> yeah... but that means no Concept var = fun();
<heller> unless fun returns auto
<K-ballo> and I'm not going to change that into static_assert(requires decltype(..
<heller> auto(Concept), maybe?
<heller> sounds silly
<heller> so, if I got it right, the short form can be seen to constrain the usage of auto as either return type or function parameter type, correct?
<K-ballo> it could be, it's not what the TS does
<K-ballo> there's also the potential inconsistency with non-type template params
<heller> right
<K-ballo> template <auto X, Concept Y>
<heller> where is the inconsistency?
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<heller> I get the feeling that the whole specification is turning more and more in a vector<bool> kind of scenario
<heller> aka: a total mess
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<zao> I see that my informal plea to the WG still holds, "please don't ruin the language more" :)
<K-ballo> X is a value, Y is a type
<heller> ok
<heller> hmm
<heller> that sucks, who needs auto for non-type templates anyway ;)?
<heller> can't you do similar with type deduction guides?
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<K-ballo> we do
<K-ballo> andrew was consulted back when auto for NTTP was proposed
<K-ballo> I wonder what he had in mind
<heller> I sometimes wonder what would happen if this whole group would reboot C++, completely start over with a new language with everything we know now
<heller> would we end up in a similar mess?
<heller> or is it really not as bad as I think it is?
<K-ballo> we would end up with nothing
<K-ballo> we wouldn't agree on anything less than perfect
<K-ballo> C++ survives because we learn to deal with the flaws
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<heller> ok
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<hkaiser> heller: do you still plan to try Chris' stack overflow detection?
<heller> hkaiser: I plan to, yes
<heller> sorry, lost track of it ...
<hkaiser> heller: ok
<heller> let me do this now
<hkaiser> sure, np
<heller> thanks for the distraction
<hkaiser> lol
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<hkaiser> K-ballo: what would you think of making future variadic?
<hkaiser> i.e. future<T...>
<K-ballo> it's a bit weird, but it seem to fit (after glancing at bryce's paper)
<hkaiser> nod
<K-ballo> I should take a look in more detail, like what does get return, etc
<hkaiser> especially with a proper (implicit or explicit) unwrapped
<hkaiser> future<int, int>().then([](int, int) {});
<K-ballo> there should be some correspondence with destructured binding declarations
<hkaiser> get should return a tuple (i.e. what's actually stored in the future)
<hkaiser> we could keep the unary version separate and unchanged, btw
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<K-ballo> IIRC MC2 is strongly opposed, I should hear him out
<K-ballo> matt calabrese
<hkaiser> well, auto [v1, v2] = future<int, int>().get() should work for sure
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<hkaiser> K-ballo: what is Matt opposed to?
<K-ballo> yeah, I'm imagining more like `future<int, int>` being actually some sugar for `future<tuple-or-some-other-decomposable-thingy<int, int>>`
<K-ballo> the variadic future
<hkaiser> ok, I'll talk to him
<hkaiser> well, future<tuple<int, int>> should be something differen tfrom future<int, int>
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<hkaiser> and I agree that future<T...> should store it's value as a tuple<T...>
<ajaivgeorge> hkaiser: I am online now.
<K-ballo> > cppsage 12:18
<hkaiser> ajaivgeorge: wanted to comment on your last commit
<K-ballo> > yeah but only in the details and how they treat void and how bryce treats typedefs in the 0th and 1-arg cases (they mean something totally different than the N case)
<hkaiser> ajaivgeorge: using explicit T(0) as the init for the reduce is wrong as it will work only for op == plus<T>()
<hkaiser> it will break for op == multiplies<T>()
<zao> Identity element in rings, eh?
<hkaiser> right
<ajaivgeorge> was thinking of only plus. hmm, but passing init to each dispatch results in wrong answers with plus
<hkaiser> ajaivgeorge: then the underlying algorithm needs to be changed in a way making it independent of init
<hkaiser> which is possible
<ajaivgeorge> should i change the current non segmented reduce function object or create a new one?
<hkaiser> ajaivgeorge: also, looks like the existing segmented transform_reduce is wrong as well :/
<ajaivgeorge> was just typing that
<ajaivgeorge> i based reduce on that
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<hkaiser> ajaivgeorge: so if you fix yours we can fix transform_reduce as well
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<ajaivgeorge> ok, i only need a version of the function object which doesn't use the init parameter at all.
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<ajaivgeorge> but i cant default parameter the current functor since init can be anything and i cant make a function which decides not to use init based on a special value of init. So I may have have to create a separate function object for both and use that in both reduce and transform_reduce, such that the first call to dispatch uses existing functor and the next calls use the other new functor
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<ajaivgeorge> or use the current approach of storing init in overall result initially and then calling only the new function object after that in dispatch. Not sure if this will work for all op, but it should.
<hkaiser> ajaivgeorge: you're right about having an algorithm implementation not using init
<hkaiser> if you had that, then you only needed to pass init to one of the segments
<ajaivgeorge> yea i could just do overall_result = init in sequential and segments.push_back(init) in parallel and the use disptach to call the new functor after that. I will implement this in both by tomorrow. Working on parallel segmented find_end now.
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<hkaiser> K-ballo: SG1 is pulling the plug on teh concurrency TS :/
<K-ballo> what does that mean?
<K-ballo> it won't be merged? it won't be further develop either?
<hkaiser> move Concurrency TS to C++20: 0 2 5 11 9
<hkaiser> further development yes
<heller> in favor of coroutines, I hope\
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<K-ballo> that was kinda expected, with all the stuff happening lately
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<hkaiser> nod
<hkaiser> whic will delay things even further
<K-ballo> fresh start to experiment is a good thing though
<K-ballo> the TS can serve as spec for the time being
<hkaiser> except of make_ready_future
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<taeguk> Excuse me, when I need to use "thread" per core for implementing parallel algorithm, what should I do?
<taeguk> In detail, what I do is that creating a fixed number of threads and the additional data is got by each threads when they need more data to process.
<taeguk> static_partitioner is not adjusted to what I do.
<taeguk> In the algorithm(parallel::partition) which I'm implementing, the task can get more partitions dynamically.
<taeguk> sorry
<taeguk> In the algorithm(parallel::partition) which I'm implementing, the task have to get more partitions dynamically.
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<heller> does anyone have a nice (multithreaded) benchmark at hand that is usable to explain the overheads of a future?
<heller> anything better than fib(), preferably
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<hkaiser> heller: don't we have something in tests?
<heller> need to check, but probably
<heller> how did you see what I wrote?
<hkaiser> heller:
<heller> ha
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<diehlpk_work> heller, hkaiser I may not have the rights to push the updated image to docker
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<hkaiser> diehlpk_work: heller has the credentials, I don't
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<heller> diehlpk_work: what's wrong with creating a PR to
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<heller> diehlpk_work: once merged to master, it will be pushed to the docker repo
<heller> diehlpk_work: on the next HPX build, you'll get the updated build environment
<heller> no need to build anything manually
<heller> <-- that's the one in clang stable, so no need to add the extra repo, unless you feel like updating to a newer clang makes sense
<heller> diehlpk_work: done.
<heller> that's why it goes into a PR ;)
<heller> wtf?
<hkaiser> shrug, could be the expected outcome, no idea
<heller> ok, will need to take a closer look here ...
<K-ballo> "expected outcome", shivers
<hkaiser> lol - v2!
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<heller> hkaiser: ok, the ssh key to checkout the repo was just afoot
<hkaiser> 'outcome' became a no-no-word nowadays...
<heller> working with the expected outcome now
<hkaiser> tks
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<heller> diehlpk_work: rebuilding HPX master now
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<heller> diehlpk_work: where does the hpxcl build_env come from?
<aserio> hkaiser: yt?
<hkaiser> here
<aserio> Have you ever had to give a job description for a GA?
<hkaiser> aserio: good question - Andy should have those if we ever did that
<hkaiser> (or Brittany)
<aserio> that's what I figured
<aserio> I don't have any on my computer
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<hkaiser> me neither
<hkaiser> aserio: let them write one (the students) ;)
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<hkaiser> nice exercise
<heller> hkaiser: #2740 is *awesome*
<heller> works as advertised
<hkaiser> comment on it, pls
<heller> already did. only minor comments
<hkaiser> nod
<heller> this cmake PASS_REGULAR_EXPRESSION property is pretty nice :D
<hkaiser> didn't know about that
<heller> this is what we get on stack overflow now
<hkaiser> nice
<hkaiser> very helpful
<heller> indeed
<diehlpk_work> heller, I am using this one here FROM stellargroup/hpx:dev
<diehlpk_work> It is the configuration form Martin.
<diehlpk_work> I only added new packages to apt-get
<heller> how do you generate it? How is it pushed to the docker repo?
<diehlpk_work> heller, I download the stellargroup/hpx:dev inside the circle-ci add my packages, install cudam compile hpxcl, and run the tests. The hpcl image is not pushed to docker
<heller> trying to install cuda already fails for me
<diehlpk_work> heller, Here it works perfectly
<heller> diehlpk_work: <-- once this is done, you'll have an updated docker image
<diehlpk_work> Thanks, I will try to compile hpxcl again after that
<heller> and get rid of the apt-get update
<heller> and please, use PRs ... there is no need for all that noise on the master branch
<diehlpk_work> Sure, will do. First I assumed it is more easy as I thought
<K-ballo> there's no such thing
<heller> diehlpk_work: next time, if you need updated packages, you can just rebuild the docker_build_env master branch on circle-ci. This will push a new image with the updated packages. then, you can rebuild the HPX master branch, which updates the HPX docker image
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<diehlpk_work> Ok, I will do that
<heller> you should have the approprate permissions to do that on circle-ci
<heller> can you see the rebuild button?
<diehlpk_work> No, not for the docker_build_env
<diehlpk_work> For Ste||ar group I have access to hpx and hpxcl
<heller> Ok
<hkaiser> diehlpk_work: under Projects click 'Add Project'
<diehlpk_work> Ok, I can see it now
<hkaiser> and then 'Follow Project' next to the docker_build_env
<diehlpk_work> hkaiser, Thanks it is working now
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<diehlpk_work> hkaiser, Finished the first draft of the HPX Peridynamic Code and the guys here are impressed of what HPX could do
<diehlpk_work> Especially the parallel for loop
<hkaiser> cool!
<diehlpk_work> Most complicated part is now to get a parallel solver integrated in HPX
<diehlpk_work> And optimize the code with more hpx features
<diehlpk_work> But we can discuss during my visit
<hkaiser> diehlpk_work: ok, let's plan for this
<hkaiser> diehlpk_work: if John gets the resource_manager under control we should be able to make this integration possible
<diehlpk_work> Cool, this would save us time to write a parallel solver in HPX
<github> [hpx] hkaiser closed pull request #2754: Implement parallel::unique_copy. (master...tg_unique_copy)
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